




                  FROM WINNIE





The below precious messages were given by Winnie from the message boards from

Winnie Hsin Official Fan Club, Chu Huo Hsao Yin & Butterfly Lovers.

(Original Chinese & English Translation)

  THE PROMISE Concert 2006

Winnie * 曉琪er  2008/02/08 00:28


Dear all,


My heart is full of love and appreciation

No matter bitterness or sweetness

All of you were by my side

I can go to the future with enough courage

How I can ask for more?


Thank you, thank you for my family members!

In the new year

I hope everyone will be better

And understand the surprise that life gives us more!!!



親愛的大家 ~

這一路走來   不管是苦澀    還是甘甜  
我還奢求什麼 ?

謝謝   謝謝我的家人們 !
都更能體會生命帶給我們的驚喜 !!!



Winnie * 曉琪er  2007/10/15 11:51


For the idea of retirement,

It's already passed away,

But it still makes everybody shocked. (smile)


I like facing challenge,

And I won't give up my job.

I've faced many challenge in these years,

That's why I still persist staying here.

Unluckily I was hit by a person who were not worth to care of.

The most important was not the matter itself,

But the word of 'friendship'.


I treat everybody and everything from my heart.

This way of living is not suitable in the showbiz nowadays,

However I got this personality.

For the matter of betrayal...

It's not a good thing for everyone, it's even getting worse if that person is your companion with special relationship.

Oh~ I've forgotten what I should forget, and I remember those that I should remember.


I still want to show the most pureness and truthful of music, with the best quality.

As music is what I've loved since I was born.

And also because of you all!!!


 已事過境遷 輕輕帶過
  在全然無任何蛛絲馬跡的情況下  呵呵


  出賣  欺騙 .... 這些事
  ~ 事情已過  該忘的我已忘了   該感恩的我仍一分都不會少

  最真誠  最優質的感覺

Quotation from Winnie 2007/6/12


'The most secure way is to go further study in your own specialty.'


~ from TV programme 技職出頭天, TVBS


Winnie * 曉琪er 2006/12/29 12:46

地震 嗯 幾次嚴重的地震剛好都在家
20 .......

921經驗 所以很鎮靜 但心裡仍覺得恐怖
921時 那晚剛好錄完音回家 一個人在家
正要準備洗澡剛要踏進浴室 卻搖了起來
心想 完了 這次來真的
只聽到整個房屋結構體發出 嘎~~ ~~ 的聲音
我蹲在地上心理不停唸經 接著收到外甥及朋友的來電
說著說著又搖了起來 之後就整個斷訊了

之後的一次較嚴重的 剛好陳曉娟在我家
我們坐在客廳的沙發上 她不停的尖叫
我仍是心中不停的唸經 真把她給嚇壞了

這次 一樣出奇的鎮定
還是覺得恐怖 那個恐怖是在於
天災真的..... 無法預期也無法預防
好像生命剎時自己無法掌控 只能聽天由命的感覺 很......恐怖

大家平安喔 ~~~~


已錄好兩首 一首滿意 一首不滿意
22號就已告一段落 接著一月中才會再開始吧
唉 好歌難尋啊
請大家與我一同祈禱 能再次收到好歌好嗎 :)


Earthquake. Fortunately I was at home when severe earthquakes came last few times. I live in 20th Floor

This time my nephew was at my home. Because of the 921, this time I was very calm, but still thought it was horrible. On 921, I was at home alone after recording. I was about to step in the washroom, and earthquake happened. I thought everything was over. Its really an earthquake. The whole building created shaking noise, with the sound of broken windows outside. I squatted and chanted scripture. Later I received calls from my nephew and friends. During conversation, the land shook again and all communication was cut. That time was horrible and unforgettable.

Another severe case was, Hsiao Juen Chen was at my home. We sat on the sofa in the living room. She kept screaming but I kept chanting scripture in my heart. She was really afraid.

