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:: Die-Cast Model Gallery ::

Showcasing some of the die-cast models which features the Harley-Davidson bikes and some other models as well. My dearie collects die-cast models and I joined her in this hobby; very beautiful models I must said. Dearie and I plan to collect more models in the near future. At present, we have about 27 models in our posession. Anyone out there share the same interest as ours? Really love to hear from you.


:: Graphics Gallery ::

Some of the graphics that I have created for the past few years during my school days and as an interest to meddle into the visual arts. I was doing interactive multimedia back then, but had little exposure in web and graphics design. I hope to take up courses in these areas in the future and also gain more experience through contract assignment.


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Die-Cast Gallery

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Graphics Gallery




Some new Die-Cast collectibles are in stock!
Browse my gallery


Feel free to us me any questions
please contact me...
Enjoy! Adios~




:: Our Photograph - Cameron ::




:: Coming Soon ::


Watch out for this space . . .



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