New Spells

Shaman & Shugenja Spells

Level I

  • Toy Animate a child's toy.

Level III

  • Artistic Malevolence Penalize artistic skill checks by -1 per two caster levels.
  • Snake Arms Arm strikes as a cobra with a reach of 10', doing damage and injecting poison.
  • Snake Shield Snakes whirl about caster, providing cover and attacking all within 5 feet.

Level III

  • Retroactive Cure Light Wounds Allows recipient to receive the effect of cure light wounds at any time within 24 hr of receiving spell.
  • Safe Journey Add +2 to Spot, Listen, and Wilderness Lore checks, increase travel rates by 25%, and reduce chance of getting lost in overland/sea journeys.

Wu Jen Spells

Some spells have elements listed after them in square brackets, indicating that they belong to the specified elemental "schools."


  • Know Direction Instantly know direction to north, south, east, or west.
  • Toy Animate a child's toy.

Level I

  • Tensile Strength Augments hardness of an object by +1 per level (max +10) and allows objects to bear twice their normal maximum weight.

Level II

  • Bolts of Air [Wind] Concentrated lances of air knock down a target and stun it.
  • Eat Hay Enable recipient to eat hay, grass, dirt, etc. and receive nourishment.
  • Two Face Produces another face on the back of your head, negating flanking and increasing Spot checks.

Level III

  • Feng Show's Chariot of Wild Wind [Wind] Immediately (and violently) transports caster and one willing creature/3 levels to a place 20' away per level.
  • Snake Arms Arm strikes as a cobra with a reach of 10', doing damage and injecting poison.
  • Sun Dog Orbs of light fall from the sun, blinding, stunning, and burning targets.

Level IV

Spell Descriptions

Artistic Malevolence
School/Domain: Enchantment (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Wu jen 2, Shaman 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Target/effect: One creature
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes
Description: Artistic malevolence is just that - it reduces the target's ability when using the Perform skill or Craft skill (or Art skill), although the latter must be for a craft that is artistic in nature, such as sculpture, painting, poetry, and so on. The effect is to impose an enhancement penalty of -1 to the skill check for every two caster levels (maximum +10). Use of this spell in a contest is most definitely considered cheating, and the target radiates magic. This spell negates the effects of artictic erudition, regardless of the difference in caster levels.  The verbal component of this spell is a compliment delivered to the intended target.
    Material components: The caster must smear a drop of ink between his index finger and thumb.

Bolts of Air
School/Domain: Conjuration [Wind]
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Target/effect: One or more creatures no more than 30' apart
Duration: See text
Saving throw: Reflex negates
Spell resistance: Yes
Description: This spell creates one "lance" of concentrated air for every three caster levels (maximum five lances).  A target must make a Reflex save or be knocked prone and stunned for 1d4 rounds.  The caster can use extra lances to strike multiple targets within 30' of each other, or the same target, increasing the DC of the save by +1 per extra lance beyond the first.  Creatures immune to stunning and critical hits can still be knocked prone, but will not be stunned (and can thus stand on their next turn).  The target obtains a +2 bonus to its Reflex save for every size category it is above Medium.
    Lances can also be used to strike objects.  Treat the effect as a gust of wind spell (PHB) cast at a level equal to the caster's actual level plus three for the specified object only.
    Material components: Piece of paper thrown at the target's).

Eat Hay
School/Domain: Alteration
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target/effect: One Medium size creature/1 levels
Duration: 30 minutes (D)
Saving throw: Yes (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)
Description: This spell allows the recipients to eat hay, grass, dirt - indeed, any chewable substance - and obtain nourishment from it. To benefit from the spell, the recipients must spend at least ten minutes eating the substance, which will take on a "palatable" flavor in their mouths. The spell can affect one Medium size creature per level, and twice or half that many for every size step below or above Medium size, respectively. Thus, an eighth level caster could "feed" sixteen korobokuru, eight humans, four horses, or one ogre, or any combination thereof.  This spell does not negate poison.
    Material components: The caster must sprinkle each recipient with a bit of sand.

