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continues ...............

he Rainbow Fairy had long, shining hair of changing colours and her eyes were as blue as the sky one moment and turquoise like the water the next. Her gown was all the colours of the rainbow and made from the softest stuff; softer than the bloom on the new leaves; softer than the fur on the new-born rabbits; softer than the noses of the little fawns. She floated in the spray and twirled and swirled in a magical dance.

Antonella couldn't believe her eyes. She had never before seen anything quite so beautiful and she completely forgot about her mirror and her own reflection.

"Oh!" she cried, "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Dear, beautiful Rainbow Fairy will you please tell me the secret of magic." The Rainbow Fairy smiled a secret smile for she knew that Antonella had fallen under her spell. She paused in her dance and sat for a moment on the arch of the Rainbow.

"Antonella," she said, "the secret of magic is inside each of us. You have been looking in the wrong place all this time. You will not find it in a mirror. You will find true magic all around you if you just look and listen. There is magic in the forest and in the waterfall. There is magic in the flowers and in the trees. There is magic in the song of the birds and the buzzing of the bees. Most of all, magic is to be found in the hearts of the people who love you. Go to your Grandfather, climb up on his knee and give him a big hug and tell him that you love him and that you are sorry for hurting his poor sore toe and you will see magic. Go to your parents and kiss them and you will be suprised at the magic you will see at work."

With that the Rainbow Fairy closed her eyes and disappeared into the cloud of spray. She had seen her magic at work on little Antonella and she was happy.

ntonella jumped up and ran back to the Palace. She took care not to tread on the new Buttercups and the little Snowdrops. She ran through the cool marble halls, past the sunlit room where the ladies sat at their embroidery and found the old King sitting in his library surrounded by beautiful, old books. She went to him and carefully climbed up on his knee.

"Dear Grandfather" she cried, "I have been such a naughty girl. I trod on your poor, sore toe and hurt it. I was rude to you and wasted such a lot of time looking in the silly old mirror. Please forgive me Grandfather. I love you very much and I am sorry I made you cross."

The old King hugged Antonella close to him. He loved his little grand-daughter so much. "Antonella," he said, " I believe you have learned your lesson and you are not a vain little girl." He called his Footman and said; "Take down the lace curtains, remove the cloths from the polished tables, bring out the silver and gold plates and put all the mirrors back on the walls. My little Antonella has worked some real magic and made me very happy!"

He turned to Antonella and said; "Now I have a suprise for you. Your Mummy and Daddy have something to tell you." He took the little girl's hand and led her out into the garden. There in the sunlight Antonella saw her mother and father.

The Prince gathered Antonella up into his strong arms and said "Antonella, now you have a playmate; a little brother who we have named Karl."

He took the little Princess and walked with her to the big, old Oak tree and there in the shade under the tree Antonella saw a little blue and white cradle. Prince Anton put his daughter down on the grass next to the cradle; she peeped inside and there, amongst the lace and blue ribbons she saw a perfect baby boy, all pink, soft and warm and smelling divine as babies always do. She reached out her hand and touched one tiny little finger.

The little boy opened his eyes. "This is your brother Karl", said the Prince. He is just a day old. Antonella turned and ran to the old King. Her eyes were shining with happiness. "Oh, thank you Grand-father," she said. "What a lovely suprise." She ran back to her mother and father and hugged and kissed them both. "Thank-you Mummy and Daddy." she said. "I am so happy. Now I will have someone to play with."

The old King smiled and said to the Prince and Princess, "Our little Antonella has never been so sweet and loving. She is overjoyed with her little brother and I am delighted to welcome my first Grandson. I don't know who is responsible, but some very real magic has been at work in my Kingdom today."

n the forest the Fern Fairy hummed softly to herself and combed her golden curls; in the grassy meadow the Primrose Fairy stroked the noses of the new born lambs and chuckled at some secret joke; in the field the Buttercup Fairy balanced on the petals of the flowers and turned them as yellow as freshly churned butter. In the waterfall the Rainbow Fairy opened her beautiful turquoise blue eyes and smiled her secret smile then disappeared into the spray once more.

Yes indeed, some very real magic had been at work in the Kingdom that day.


The End


This story was kindly narrated by the late Alison Rathbone of Albany, the four-track recording equipment was provided by Martin Cowie of Albany and the recording was made by my husband, Stewart Gartland.

Many thanks to all concerned.

© Sylvia Gartland , 9th December 1996 All rights reserved.

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