Seldom Rest Farm ran a summer horse camp for children for

over 20 years.  Our family was both  enriched and made all the better

by all the new "family" members we added each year and the

wonderful memories they helped create.  Quite a few of our campers,

though now grown and with children of their own, still visit and keep in

touch.     Many tell us how summer camp was such an important and

very special time in their childhood.  It was a special time for us too.  

Below and on the following pages are a small sampling of camp pictures

collected over the years.  



In time, we would like to add pictures and memories submitted by past

campers.  Do you remember "People Shows", mud wrestling, 

"Color War", bonfires on the beach, softball, "SRF send-offs, and of

course,  "Fartin' Bear" ?  If so, you're probably a former SRF'er and

we would love to hear from you.              









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