About Meh

Name: Alistair
Nicknames: Brittany-Ali-Fishstick-Boomer-Brippy-bunches more
Age: 14
Height: 5ft 4 inches
Weight: 92lb
Hair Color: Brownish Redish
Eye Color: Brown
Born in: Oklahoma
Education: WR-Junior High 8th grade
Fav. Hobbies: Drawing, writing & reading, web page design, Skating, Stuff.
Pets: Cat (mouse) Puppy (Ruger)
Fav. Singers, Groups & Musicians: Bowling for soup, Good Charlotte, Simple
Plan, All american rejects, Riddlin Kids, Loads more.
Fav. Movie: Final Destination, Lilo & Stitch, Jeepers Creepers,Lord of the
rings, Horror movies.
Fav. Books: Loads of em, Harry Potter, Speak, Stuff written by edgar allen poe
and Steven King.
Fav. Animal: Snakessssssssss!
Favourite Place you'd want to Visit: London and Austrailia
Fav. Color: Black, Grey, Green.
Fav. School Subjects: English!
If you were a character on the Cast of Friends, who would you be?: Phoebe-I
dont watch that much tho.
If you were a Flower, you would be a...: A dead one
If you were a tree, you would be a...: Pear Tree

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