I was so calm this time, but still think its horrible. Natural disaster is hard to predict and prevent. It makes our lives cant be controlled by ourselves. All we can do is waiting the decision by our fate. Its so horrible. Hope everyone is safe~~~~

Almost forgot to say about my recording. Two songs were recorded. One is done but one is not okay. My recording schedule was until 22nd December 06, and will be start again at mid January 07, perhaps. It’s really hard to get good songs! Please pray with me together, so that I can get good songs again. Okay? :)

想念大家的曉琪er    2006/09/07 23:10



大家都努力生活,互相勉勵,能擁有彼此,...... 真好!


I read the messages from all of you, and the comic. They sometimes make me laugh, sometimes make me smile. Today I sit still for a long while after reading them. I miss you all and think of many things... I think I should be strong... Everyone is in his/her position. Sometimes things are going smoothly and sometimes has to face challenges. Smiles and tears, that's life...


Everyone works hard for your own and cheers up for each other. Being together is... great!

From HitoRadio     2006/06


Winnie is the 'VIP' for HitoRadio, Taiwan on June, 2006. Below is her sharing with listeners:


「還在跟某個人/某件事過不去嗎?不如我們一起倒數3 2 1之後就全部忘掉。

       3 2 1。祝你有個好夢。」


'Still get entangled with that person/that thing? Let's count 3, 2, 1 then forget all. 3,2,1. Wish you have a good dream.'





'I think happy love is, it's karma for meeting together, and it's happiness for walking together. What do you think?'


From Era Ticket    2006/05/04



她對歌迷ㄧ句承諾 要辦一場售票演唱會 每位歌迷都是她ㄧ生最在乎的朋友
給理性或感性的你 如果你曾因一場好歌的演唱會所感動 唐果娛樂希望你不要錯過 今夏第一場最實力 最多好歌 最女人味的演唱會 辛曉琪 THE PROMISE 承諾台北演唱會, 6/307/1台北國際會議中心 誠摯邀請你ㄧ同來享受這場好歌響宴。

主辦單位:唐果娛樂 TURNR
洽詢電話: (02) 8791-1353
2006/06/30 PM7:30 台北國際會議中心 票價:2800 / 2500 / 2200 / 2000 / 1800 / 1500 / 1200 / 900
2006/07/01 PM7:30 台北國際會議中心 票價:2800 / 2500 / 2200 / 2000 / 1800 / 1500 / 1200 / 900

I have sung for a long time and I have a wish.

As I want to organize a concert.
To sing for you truly, frankly, steady.
I don't know the wish, such kind of concert,
That without fireworks, and any affairs news.
But my voice, my music, my performance, my feelings.
Can let you feel my sincere invitation.
If, there is any songs, any lyrics,
Had made you moved and stayed with you.
7/1With my true heart,
Let's be together, and be touched once again.



Winnie*曉琪  2006/01/30 11:07






寫下生命歷程     具體檢視從前重要經驗、轉捩點、成敗、教訓、期望、優先


學會欣賞自己     作自己的好朋友,欣賞自己,有助提升自我形象和信心

扛起人生責任     愛推卸責任的人,可能與自信不足及過往不如意經驗有關。

停一停想一想     用正確適當的思考方法來自省

提升生活能量     先從健康的生活模式開始,控制飲食,有充足睡眠,學習放



追求全面生活     生命是全面的,需達平衡,不能只著眼某些東西(例如金錢)

活出人生趣味     人生要活的有樂趣,因為樂趣是釋放壓力的水龍頭


Dear all~

Recently I read an article and want to share to you all!

And wish all of my friends~~ good luck in the Year of Dog!!!


The followings seem easy, but if you have to fulfill, you need courage.

Hope we all can bring happiness into work and life!! 

Clarify the goal of life: Many people may not know clearly their real need and goal(I think it can be clarified into stages)

Write down your experience: View your past important experience, turning point, failure and success, learning, expectation, priorities etc

Appreciate yourself: Be a good friend of yourself, appreciate yourself. It can improve your self image and self-confidence

Bear responsibility: Inadequacy of self-confidence and unsatisfied past experience will lead a person unwilling to take responsibility. We should understand our talents and well exercise them. Also willing to take up responsibility

Stop & think: Take appropriate ways to think about myself

Increase energy of living: Start from healthy life, balanced diet, enough sleep, learn to release pressure

Full Life: Balanced your life. Don’t just pay attention on something only (say money) and ignore others like human relationship, hobbies etc

Happy life: Live happily. Happiness can release pressure

Perhaps some are quite boring, but hope they can help at least a little bit.