Feng Show's Chariot of Wild Wind
School/Domain: Conjuration [Wind]
Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: See text
Target/effect: Caster and one willing creature/3 levels of Medium size or less
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: No (Recipients must be willing)
Description: Feng Show was a semi-renowned wu jen who applied his art to the manipulation of wind. Not one to be overly brave, he developed a rather interesting way of transporting himself out of danger. This spell lifts the caster on a rage of wind and deposits him 20' away from his take-off point per caster level. He can make up to a 45-degree turn in this period, but the actual flight is so violent and sudden it disallows any other action. The direction may be horizontal, vertica, or a combination of the two.  If a solid object is hit, 3d6 damage is sustained (no save).  The caster can also take along other willing creatures of Medium size or smaller if they are holding hands (simple body contact is not enough). Each creature transported by the wild wind must make a Reflex saving throw with a DC of 13 or suffer 2d6 subdual damage. Items carried by the "riders" are not torn from their grasp, but torches and the like will be extinguished.
    Material components: A blade of grass.

Know Direction
School/Domain: Divination
Level: Wu jen 0
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target/effect: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: With this spell, the caster immediately knows the direction any specified cardinal direction (north, south, east, or west). This spell is especially useful for wu jen who have chosen as a taboo a cardinal direction toward which they must not sit.

Retroactive Cure Light Wounds
: Conjuration
Level: Shaman 3, Shugenja 3 (Water)
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target/effect: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw
: Will halves (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)
Description: This spell replicates a cure light wounds spell in that the recipient will recover 1d8+1 hp per caster level of lost hp (max 1d8+5), except that the recipient may "hold" the effect until desired within the 24 hours after receiving the spell.  To activate the effect and receive the curing, the recipient must simply concentrate as a move equivalent action.  The recipient may also receive the healing as soon as the spell is placed on him, in which case it can be triggered as a free action.
    The recipient must be conscious to trigger the curing, regardless of the situation.  The spell also cannot be triggered by a creature with an Intelligence of less than 3, nor will it be willingly triggered by a creature harmed by the channeling of positive energy (e.g., undead).

Safe Journey
School/Domain: Enchantment (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Shaman 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 3 rounds
Range: 10 feet
Target/effect: One creature per four caster levels
Duration: 1 day per level or until discharged (D)
Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)
Description: Often paid for by a host on behalf of visitors from far away, safe journey is a fitting farewell gift.  It provides a +2 divine bonus to Spot, Listen, and Wilderness Lore checks and the same bonus to either Ride, Handle Animal, or Profession (Sailor) checks (caster's choice).  It also increases overland or water transportation movement rates per day by 25%.  Safe journey also reduces the chance of getting lost by half.
    These benefits last for as many days as the caster has levels or until the party reaches its stated destination (which they must tell the caster), whichever comes first.  Safe journey only takes effect if the recipients intend and actually do make their way toward the stated destination.  And, the benefits only apply if the recipients maintain their journey -- if any recipient stops for more than one day in area, the spell ends for him.  The spell only applies to the actual traveling period; if for example, a party were to have an infamous dungeon as a destination, they would receive the benefits of the spell up to the point they reached the dungeon, at which point it would be discharged, even if they left and came back.
    Material components: A bowl of incense worth at least 50 gp (300 tael), a vial of perfume, and sheet of paper

Snake Arms
School/Domain: Alteration
Level: Wu jen 3, Shaman 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target/effect: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving throw: Fortitude negates
Spell resistance: See text
Description: Snake arms allows the caster's arm to change in to the head of a large cobra if he darts out his hand at an opponent. The snake attempts to strike, and then instantly disappears. The snake has a reach of up to 10', though opponents closer (even those grappling) can be struck. The attack is at the caster's base attack bonus, and struck foes suffer 1d4 damage and must make a Fortitude save (vs. poison) or suffer 1d4 of temporary Constitution damage. If the save fails, one minute later the stricken creature must pass another Fortitude save or suffer an additional 1d2 Constitution damage.
    The caster need not maintain concentration to keep this spell in effect, and he need not attempt to strike every round to maintain the spell (i.e., he can for example, strike one round, cast a spell the next, and strike again the third). He is allowed multiple attacks in a round with the snake if he is normally allowed such, and the snake arm can be used to make attacks of opportunity. The poison is magical in nature, and so a caster must overcome a target's SR in order for him to affect it. A target that suceeds in resisting a snake arm poison with SR will sucessfully resist all subsequent injections of the same poison for that casting of the spell.
    Spells that affect snakes, vermin, or animals will not normally affect the snake arm except as follows. Repel vermin will suppress the manifestation of the snake arm for the duration of the repel vermin spell. Snake charm will also have the same effect unless the caster is attacked, in which case snake arm operates normally. Snake summoning causes the caster's arm to become a snake but not revert back to a hand, though it can be used in its snakelike capacity as normal. Since the poison is magical in nature and can be negated by a remove poison or dispelled (with a successful caster check) with dispel magic or similar incantations.
    Material components: A shed snakeskin.

