




You Were Always There

Whenever I needed someone to talk to
You were always there.
My eyes filled with tears, my heart filled with pain, and
You were always there.
There was no time when I had doubt
to come to you because
You were always there.
I could see in your eyes you wanted to help, and that you really cared.

Whenever I was down and blue
You were always there.
No matter my problems, are what was wrong
You were always there.
Whenever I felt like nothing matters
You were always there.

Now your gone, and I don't know what to do
I close my eyes and think of you, and how
You were always there.
It's hard to look at the pictures, and get memories of you
Can you hear me now
At night I pray, and I speak to you
I guess you were right when you told me no matter how far you were
You would always be there.
I know one day I'll see you again, but till then I have to say goodbye

Even though it hurts to hear your name, and speak of you
One thing I will always say is
You were always there.

Left Alone In The Past

Left alone in the past
Forgotten friendships buried, never meant to last
She walked away from me
Why couldn't I foresee?
Time standing still
Another way to deal, another pill
The sky is gray with hate
One thing tore us apart, your fate
Now what will you do?
Who will confide in you?
Remember the times we shared?
Remember how well we paired?
The consequences are tough
You only knew how to treat me rough
Who is next in line?
Will you, too, break their spine?
Look at what you've done
This time I will stand in front of you, I won't run
Don't bother me anymore
All you touch, you tore
What you wanted, you took
Now I glance back, I take one last look
You left me alone in your past
Forgotten friendships buried, never meant to last

My Best Friend

Once was here
now is gone
I will always
love forever
the laughs
the tears
the smiles
without her
my life has no direction
no ups nor downs
no smiles or frowns
I miss her
I cry
I see her
I lie
what ever went wrong
I can mend
I will always
love forever
my very best friend


Well maybe now I should just say goodbye
You used to be my friend
But I never felt I really was yours
So maybe this is the end.
I'm different from you, all of you
Each other we've never understood
I hope that if I do tell you goodbye
That it won't be for good.
Whenever I'm mad it hurts me so bad
And you don't even care
I don't know why, I just want to cry
And someday I won't be there.
The streaks on my arm they've done me no harm
They're only made of pen
But once they are blood that turns brown like mud
They'll be there again and again.
If I'm mad at you I'll hurt myself too
But that doesn't really matter
Although when I hurt I feel like dirt
And my spirit's bruised and battered.
I do not know why it has to be so
I really wish it did not
But the way this has been going
it is basically shot.
You don't need me and we don't need we
And that's how I think I know why
These words are the ones I have to speak-
I love you, but goodbye.

Quiet Emotions

I always wanted more from you
than you were willing to give;
So now we've gone our separate ways
each with different lives to live.

The bond will always be there
the friendship always intact;
But the time for us has come and gone
and the pages of time, you can't turn back.

I will always be a friend to you
and wonder how you are;
The smiles and laughter I will remember
and our fights have become painless scars.

Sometimes on those busy days
when you've a thousand things to do;
Please let me glide slowly through your mind
and spend some time with you.

In that quiet moment
when you're surprised to find me there;
Just remember even with the distance between us
I am still someone who cares.


You fell in love, friends went away,
Knowing you'd have a closer friend one day.
I thought that friend would always be me -
Things have changed, as we can see.
You'll fall in love again one day,
Then once again your friends will go away


Remember then,
Dreaming of when

Our childhood fears
Would be gone with the years.

Now we look at the past
Wondering why it didn't last.

Days in the hot sun
Always having fun.

Going for a ride
Letting the bike glide.

Biking, sledding,
Swimming, swinging,

Days of old
Never to be sold.

Signs of change
Widely range.

Moving away
No more play.

Friends forever
Talk almost never.

Through the years,
Our lives shift gears.

Laughter, smiles,
Fears, miles,

Distant souls
Drifting goals.

Friendship the art
Connects our hearts.

Now that it is when
We dream of Then.

There to Here

You ask me how we got from there to here,
And you tell me you can't remember,
And so I'll answer it for you,
Though perhaps not the way you want me to.

We got from here to there on the back of a unicorn racing through our dreams,
We got from here to there when night's silence thundered between us,
We got from here to there believing a song to be stronger than the worlds pulling us apart.

And we were right.

We stood in good relation to the earth,
We stood in good relation to the gods,
We stood in good relation to all that was beautiful,
You see, we were Alive

We got from there to here when we believed reality to be stronger than love,
We got from there to here when we forgot to look up and believe that gravity held no hold on our souls,
We got from there to here when we left our storybooks for some other distracting play,

And now I do not know my world,
And I cannot find my God,
And beauty dies,
Shut out in the cold.

And I believe we can get from here to there if we just believe,
And I believe we can get from here to there if you'll take my hand,
And I believe we can get from here to there - if only in our dreams,

And when you're dancing across the sky,
Somewhere between the stars and the moon,
Look for me by your side, I'll meet you with hands outstretched,
We'll go - from here to there, there to here, and back again.

Maybe Not Forever

There are so many stories I still want to tell
There are so many I love you's left unsaid
There are many tears left uncried
There are many dreams left to fall apart

I miss our long talks
I miss the nights when all was alright
I love you like a sister, you were my angel,
Yet I wonder why you left me here to die

We were forever best friends-
When one fell to the ground
The other one was there to help her back up.
We healed our broken hearts
With a hug and a gentle smile.
We stayed up every night looking at the stars,
Giggling like little girls and having midnight talks.