Let’s try our best.


 Winnie*曉琪 2005/12/19 11:08


我們真的都得感謝珊珊姐啊,有時她還被我嫌勒,我還不是粉樂意拍勒 (sometimes

*< (吐舌頭不好意思啦 .........)


All of you watch my photo happily every time (Ha... include me)

Frankly we have to thank Shan. Sometimes I don't feel like photo-shooting (just sometimes)

When I watch those special photos, I feel very impressed...

Now I lead the whole family to say thank you to Shan. Please work hard for the happiness of all!

*< (sorry for showing my tongue...)


Winnie*曉琪 2005/11/16 00:49


  我也是常會想起你們  希望你們都知道  我也念著大家  大家都心有靈犀  會心一笑  為自己打拼  為彼此珍重」


I also have say to you and the rest of the family members

'No matter I'm in the southern hemisphere or northern hemisphere, I always think of you all. I hope you know I keep thinking of you all. We have mutual understanding and smile to each other. Everyone work hard and take care of himself/herself.

Take care :)

Winnie*曉琪   2005/06/19 00:12




保重自己,也就等於愛你身邊關愛你的人!讓我們共勉之 ~~

Some are graduated, some are going to serve in military.
No matter what, it is an end and a start of a stage in the life.
In fact in our lives, we have to encounter such circumstances often.
But as we're getting older and depends on the stage we're in,
And also the experience we had, we make wise decision..
Let yourself a new start, a new hope and a better future.

The love and concern from the family, and the happinesss and full of regards.
All dedicated to you all who start a new journey.

Take care and it means love to the ones who love you! Let's support each other~~~


Winnie*曉琪   2005/03/07 01:48



.. ....... (上回欠的已經兌現了...嘿嘿 ) ....
,每人一個 「飛」吻吧 :) ~~~~

Dear everybody,


I've seen the photos and thank you for your effort. This time in the gathering, everyone got closer.
I'm happy to see you all played tricks on each other. I also have to thank the present of Hui-chen and the letter of Jun-chang.
I also have to say to my fans in overseas, we would have chance to get together. It's true, eventually!

Thank you again for the effort and support, making our family more bigger and bigger.
For all who took part in 'Chyi-yuen', 'Trace of Chyi', the Fans Club and me, Winnie,
I.. I.. I.. (repay last time I owed you... haha)...
Ok, I blow a kiss to everyone :) ~~~~


Winnie*曉琪   2005/02/09 00:53


The booklet 'Trace of Chyi' / 「琪跡」


What a bbbbiiiiiiiiggggggg pleasantly surprised !!!!!

今晚(應該說昨晚)大家圍爐守夜吃年夜飯,唯獨我一人拿著laptop在旁欣賞你們的傑作,不時的發出感動的驚嘆聲與喜悅的笑容,總之我的臉上充滿了豐富的表情,我的家人也跟我分享了我的另一群家人的愛心,這種感覺真的很好,真讓我感到驕傲 ! :)

感謝不足表達我此刻的心情,那是一種安慰,喜悅,滿足,驕傲,親近與不可思議 ........
我已不太能用文字完整的表達我內心的感受 .......

還有英文版,哇勒 ~~~~太炫了吧,我真的可以介紹給我的老外朋友,真是ㄅㄦ棒的。

你們這群「家人」,我真的粉驕傲 !諄的!!! :)


What a bbbbiiiiiiiiggggggg pleasantly surprised !!!!!


Tonight (it should be last night) when everybody was having year-end dinner, only I looked at your
masterpiece in my laptop, with touching cries and happy smile. My face was full of expressions.
My family members also shared my another family's love. This kind of feeling is very good. It make me so proud! :)

It's not enough to express my feeling at this moment. It's a kind of confort, happiness, satisfaction, proud, closiness and incredible...
I just can't use my words to tell you my feeling...

