
April, 07
2007 before






Information Updated:
24/04/07     Added a friend link in the index page. The root address of this site has been changed to

21/03/07     There's a long time no longer updated this website, hope I can keep it from today.

04/03/06     Admission form has been received today. The final stage is coming soon.

27/01/06     Blog has been updated.  The Poem Competition is coming, and it is a good
chance for me continuous my Chinese poem writing, but the deadline is not in a good time.
It is the only problem I should be considered.  

22/11/05     Life is going on. The website still in the history only for recording the history
and it cannot create the history or only make a story on the illusion. Think it deeply, I have gotten the meaning of diary - passive to record the future which have been discovered.

16/11/05     What can I do for counting down of the days? The web still continue to modify
to English, which is the first time trying to write a English website. I've trying to learn 
more about English and English culture.

08/11/05      Some model photos have been updated. Try to use English to write my daily.
Hope that do not have too many mistakes in this daily. May be re-writing the website in English as soon as possible.   

03/7/2005    尚餘三天便放榜了。由於電擊作品不便提早公開,日記轉移至此版上載,特別作為『05電擊日誌』之用。  

07/4/2005 高考經濟科:金榜題名非今日 沽酒只為一夕愁

12/1/2005 建站以來第一次大更新:新開專欄選擇過去作品目錄自然倩影

(Past travel experience)

作品目錄(Model kits collection)

(My photo collection)
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