Snake Shield
: Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Shaman 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target/effect: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving throw: Fortitude negates
Spell resistance: No
Description: This spell conjures a mass of swirling snakes, which whirl about the caster. Though the caster may not move from her location, the snakes provide an effective defense against physical attacks. Their bodies provide 50% cover (+4 AC, +2 Reflex saves) to those targeting the caster, though they do not block attacks made by the caster herself.
    Any foe standing within 5' of the caster is subject to attacks from the snakes with a base attack bonus equal to the caster's. If hit, damage inflicted is 1d4+1, and the target must immediately make a Fortitude save (vs. poison) or suffer 1d3 of temporary Constitution damage. If the initial save fails, those stricken must make another save 1 minute later to avoid similar secondary damage. Any foe moving within 5' of the caster is also subject to an attack of opportunity from the snake shield, which can make as many in one round as the caster has levels, and which do not count against the caster's own attacks of opportunity. The snake shield has an AC of 16 and can withstand 30 hp of damage before being depleted.
    Spells that affect snakes, vermin, or animals will not normally affect snake shield except as follows. Repel vermin will suppress the manifestation of the shield for the duration of the repel vermin spell.  Snake charm stops the snakes from attacking, though they still swirl around the caster and provide an AC bonus, unless the caster is attacked, in which case the snakes revert to an agressive nature.
    Material components: A small rattle.

Shi Mei's Subtle Ram
School/Domain: Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 feet plus 5 feet/level)
Target/effect: One object or creature
Duration: One round
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance
: None
Description: Shi Mei's subtle ram is anything but. Named after a famous wu jen who was instrumental in sacking Nigashi castle in the Emerald Blossom War, this incantation creates a large, worked log capped with an iron plug in the shape of a lion's head. The ram floats above the ground at a height of 2 to 6 feet (caster's choice). After creation, the ram accelerates toward the target, striking for 1d10 hp of bludgeoning damage per 10 feet it traveled before striking the target (maximum 10d10), although it must first overcome the object's hardness. While the ram always hits inanimate, non-mobile objects, because of its obvious movement and relatively slow motion, it suffers a -20 attack penalty to hit any mobile object or creature. The ram takes a full round to "accelarate" before it hits the target. During this time it can be attacked; if it is reduced to 0 hp, the ram disappears. It can only strike once before disappearing. The ram has an AC of 16, hardness of 5, and 30 hp. Weapons that would not normally damage wood or metal (e.g. arrows) do not damage the ram. The ram does draw attacks of opportunity when moving through threatened areas.
    Material component: A small pebble tossed at the target.

Sun Dog
School/Domain: Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Long (400' + 40'/level)
Target/effect: One or more objects or creatures
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Reflex negates
Spell resistance
: Yes
Description: This spell calls down on the target a pair of sun dogs (sun dogs are rainbow-like apparitions that appear on either side of the sun on cloudless days; usually they signify rain).  If the target fails a Reflex saving throw, the sun dogs strike the creature, blinding it for 2d4 rounds, stunning it for 1d4+1 rounds, and inflicting 2d8 hp of heat damage.  The caster can call down one pair of sun dogs for every four caster levels (maximum 5 pairs), which can each strike a different target or the same target (though stunning and blindness do not stack).  Creatures immune to stunning and critical hits are immune to the stunning effects of this spell, although undead cower for 1d4+1 rounds instead.
    This spell must be cast outdoors after sunrise and before sunset, though the sun itself may be behind clouds or otherwise hidden.