You all, in different places, seem doing everything easily.
For me, this kind of effort, let all who seeing the masterpiece cries.
Though you all may not accept this way of saying (you're so good and modest), but it's true!!!
And the English version, woo~~~~ so great. I really can introduce to my foreign friends. It's very great.

I will put your love and effort in my heart. Thank you so much. I have to say aloud,
I'm so proud to have such a crowd of 'family members'! It's true!!! :)


Winnie ** 2004/12/31 13:24  (original English message)

Dear All ~

I am in Nanchang now, for a span concert, and I cant type Chinese here, so sorry I have to type in English. :) just quick to have a note to everyone : I dont want to say Happy New Year, b/c so many ppl cant get happy b/c the big disaster from now. I wish all of you take good care of yourself !! and lets express condolence over the earthquake and tsunami death. Please do anything to help who need help.

Sorry, my English is really poor, hope you guys can understand what I mean. Think of all you guys, and always on my mind ! :)

Love, Winnie


Winnie*曉琪 #2004/09/30 11:02

親愛的 小土 ~
Malaysia 9天,


Dear Little Tu ~

I have to thank you for changing 'my' outfit!

I'm very well and tomorrow I fly to Malaysia for 9 days.

Hope everybody is better and better!

I also welcome new friends here.

It's good to have all of you along my trip!!!

Thank you so much!!


Winnie*曉琪    #2004/08/01 13:31


親愛的大家 ~

7號在上海會跟部份內地的朋友見面,很期待 .....

..... haha ..... :)
打包行李去也 ~~

Dear everybody ~
I fly to Hong Kong tomorrow and continue to work hard. Then I go to Shanghai on 6 Aug.
After that I will stay in China for a longer period of time.
Although I have to go to many places but I think it's worth to do so.
Perhaps I back to Taiwan on Sept.
I'm going to meet some friends in Shanghai on 7 Aug. I'm very looking forward to that day...

Ha... Don't miss me so much as I'm out for a month... haha... :)
Go pack my belongings ~~


曉琪*Winnie    #2004/06/26 09:27

謝謝大家給我的卡片,以及小芳的禮物,好開心喔 ...... 呵呵 !

「永遠」時在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉行了一場小型音樂會,這場的觀眾讓我至今難忘,為什麼呢?他們讓我覺得好像在歐美國家演唱一樣,因為他們對歌曲非常熟悉,在吉他或鋼琴或我的人聲一出來沒幾個音他們就熱烈鼓掌,讓台上的我們知道他們知道這首歌而且喜歡,這種感覺是至今我在其他任何地方演唱都沒有的經驗,真的感覺非常好,這種情形真的好像只有在電視上看歐美的演唱會才有呢,所以演唱完我跟工作人員說觀眾超有水準的,讓台上的我們備感尊重特開心的。(我自己當觀眾去看演唱會時我也是這樣,超瘋狂的說,你們一定無法想像,嘿嘿!! )

其實我說這些,也是希望我們家族的成員們能跟我一樣開心活潑起來,就從我們開始做個有血有肉有熱情的觀眾吧! 不要默默的在台下流淚或心理吶喊,這樣無法讓台上知道喔!


Thank you for the card from all of you, and the present from Xiao Fang. I'm so happy!


Among concerts that I had before, one in Malaysia during promotion of the album 'Forever' was the most impressive. Why? It was because it just liked any concert held in Europe and The States. The audience were all very familiar with the songs. They clapped just after a few tones from the guitar and the vocal, letting the performers knew that they knew and loved the song. It was different from concerts held in the rest of the world. I was deeply impressed by that concert and you can just find such feeling from European and American concerts. After the show, I talked to my staff that the audience were so great and respected the performers so much. (I used to be like them if I'm the audience, in high spirit. You all can't imagine!!)

What I want to say is, I hope my family members can be happy and lively like me. Let's be a audience with passion and let the performers on the stage know! And don't burst into tears quietly or cry in your heart under the stage anymore!


