SnowBall 1980-1995

A lively puppy, still remember;
Old lady-dog with grey on snout.
Still my puppy, still remember;
Think of you and always will.

Little buddy, still remember.
Leash off wall and "go outside."
Whirl in circles, dance and shiver,
"Outside daddy, NOW, outside."

Leash on wall, still, still remember.
Bowl on floor; for Feather now.
You would love him, Feather-Kitty
For you loved a friendly cat.

"Is that your nose," I'd say, remember
"Or do you push a barge upstream?"
All the fun and loving laughter
Still goes on in every dream..

That turkey dinner, still remember
The car crash out on Whalley Ave.
While we ran to rescue, you got turkey.
No fool you, we all remember.
Your favorite greeting to the careless;
A paw to groin and all fall down..
Your friends all laughing, still remember
The greatest ever puppy clown.

Told you BRIDGE hands still remember
And you listened like you understood.
Wagging tail and full attention,
If daddy talked it MUST be good.

Both your Mommies/temporary
Still remember/tears and smiles.
"Boy that SnowBall, what a sweetie."
Everubody loves you, baby.

On Orchard Street, the house on fire.
You and big-dog Sonny woke me.
Owe you life and love, remember.
Must LIVE the life you helped me keep.

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