

[Note: The correct spelling of this class is actually "kensei;" as it appeared in the original Oriental Adventures (Gary Gygax), "kensai" is probably incorrect. Also, this version of the kensei owes a great deal of inspiration to Lord Stevil's version. His page on Asian D&D is not to be missed!]

Description: The kensei is a devotee of a chosen weapon. Wielding it to the exclusion of all other arms, she gains a legendary mastery, and some say, instills part of her soul in her weapon. An expert kensei faced one-on-one is a fearsome opponent.

Similar to monks and regular fighters, kensei learn to channel their inner power, or ki, into their weapon. At higher levels, this allows them to hit creatures normally vulnerable to magical weapons, even though a kensei would never stoop to using a magical weapon herself, as it betrays a lack of confidence in her skill. Likewise, kensei learn how to dodge and parry blows, and even preternaturally detect dangers before they materialize; thus, they wear no armor.

Adventures: Kensei view adventures as opportunities to test their skills. While they must practice ardently, they know that only the unfettered adversity provided by actual combat will allow them to develop. Secondarily, kensei also seek fame and fortune, as do many adventurers.

Characteristics: A member of this class is typically reticent, more meditative than boisterous, despite her skills. She realizes that a single action with her weapon can undo anything she says, and so tends to say little. While engaged in battle, her reactions tend to display this same taciturnity, even while she brandishes her weapon boldly.

Alignment: Most kensai are lawful, owing to their lifestyle of dedication. Accordingly, chaotic characters cannot become kensai, but anyone else with the proper mindset and commitment can become a member of this class.

Background: Kensei most often derive from the warrior class, the highest class in Asian societies. Nonetheless, not a few famous kensei have emerged from the lower classes, either as a result of self-taught dedication or even tutelage under the tengu, a race disposed to this class.

Races: Most kensei are humans, though this class also appeals to individuals of other races that display according perseverance Tengu are also known to favor this race.

Other classes: Kensei share quite a lot with monks in terms of mental discipline. Kensei also get along will with any kind of warrior, respecting their multifarious talents though not their multifaceted viewpoint on combat. They are connected to the arcane and mystic; thus are not adverse to traveling with shukenja or wu jen.

Game rule information

Abilities: The ability to wield a weapon effectively is not always found in the strength of sinew and bone. Accordingly, Wisdom and Dexterity are of prime importance to a kensei. Having remarkable Strength does obviously help, however. Finally, to learn many of the useful feats like Improved Disarm or Improved Trip, an Intelligence of 13 or greater is required.

Alignment: Any non-chaotic.

Hit dice: d10

Class skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Weaponsmithing, Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Perform (performances involving their skill with weapons or other skills such as tumbling), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).
    Skill points: (2 + Int modifier) x 4 at 1st, 2 + Int modifier per level

Class features

Weapon and armor proficiency: A kensei has proficiency with one weapon, her weapon of choice, which can be any simple, martial, or exotic weapon, and even any typically reserved to special classes, such as ninja weapons. The weapon must be primarily a melee weapon, though it can be one usable in ranged combat (e.g., a shortspear). A kensei can also choose her unarmed attacks to be her weapons of choice, in which case she automatically gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat free.

A kensei using her chosen weapon suffers no restrictions while wielding it in melee, but the following abilities (see below) cannot be used if her chosen weapon is used in ranged combat or any other weapon is in any way: master's strike, master's skill, spiritual empowerment, ki strike, greater critical, superior critical, and mind and weapon.

When wielding any weapon other than her weapon of choice or unarmed combat, she suffers the normal -4 attack penalty unless she has proficiency with that weapon. Proficiency with other weapons can be bought with the appropriate feats (e.g., Simple Weapon Proficiency).

A first level character that becomes a kensei buys her weapon of choice from her starting funds (1d4 ch'ien and 1d10 tael). If the funds she has on hand are not enough to buy her weapon of choice, then she begins the game with a her weapon of choice and 1d6 tael. Characters that multiclass into the kensei class must provide their own weapon.

Mystic restriction: A kensei's devotion to her weapon is almost religious in nature. A kensei must keep her weapon in good condition, and treat it with respect and honor. A kensei will never stoop to wielding a magical weapon, as such an item isn't reflective of the kensei's skill. Doing so has the effect of disallowing her to use any of the following abilities: master's strike, master's skill, spiritual empowerment, ki strike, greater critical, superior critical, and mind and weapon (i.e., the same she loses if she uses a weapon other than her primary one). However, kensei can use masterwork weapons, and almost always do if possible.

Preternatural defense: Kensei must fight unarmored, and have trained themselves to avoid blows. A kensei adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her Armor Class, in addition to her Dexterity modifier. On top of this, the kensei's AC increases as she increases in level; at every level divisible by four she gains a +1 bonus to AC (for example, a twelfth level kensei gets a +3 bonus to her AC). This bonus and the character's Wisdom bonus to AC are not affected by being caught flat-footed, surprised, ambushed or attacked by invisible creatures, though it is lost if the character is immobilized or wears any kind of armor.

Swift strike: The kensei's training allows her to act in combat before others. Thus, at first level she gains a +1 bonus to initiative, which increases to +2 at fifth level and by +1 more every four levels thereafter. This bonus stacks with any due to high Dexterity or the Improved initiative feat. It is an extraordinary ability.

Psychic duel: Kensei add +2 in when dueling psychically with non-kensei. The bonus is ignored when dueling with others of the same class.