Winnie*曉琪   #2004/02/08 02:25


大家大家 ……親愛的大家
按照筆劃順序喔 )

但我的心已被你們的的愛填滿而燙的溢出來了 ……

香水百合是我最喜歡的花 謝謝 !!
我真的感動的說不出話來 …..
偷偷告訴大家,你們害我 ……..我本打算全部盥洗完
哭到要去重新洗臉重新敷說….嘿嘿….呵呵…謝謝 )

「已發單招領」的章,喔~好險,還好沒遺失喔 …..呵呵,好緊張喔 ….

謝謝!謝謝!!謝謝!!!我愛大家,我知道,我並不孤單 …….


Everybody... Dear Everybody
(according to the alphabetical order)
Alice, Dodo, Fanny, Helen, KeeKee, Pooh
Xiao Tu, Xiao Fang, Xiao Bo, Xiao Wen, Ah Wing, Zhi Xian, Ruo Yun
Liang, Zhi De Yi Bei Zi Qu Ai, Kelly, Pighead, Wintom, Huiyu~


First, I have to thank for your blessings
Though Taipei is severely cold
My heart's filling with your warm love and it's more and more...


I also have to thank Huiyu, the representative for sending me flowers and card.
Scented Lily is my favourite flower, thank you!!
I can't say anything as I'm deeply moved...
(I should tell you in a low voice, you all made me... I wanted to open the presents and read the cards after cleaning my face and putting up the face mask, but... they were so touching and my eyes got wet, making me had to clean my face and put another mask again... ha... ha... thank you)


When did you all nine send the card that have travelled around the world?
From one of the stops, I saw there was a postage chop, written 'Waiting for Receiving', Oops... I was glad to receive it eventually. Ha...ha...


Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! I can see what you've done and feel your love
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! I love you all, and I know, I'm not alone...


曉琪 #2003/12/31 13:44


親愛的兄弟姊妹們 ~

Dodo我也想念大家的不然我不會幾乎每天都會上來看大家不管我有多累不管時間已晚夜已深... ...

你們也能讓我開懷大笑... ...心領神會... ...
要謝謝大家感恩感恩... ...祝福大家新的一年都更上一層樓
,「梁祝的加演相信也在努力中... ...





Dear everybody,

No matter how I busy, or where i'm in, I still squeeze time to read your message.

As I'm really busy, I didn't leave my words, but I know what are you doing!

Thank you very much for Kelly's new discussion forum and Pooh's website.

Dodo, I'm always thinking of you all. If not, I will not read messages almost everyday, though I'm too tired and it's late at night...


I know I like your friend who can give you support and listen to you.

But perhaps you don't know, you all are so important to me:

Warm my heart when I'm tired; Give me spirit when I'm in the state of uncertainty.

You also make me laugh... we understand each other without saying...

Therefore, I have to thank everybody... wish you all the best in the coming year.

I still busy with my new album, and I wish The Butterfly Lovers could be continued...


I buy the idea suggested by Wintom that all our websites will be printed on the coming albums.

Herry, Please print out our website if the CD of The Butterfly Lovers have its second printing. Thank you!


Love, Winnie


Winnie  #2003/11/04 01:12


Hihihi 大夥兒~ :)

歌收的算是順利詞較花時間囉大家也知道我對詞一向 ...... heyhey ~~~
所以請大家耐心等待喔 !!
嘿嘿 .... 報告完畢!!!

Love Winnie


Hihihi everybody~ :)

Go to see everybody seems becomes my daily routine, though I'm very busy in doing my album.

Songs are selected, just the lyrics. You know for lyrics, I always... heyhey~~~

So please be patient for waiting my album!!

On 11/5 I'll fly to Guangzhou and attend the press conference for the Dandelion Love Concert on 11/22.

There is another one in Hangzhou on 11/6, then a concert on 11/8.

I will not always appear here but when I have time, I do see you all.

Hehe... that's all!!!