You said you had to go-
I wished it wasn't so.
You said we'd always write.
You said it would be like old times.
I looked in your eyes as you looked into mine,
With smiles like everything was fine.

Yet we both knew well that this was our last good-bye.
We knew that we would never again
Have those long talks and play like little girls again.
We knew all the pain we'd cause ourselves.
I also knew that my angel was being taken away,
Yet we promised no matter what we'd remain forever best friends

And Where Were You?

I never thought I'd see this day,
I never thought I'd feel this way,
You...a stranger to me now.
I'm left with emptiness...
I wish I knew how it could be,
That we were once so open and free.
You were like my brother.. yet so much more
I wish I would have seen what I see now before.
For, I did not and it's too late...
My friend, my lover once, is now unknown.
And what hurts the most is I now know..
What I lost.. and I'm alone.
To face a challenge life has sent,
And not a moment with you I've spent.
I hope one day I can forgive you, my friend..
I miss you....
Why did you go?


There were promises made in childhood,
In the days of their innocence.
They laughed, they played, they cried.

Throughout high school dramas,
Broken hearts, and adolescence,
Their special friendship thrived.

The little girls grew up and
Became wives and mothers.
It happened in an instant.

They gave bridal and baby showers,
Each advising the other.
Still close across the distance.

One day, the inevitable happened,
An event that changed their lives.
It had the power to destroy.

They were both the betrayed and betrayer.
Can their friendship survive?
Or will they live with the void?

*Broken Friendship*


We were supposed to be friends

friends till the end.

We were supposed to be friends

through thick and thin.

We were supposed to be friends

but you lied to me

We were supposed to be friends

but there were flaws I couldn't see

We were supposed to be friends

but I said mean things

We were supposed to be friends

but you couldn't contribute what a friendship needs.


Now, I regret the harsh words, the gestures, the glares.

Now, I wish we could see past the rumors, the wrong doings, the bad fares.


But the past cannot be changed,

though I wish it could.

Because given one chance,

I'd make things return to the way they should.


I miss you friend,

And I pray that soon

Through all of the wrong,

Tight will shine through.

*I'll Miss You*

You're leaving me soon

I'll miss you so much

The sound of your voice

The feel of your touch

The look of your eyes

The endless sea of blue

All I feel is tranquility

These feelings are so new

The way you walk

The look of your hair

Your special smell

The way you stare

Everything about you

I love so much

And when you leave

I hope you miss me

Just as much.

Broken Trust

He was a friend so dear to me
Our thoughts and dreams we shared
We spoke of love, our wants and needs
Somehow I knew he cared
I danced with him within my dreams
We held each other close
We shared so much between us two
Now my inner heart he knows.

A girl lives there with hair so fair
And eyes of baby blue
Who longs to be within his heart
But it cannot come true
We're in different worlds apart you see
His love for me has died
I spoke a lie that broke the trust
And cannot be denied.
I hurt the heart that cared for me
And anger did appear
I realized what I had done
And now began to fear
The need I had for his true love
Can now not be fulfilled
The reality of broken trust
Is now my bitter pill.

He loved the girl within my heart
But now he's gone away
I cry at night and long for him
But no longer will he stay
He leaves me now and breaks my heart
Lost love is what remains
And a lesson learned about real trust
I must not play the games.

Forgive Me..

Forgive me not but bear me true
I write this now because I'm blue
Please listen to me as I have my say
And then be my friend for another day
I hurt you so, I do regret
I care too much and not enough, yet
I care too deep it hurts you so
For I just don't know when to let go
I'm too sensitive and this is true
And it gets on the nerves of others and you
I'm slow to trust and quick to turn
I'm too afraid of being once again burned
I see too much, and yet not enough
And I know the toll on you is rough

My friendship is real tough in taking
And none of it was of your making
But I'm good inside and have good heart
And I dont want our friendship to part
My heart breaks for having hurt you so
And asking forgiveness is brutal I know
But this I want to say to you
And no word I've spoken could be so true

I had once a friend who was the world to me

All her pain was mine to see
I didn't always let her know
But deep inside I hoped she'd know
Then one day, black and empty dawned
The emptiness forever yawned
Tomorrow came and not the chance
To have with her just one last dance
"I'm sorry" she would never hear
Because I'd lost my one so dear
She'd never feel my hugs again
Nor walk with me in the summer rain
And all the things I wish I'd said
Would be forever prisoners in my head
Tomorrow came with me alone
And all the regrets I couldn't condone

Tomorrow never goes away

It visits me just every day
I don't want another tomorrow like that
Another day just laying flat
So please give me this chance to say I'm sorry to you
My heart is bleeding because I caused you to be blue
My tears unchecked because I care
And my soul I'm dared to bear
I'm taking a chance, it's hurting me too
But I'm pledging my own deep friendship to you
And asking forgiveness for my many faults
And to help stop my badness that causes this friendships' halts
Please take me by the hand and say
That you'll be my friend for one more day

Broken Friendship

In the beginning we were
the best of friends
doing everything together
going to parties and dances
but now I'm not so sure
we've grown apart some how
we started doing things less and less
three years we've been friends
now fighting like we hate each other
you even talk about me behind my back
sold me out when ever you could
and for that our friendship is over

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