


Keep dreaming and someday you'll have a goal. Go searching and someday you'll complete one.




I dream when I sleep
And my guardian angel keeps
Guard above my bed
I daydream when I am awake
Of calm blue waters
And gentle summer breezes
And green mountainous hills
And tall dark muscular nubian men
And puffy white heavenly clouds
I think to myself that life is great
And say "Amen" outloud



Everyday we walk to our spots
Bait our hooks
Cast our lines

Sometimes no nibble to give us hope
Don't be frustrated
Don't be discouraged, just cope
Don't feel like you're at the end of a rope

Don't give up fishing for dreams
Persevere in life's ocean, sea, or streams

There's the catch of a lifetime
Out there waiting for us primed
Losing faith is a crime
Reel in your dreams anytime


He walks out onto the field, head to foot in a full body shield,
the crowd stands up and starts to cheer,
then they sit down and drink their beers.
The football player thinks to himself, then runs to his team,
that's when he wakes up from his wonderful dream.


Listen, 'less you can hear the pain
Over in the corner of your mind
The Joker sees your suffering
But 'alas he does not pity
Simple views towards love
Makes him tumble with mirth
Avert your eyes and cover your ears
Hide your heart from this jester
"Cause he's always looking...
Sending decoys if he sees
A vulnerable soul


I had a dream that everything would be perfect one day.
I had a dream that there would be no more death.
I had a dream that there would be no more crying and suffering.
I had a dream that there would be no more sorrow and pain.
I had a dream that there would be no more violence and war.
I had a dream that there would be no more hatred.
I had a dream that everyone would be treated all the same.
I had a dream that there would be no more darkness.
I had a dream that there would be no more dying.
I had a dream that there would be no more heartache.
I had a dream that there would be no more departure.
Yes, I had a dream, and my dream came true...because I am in heaven.


My feather pen too light to stay
do not insist on flying away.
We together might each stray
and thoughts on paper fade away.
Each year I live more time slips away,
more work I give more hope gives away.
If we float sentimental together
not even reason can take us away
from a sensible breeze we're use to weather.
Not before reason drips away.
I hate to breathe against a feather.
I also hate to be pushed away.
If only we were kept together
the rest would come right away.
The inspriation and dedictaion would eat
stagnation fast away. If I could hold on
to my feather pen, if it would be strong
enthusiastic, and still. I'd write until
my mind was bare and my heart finally content.
Then someday you might be called great,
my flying feather pen.

Love Sleeps by Dreams

I watch as you sleep
You are so unreal
I cannot understand
This thing that I feel

I gaze out the window
It is raining, My Love
And I am most certain
You were sent from above

I lie down beside you
I can feel your breath
Believe I will Love you
Even in death

With my head on your chest
I can hear your heart beat
In this sweet contentment
I join you in sleep.


Primordial darkness
rising from the depths.
Mighty god's of war
seaking human flesh.
Darkness spreading quickly,
covering sea and land.
Mortal weeping everywhere,
no aid from thought or act.

Land covered with blood,
corpses decorate my path.
My boots soaken with mud,
I see my land in flames.
God's of what are these,
who wreck are spread their wrath.
I see no light in this this,
this battle of old and new.

I take my sword and vow,
to a god more old than these.
I sacrifice my freedom,
to serve without regret.
In the inferno that surrounds me,
I feel no flame nor heat.
Shall the darken angels guide me,
In the name of God I slay.

Oh, rise my voice higher,
let it be heard.
Take me for thy champion,
and let me slay as thee.
Give me thy eternal darkness,
to spread thy holy seed.


I dreamt the dreams of the Ancients
I heard the drums of war.
The clattering of horses hoves
pounded the way to doom.
So came the warriors
the proud killers of the past.
Their eyes locked in hate
mind clouded with blood.
They walked the fields of gold
in iron glad armours of old.
The winds blew the bloody scent
the smoke filled my eyes.

They are the warriors of ages past.
They hunger for blood, for such is their life.
They return from eons thankfully forgotten.
They bring back the knowledge rightfully lost.
In their eyes, there is unworldly pain,
for they are from a time when our world had not began.
Red, hot, chilliness pours from their thoughts.
They are those who haunt are thoughts at night,
for we ones were them, they are now us.

They weep for their master, the man glad in black.
For the man, who wore darkness as a cloak, they lament.
In primordial blackness they seek our ages doom.
For they shall return, and our day shall come to a night - soon.

Dream II

I feel the rain hitting my dead face.
It bounces of my lightless eyes.
It flows from my warmthless eye sockets.

Now - I'm dead.

This I have awaited for so long.
Now I will join my brothers in the battle of the warriors of the great dream.
I walk the same paths of those,
whose blood has so long ago flowed to the freezing ground.
I feel the emptiness infesting my mind.
I feel the joy of life leaving my body.