Love Winnie


Winnie英台琪 #2003/10/01 00:50


親愛的大夥兒 ~

有意思的是,一路上竟會不自覺哼著「梁祝」的歌呢,嘿嘿 ~~
當然也想著新專輯的事宜呢!開工開工囉 ~~~~~

Love Winnie


(Dear all,
I'm home. The eleven days were gone very fast... maybe due to my tight schedule!?
I went to Shanghai, Changzhou, Xian, Hefei etc. Everything was going smooth.
Just feel a bit tired after backing Taipei. I will completely back to energetic after a two-day rest, then start to work hard!!
One thing that's interesting: I couldn't help myself crooning songs in The Butterfly Lovers, ha...ha...
Of course I also thinking of my coming album! Ready to start~~~~~

Love Winnie)


Winnie英台琪  #2003/09/17 04:20

(Photo from Butterfly Lovers)

「梁祝」終於演完了 ……

中間還花了五天的時間到香港紅磡唱了兩 場演唱會,

我記得上次掉下「這種」眼淚 是在我大學畢業巡迴演出,
這真是一個深刻而慘痛的記憶啊!套句導演說的,對我是一個 「震撼教育」,

現在終於是……值得了 !!
真的……謝謝大家 !!!
都能共同努力讓 「梁祝」 繼續發光發熱,讓 「梁祝」 走出台北,走出台灣,走向世界 !!

心中澎湃 輾轉難眠 想著「梁祝」 想著大家


英台琪  #Wednesday, September 3, 2003

叫人百口莫辯 涕泗縱橫淚滿腮
心中萬般委屈千頭萬緒 從何說分明
梁兄若存情愛 請聽英台說
我愛梁兄 梁兄愛我 天可為明鑑

奈何 自古婚姻雙親定 女兒英台隻手難抗天
梁兄靜心細思量 幸福遠在天邊 現實卻近在眼前
門當戶對眾人誇 私定終身 家醜外揚
無辜雙親老來被人譏 女兒怎放得了心

螳臂不能擋車 累卵不能擊石
人世本就不公平 何苦勉強抗拒
傳統是枷鎖 掙扎受苦更深
梁兄只要相信至誠 常保自在滿足

萬紫千紅遍地生 天涯何處無芳草
我兩婚姻既難成 早日覓佳偶
莫忘家中老母親 日夜翹首苦等候
完成學業金榜題名 光耀門楣衣錦還鄉 要盡孝心 飲我一杯酒 一來接風 一送行
只怪我太魯莽 辜負了你一片真情」


請大家先感受一下 ...........


It's the part about 'Meet at Tower'.

I cry each time when I sing this part.

Please feel the emotion...

英台琪  #Sunday, August 17, 2003

親愛的大夥兒 ~
今天"初獲曉音"上不去 索性就在這兒留言了
剛剛忙裡偷閒 逛了 一下Alice, Pooh,蹤跡為我做的網站 .......
真是感動 ..... ~~撫慰我一身疲憊的心啊........
真的希望能在香港讓妳看到"梁祝" ^_^
原來妳也跟我一樣愛哭喔 .... haha ....
妳真的會來????新加坡 可不近呢
一進網頁配上"走過"的音樂,感覺真好 ......
蹤跡 你用正紅色配上"梁祝"海報,真是美 ......
還有白亞,嘉瑩,豬頭,Kelly, dodo, Angel, Helen, Mars, Skygirl, 小小Kimwang ........ 謝謝你們的支持與關心
梁祝"會很好看的 , 真的 !!!! ^_^
草橋結拜,學堂,十八相送 .......
精采的哩 ..........

(Dear all ~

I can't go to the Cu Huo Hsao Yin today, so I leave message here

Just took a rest and visited the websites made by Alice, Pooh, Wintom......

I'm moved... they comforted my tiring heart......

Alice, I really hope you can watch 'Butterfly Lovers' in Hong Kong ^_^

You're easy to burst into tears like me.... haha..

Pooh, are you kidding??? It's not near from Singapore

I'm glad to hear the melody of 'Going Through' entering the website......

Wintom, you use the color of standard red for the poster of 'Butterfly Lovers', gorgeous......

Also, thank you Bai-ya, Kelly, Pighead, dodo, Angel, Helen, Mars, Skygirl, little Kimwang...... for your support and kindness

'Butterfly Lovers' will be great, it's true!!!!^_^

PS: Just say something to you, today I've just finished the rehearsal of the upper part

Grass Bridge Sworn, School, Saying Goodbye......