Tensile Strength
: Transformation
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target/effect: One item
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Description: This spell increases the hardness of any object by 1 hp per caster level (maximum +10), enabling it to absorb more damage before becoming damaged itself.  Thus, a door will become more difficult to knock down and a blade more resistant to sunder.  Tensile strength counts as an enhancement bonus, meaning that it does not stack with magical enhancements already on an object (e.g., a +1 longsword has its hardness already augmented by +1) -- rather, the greater of the two enhancements should be used.  It cannot be applied to an object that has a hardness of 0.  The spell also does not improved the protective effects of armor, though it might enhance its durability.
    The spell also allows objects (even those with 0 hardness) to bear double their normal allowed weight.  Thus, a rope will snap only under twice its normal maximum load, and a backpack could carry twice its maximum allowable weight before the straps would break.
    Tensile strength will not affect objects bigger than Large (e.g., a castle wall), though it could strengthen sections of a large object.
    Material components: A thread pulled taught and broken by the caster's hands.

Thieving Saru
School/Domain: Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Short (25' + 5/level)
Target/effect: See text
Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged
Saving throw: See below
Spell resistance: No
Description: Saru means "monkey", and this spell takes its name both from the animal it summons and the derogatory term for an unscrupulous person.  Upon casting the spell, a dexterous monkey appears.  It then skitters off to a target within sight of the caster and attempts to snatch a specified object from her.  The caster must have a specific object in mind (e.g., a wand he has seen the target use), and the object cannot be larger than Diminutive size and weigh more than one pound per caster level.  The monkey has a base movement rate of 40', hp equal to half the caster's, saves as if he were the caster, and has an AC of 16 (+2 size, +4 Dex).  He can both move his full movement rate in a round and make an attempt at grabbing the specific object.  The target must make a Reflex check opposed by the pick pockets roll of the monkey, which gets a +10 bonus to its roll (+6 enhancement, +4 Dex).  If the save succeeds, the monkey screeches and scrambles away, disappearing soon after.  If the save fails, the monkey has taken hold of the object and runs back to his summoner with it, where it hands the object over and scrambles away, disappearing soon afterward.  A caster can also specify that the monkey grab anything it can on the target, and which item it makes the attempt for should be determined randomly.  Items held in the target's hands cannot be snatched by the monkey.  The monkey will on command stay near the caster for a round, during which the caster may cast additional spells on it (e.g., invisibility).  Monkeys summoned without a target present perform their mischievous deed on the caster instead, grabbing a random item and running away.
    Material component: A piece of ripe fruit.

: Transformation
Level: Shaman 0, Shugenja 0 (All), Wu jen 0
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target/effect: One object
Duration: Permanent
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes
Description:  This spell animates an already existent and crafted child's toy with magic.  The effect is purely for simple entertainment, as any device so enchanted can only be of Diminutive size or smaller and weigh 1 lb. or less.  The specific effect varies according to the caster's desires.  Some toys sprout rudimentary wings or legs enabling them to fly (with Poor maneuverability) or ambulate with a maximum speed of 5 feet per round in a random direction (direction should be determined each round).  Others sport tiny lights or non-damaging flames which are too poor to provide illumination.  Other effects may be engendered using the above as guidelines.  Some constantly change color.  The toy radiates simple magic, has an AC of 9 (+4 size, -5 Dex), hardness of 0 and 1 hp (or less!), and can be easily broken (even by a determined child).  Magical toys generally sell for two or three times their normal price, though only the privileged would dream of shopping for even mundane toys for their children in a medieval setting.
    Magical toys generally "run out of magic" after three or four years.  Toys must already be crafted with the Craft skill; this spell only adds "flash."  Most toys have a Craft DC of 5.

Two Face
: Transformation
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target/effect: Caster
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Description: Upon first seeing the effects of this spell, most people become extremely unnerved.  The caster develops another face on the back of his head, complete with mouth, nose, eyes, and such.  The new face appears exactly as his real one, except that it faces backwards.  This allows the caster a 300-degree field of vision, increasing Spot checks by +3 and Search checks by +1, although the caster suffers a -4 penalty to saves vs. gaze attacks.  Since the caster can also see behind him, he cannot be flanked (and thus sneak-attacked by a flanking rogue, although he can be sneak attacked if flat-footed).  The faces does not allow the caster to perform any more actions than he would normally be entitled to, as both mouths work in unison, and he still has only one mind.
    Material components: A hair from the back of a creature's head.

The Wu Jen

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