Markov Chain

To understand Markov Chain, you have to know matrices and their basic operations.


As this page is designed for beginners, it is simplified. One should refer to academic text for proper terms.


Given market share matrix:

                        [0.45    0.3    0.25]


 Text Box: 25% market share by Aus-Cola

Text Box: 45% market share by Cota-Cola

 Text Box: 30% market share by Pets-Cola



 Given transition probability matrix:

                                C        P        A


                C             0.7        0.2       0.1

                P            0.15        0.6       0.25

                A             0.1       0.25       0.65


 Explanation of the second matrix given above:

                                        For example, look at 2nd row. 0.15    0.6    0.25












Text Box: 15% of Pets-Cola consumers have switched to Cota-Cola.

 Text Box: 25% of Pets-Cola consumers have switched to Aus-Cola.

Text Box: 60% of Pets-Cola consumers have remained to drink Pets-Cola.

Therefore, after one month the market share matrix of these 3 soft drinks is given by:


         [0.45    0.3    0.25]                 0.7        0.2       0.1

                                                   0.15        0.6       0.25

                                                   0.1       0.25       0.65




If we call the 2 matrices right above M and T. 

Then after 2 months:

         The marker share by these colas will be given by :    MTT


After 3 months:

multiply the transition probabilities again

                That is:    MTTT

After 4 months:


and so forth


For more details see the attached documents below:



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