The rest will be The Tower Meet, Marriage Opposition, Grave Leap......



曉琪 #3rd Jul 2003 00:17

Dear Pooh ~ sorry reply late, thank you for the CD, I am so touched !!

Dear Alice ~ see you in Hong Kong !!

親愛的大家 ~ 最近開始進入繁忙期,每天都很充實,在工作上每天都有驚喜跟感動 .....
不久的將來, 將會用另一種方式跟大家見面,請期待 .... !! ^_^
(Dear all ~ I'm busy now. Everyday is fruitful, surprising and touching... I will meet everyone of you in another way. Please wait... !! ^_^)

Love, Winnie


Winnie #15th Apr 2003 00:29



I am home now, everything are fine just a little bit tired.

Thanks a lot this time.....I felt so warm ^_^ thank u !!

Alice & :也非常謝謝你們的信,還有大家,讓大家想念及擔心了 >_<

我的新唱片已經開案了,但我會慢慢做,做到""為止,盡全力囉 !!

(Alice & Liang: Thank you so much for your letters. I made everybody worried >_<

My new album's just started. I do it in detail to get the best result. I will try my best!!)




Love Winnie #20th Jan 2003 22:58

Alice, Pooh, 梁易 ~




瀋陽過年,祝大家   心中永遠有愛    世界和平 !!!


曉琪珍惜能擁有你們      Love you guys !!!  


(Alice, Pooh, Liang Yi~

I've received the birthday cards. It's incredible. Before arriving in Taiwan, it passed through three places.

It's special. Thank you very much for your creativity. ^_^

I want to say Happy New Year to everyone of you earlier. Tomorrow I fly to China, and have some performance. After that I will back Shen Yang. Have love in your hearts. World has peace!!!


It's Winnie's pleasure to have all of you      Love you guys!!!)

加班剛回到家的Pooh   #20th Jan 2003 23:14




May peace, hope and love always fill your heart!~~~ 

Alice  #21st Jan 2003 09:16





  #21st Jan 2003 09:59





(Pooh: Winnie, I wish your performance going smooth. Everyone hope you back earlier. It's chilly in China, take good care of yourself. Don't work to hard. Wear more at morning and night, especially in Shen Yang. May peace, hope and love always fill your heart!~~~~)

(Alice: Winnie, Got it? That's good. We're glad to know you love the cards. I wish you Happy New Year too. Success in your performance and good health.)

(Liang, Ah, you got it Winnie! I wish you like them, it's Pooh's idea. Ha...ha... Be happy in the New Year. I wish your performance going smooth and, all win in playing mahjong!!!!)


曉琪 #2nd Jul 2002 14:36

Alice, 小芳 ~ 我收到妳們的信與照片了,謝謝妳們!!! 還有那隻狗狗是我大姐的愛狗,Coco,不是辛皮皮, 皮皮是隻大型黑色貴賓 ..... Hehe ~~

(Alice, Xiao Fang ~ I've received your letters and photos, thank you!!!

That dog is my older sister's pet Coco, not my Hsin Pi Pi. Pi Pi is a big black dog ..... Hehe ~~) 

Alice #2nd Jul 2002 15:10

曉琪, 你真的太好了,收到信都會在這兒通知我們.謝謝你. 
你要保重,有空多休息. 下午我又會去面試,我會盡力,曉琪你也加油. 我要離線了~take care!

(Winnie, You're so kind.  You notice us every time in the message board after receiving our letters , thank you.  You must take care and have enough rest.  In the afternoon I go to interview again.  I will try my best, you also 'add oil'.  I have to off-line ~ take care!)


Alice #5th Feb 2002 01:50 PM


(Winnie:Your birthday is coming. I wish you happy birthday.  Forever young and happy!^_^)


曉琪 #6th Feb 2002 12:25 AM

Alice 謝謝妳的窩心, 上次到香港本還心想會不會跟妳碰面呢 ?!:)也要祝妳有個開心充實的2002,享受快樂 !!

(Alice ~ Thank you for your kindness.  Last time in Hong Kong I thought I would meet you?!:)  I also wish you have a happy and fruitful 2002.  Enjoy the happiness!!)



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