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hrough the groves of pretty Bluebells and Primroses she ran, but she did not see them. She ran past the sweetly scented Dog Roses but she did not notice their perfume, so intent was she on reaching the waterfall and learning the secret of magic. Startled Rabbits and shy Fawns looked up in alarm as she dashed past. The fat black and yellow Bumble Bees buzzing about their business were brushed from the flower petals by Antonella's swirling skirts. Red Robins and Bluebirds and little Finches twittered in surprise as her flying feet ran by, and the soft grass swayed and eddied in her wake.

Finally Antonella came to a clearing in the trees and she ran across the fragrant grass to the big pool beneath the waterfall. She threw herself down on the grassy bank to rest and catch her breath, and looked into the water. Inside a circle of smooth, round rocks was a little pool where the water was still and as glassy as a mirror. Antonella could see her little playmate in the still, shining water and in an instant she forgot all about the Fern Fairy. She forgot about the secret of magic, she was so captivated with her own reflection.

The fat, yellow sun moved quickly through the sky and twilight came, casting big blue and purple shadows over the pool. Antonella rose to her feet, stretched and said, "Well I did not see the Rainbow Fairy and I did not learn the secret of magic but I did find a mirror that is as fine as any mirror in the Palace and I found my playmate again so I am happy."

Each day for the rest of the summer Antonella went to the waterfall and every day she spent her time gazing at her reflection in the little pool and pretending that she was not alone. One day on her way to the waterfall she came upon the Fern Fairy in the grassy clearing.

The Fern Fairy smiled and waved and said "Did you find the Rainbow Fairy and learn the secret of Magic, Antonella?"

"Oh no," said Antonella, "I didn't find the Rainbow Fairy but I did find a shiny pool as good as any mirror in the Palace and I found my playmate in the pool."

The Fern Fairy smiled knowingly and continued to comb her curls.

ummer ended and Autumn came to the Kingdom.

High in the branches the Autumn Elves and the Acorn Fairies busied themselves plucking off the red and gold and yellow leaves making the big old trees ready for winter. Deep drifts of coloured leaves lay softly on the forest floor. Antonella ran through the swirls of fallen leaves to reach the waterfall and the little pool. One day the pool was covered by fallen leaves and Antonella was very cross because she could not see her playmate. "Silly old leaves" she said, "they have covered my little pool and now I cannot see anything at all!"

Antonella sulked in the Palace for the rest of the Autumn but when the first snow of Winter fell, she said to herself, "Perhaps the leaves have blown away and the little pool is clear again," and she put on her warmest red coat, her yellow woolly hat and her white boots and ran off to the waterfall through the soft, fluffy white snow. When she reached the waterfall she found that the little pool was frozen and she still could not see her reflection. She had long ago forgotten about the Rainbow Fairy and the secret of Magic.

The waterfall was silent now. In its place was a cascade of ice crystals sparkling in the winter light. Snow Fairies danced on the bare, grey branches of the sleeping trees and the Frost Pixies scattered spangles and sequins on the icy ground.

he weeks passed.
Soon the spring came, bringing soft, green leaves to the trees and lovely spring flowers of all colours to the meadows.

Antonella woke up one fine spring morning and said to herself "Perhaps the little pool is no longer frozen and I will be able to see my playmate once again."
With that she jumped out of bed and dressed in her new, flowery spring dress and her pretty white sandals. She ran down the stairs to the huge dining room and ate her breakfast, and dashed off to the waterfall.

The winter snow had been melting for several weeks now and the waterfall was very noisy. A thick mist of spray rose from the tumbling water and little droplets of water sparkled on the grass. The tiny buds and the new green leaves on the trees around the pond glistened with spray.

As Antonella bent over the little pool there was a large splash and a big, fat, green frog leapt from the water and landed on a smooth stone by the little pool.

"Needeep", he said. This startled Antonella and she fell backward on the grassy bank. As she fell, she closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again she found herself looking right into the veil of spray that rose from the waterfall.

There in the spray she saw a wonderful sight. A beautiful rainbow stretched from one side of the waterfall to the other. All of the colours were there; deep indigo blue, emerald green, buttercup yellow, ruby red, pink, orange, violet and turquoise glowed in the mist. Antonella was captivated by the sight. Then, in the rainbow, Antonella saw the Rainbow Fairy.

© Sylvia Gartland , 9th December 1996 All rights reserved.


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