Converted rules for the psychic duel can be found here.

Weapon focus: The kensei begins first level with the Weapon Focus feat for her weapon of choice.

Master's strike: At first level the character causes extra damage when striking with her weapon of choice. This bonus is in addition to any granted by Strength and the like. At first level the bonus is +1, at fourth +2, eighth +3, twelfth +4, sixteenth +5, and at twentieth +6. This is an extraordinary ability.  Note that by the time the character has achieved fourth level, she has a +2 damage bonus, the same as if she had taken the Weapon Specialization feat.  From fourth level onward, the kensei is thus considered to have the Weapon Specialization feat for her weapon of choice due to the bonus damage provided by the master's strike ability..

Master's skill: The kensei adds +1 to attack rolls starting at second level when using her favored weapon. This bonus increases by +1 every three levels thereafter (i.e., +2 at fifth level, +3 at eighth, etc.).  If this bonus plus her base attack bonus would allow her multiple attacks, she also gains multiple attacks with her weapon of choice.  This allows her her first multiple attack at level 5 (BAB +5 plus master's strike +1 = +6), when her attack sequence would be +6/+1.  Otherwise, she gains multiple attacks with other weapons at the same rate as her base attack bonus increases (every multiple of +6).

One with the weapon: At second level, in addition to normal modifiers, the kensei adds her Wisdom bonus plus half her level to her check when opponents attempt to disarm her of her weapon of choice. This is an extraordinary ability.

Fear resistance: Kensei of second level and above are immune to mundane and magical fear. This is an extraordinary ability.

Spiritual empowerment: Also at third level, the kensei learns how to tune her weapon into the supernatural. With her favored weapon, she can hit creatures with a damage reduction of +1 with no penalty to damage. This ability is supernatural and increases by +1 at fifth level and then every four levels thereafter. Note that this ability does add any bonuses to attack rolls; it simply allows the kensei to bypass damage reduction.

Ki strike: At fourth level, the kensei can summon channel her ki into her blade. Upon a successful strike, she deals the maximum damage allowable by the weapon plus any modifiers. If the weapon scores a critical hit, the first regular damage die is maximized, but any thereafter are rolled normally. For example, Myora strikes at an opponent with her wakizashi (normal damage 1d6 with criticals doubling damage) while using a ki strike. She rolls a 20 and then confirms the threat. The first die does a full 6 points of damage, and she must roll d6 again for the second die of damage. On top of this, she can add (and double) any bonuses she has on account of Strength and the master's strike ability (see above). This is a supernatural ability that can be performed one per day for every two levels the kensei has earned. It must be declared before the attack is made, and is wasted if the attack misses.

Step ahead: At fifth level the kensei gains the Alertness feat. This does not stack with the feat if she has already taken it.

Meditation: A kensei can meditate as per the feat, concentrating on inner peace while not shutting out the world. It takes one minute to enter a state of meditation, but it can be relinquished immediately and without penalty. While meditating, the kensei is oblivious to hunger and thirst and suffers the effects of starvation and dehydration at half tehir normal rate.  Every round, she also gains a damage reduction against fire and cold equal to Wisdom bonus (if any). One hour of meditation is as restful as two hours of sleep. While meditating, the kensei cannot make Spot checks, but he can make Listen checks as normal. This is a supernatural ability.

Whirlwind attack: At tenth level the kensei gains the Whirlwind Attack feat for free, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

Greater critical: At thirteenth level the kensei's weapon of choice has its critical range increased by 1. This is cumulative with the Improved Critical feat if the kensei has that feat.

Superior critical: At sixteenth level the kensei's weapon of choice has its critical multiplier increased by 1. For example, a kensei wielding a katana as a weapon of choice (1d10 damage, x2 on a critical), now has a x3 multiplier when hitting for a critical. This is an extraordinary ability.

Mind and weapon: At eighteenth level the kensei causes superior damage even with a normal strike. The damage die of her weapon is increased to the next larger. The progression is as follows: 1, 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 2d12, 2d8, 2d10, and so on. The new damage die also applies to critical hits.

Multiclassing: The kensei carries the same restrictions as the monk class; once a character has forsaken the way of the kensei, she can never return.  Exceptions to this are prestige classes that revolve around a partricular weapon.  Among official sources, these include the Duelist (usually the rapier, S&F), Master of Chains (chain or spiked chain, S&F), Lasher (whip and whip dagger, S&F), and Weapon Master (any single weapon, S&F).  The mukei is also a possibility.  A kensei can freely multiclass with any of these prestige classes without penalty.

The Kensei




















Mystic restriction, Preternatural defense, Swift strike, Psychic duel, Weapon focus, Master's strike










Master’s skill, One with the weapon, Fear resistance










Spiritual empowerment +1










Ki strike










Step ahead




















Spiritual empowerment +2






























Whirlwind attack










Spiritual empowerment +3




















Greater critical




















Spiritual empowerment +4










Superior critical




















Mind and weapon










Spiritual empowerment +5











* These columns reflect the Master's skill and Master's strike abilities.
** This column refers to the gain in Preternatural defense as per the ability. It is a dodge bonus that is not negated when the character is flat-footed, but is whenever she is immobilized or held.
*** This column represents to increase in initiative due to the Swift strike ability. It does stack with the Improved Initiative feat and any other factors, including Dexterity modifiers.

The Wu Jen

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