Oh, now I'm a true warrior.

And I shall return to ancient grounds to battle; to battle the enemy that
has always been here.
I return to the place I never left.
And I feel; I feel the knowledge returning, not the knowledge from the
dream I thouhgt to be life - but, from the life I thought to be dream.
I return to battle, to Lavondyss I race.

My city - oh, so beautiful. Its light shine, like stars of the ancient sky.
It's streets wind down towards the ancient harbour.
Now it's harbour eternaly laid in ice.
It's dock's shatterd in the wars; past.
Now I understand peace only to be the time betwin war.
Peace, I see to be, the time to prepair for war that certainly arrives.

We race to the battlements.
I see their weapons - cold, in the wintry eve; I see movement.
And then I am filled with joy, for here is now now is here.
I have returned, thus I shall stay.
The blood already flows, for the first wave have fallen; as the long grey
archers pour their half breading maddnes in the souls who attack us.
I have always returned, yet is this real?

Am I but dreaming?

The ancient warriors where are they, am but sleeping.
Oh, what sweeter dream would death be than to sleep but the dream of night.
For, would death wrap me in it's arms to fight, no, to fight yes.

I see - nothing.

I am but a dream my self, but who is this cruel being
who dreameth the dream of me.
For if I but dream be, what is my dream to me?



In the darkness it lurks. There it has been always.
It has watched me in every turn of my life.

And now, as my life is sipping away
I feel it even closer to my self.
It has seen me on those days that have been sunny,
it has seen me when it was dark.
I dont know what it wants,
but I know it wants me to do its bidding.
I have been a great mage.

I have lived in multiple dimentions, have known secrets too dark for mankind.
I have seen things that never happend, and I have known them to be true.
Unlike those who saw them and thought them to be nightmares,
I have known, and shall remember.

And now as I begin to regognice the shade I remember again.
Terror floods me. I remember! I remember the legions,
I remember the death that I caused.
Never was blood so thick that it could not sip through
the crakcs of my beloved fortress.

The blood - now I know, was my own.
For as the gods struck me, they gave me a mission.
They threw my brother away.
His mission, now ended, was to guide my as I emerge again.
But this time I shall not make the blood run,
this time I shall not make lives forfeit.

I have seen the light, and now the light has me.

Shared Dreams

When dreams come close together
And whisper gentle thoughts
We tend to see reality
In ways that few are taught

We're reaching for the answers
Like blind men in a storm
To know again the feelings
We've known to be so warm

Exuberance unbounding
It takes your breath away
The drama of the moment
And words we've yet to say

Compunction stands behind us
A figment of the past
While dreams of times eternal
Are visible at last.


Sleep tight my love, dream of me,
Dream of how, our love might be.
Smile so sweetly, as you sleep,
Dreaming of the love you keep.

Grab your pillows, hold them tight,
Cuddle close, all through the night.
Here's my love, it's yours to take,
It lies here with you, till you wake.

If you could feel, the thoughts I think,
Then you, would realize.
You would be feeling in the pink,
If I, could be your prize.


I dream of the day., that we may be,
One on one, just you and me.
Face to face, hand and hand,
Holding you and feeling grand.

It's been so long since the day we met,
A time I know, I'll never forget,
So much to me, you've come to mean,
And this for a woman, I've never seen.

Someday this lovely, dream will come true,
And I'll get some time, to spend with you.
Until that time, I'll just dream away,
Of how it will be, when we have that day.


To know you're there, does make me smile,
It's been that way for quite a while.
I hope that I do, the same for you,
In each and every thing I do.

Each passing moment, every day,
You're on my mind, I have to say.
I just can't imagine, what I'd do,
If you weren't here, what would I do.

You've much inspired, many dreams,
I have them every night it seems
I know that when, I'm there with you,
Some of them, will sure come true.


If my heart had dreams, they were of you,
All day long and the whole night though.
I'm reaching out, with my love in hand,
In hopes that you, had dreams this grand.

Take me and hold me, and love me true,
That's just what's, I want you to do.
Maybe your dreams, will all come true,
If you let there be, a me and you.


A dream you've inspired, that maybe one day,
We'll share love together, in a wonderful way.
Although we've not met, I can't help but dream,
That maybe it's you, that harbors my theme.

Perhaps we both search, for the same kind of touch,
The same of love we've wanted and needed so much.
A love you can trust, and believe in forever,
One that's so strong, that you know it wont sever.

Sweetheart, don't make me, wait here so long,
To see if it's you, who plays to my song.
What if I'm missing, my one chance to know,
If a place in your heart, is were mine wants to go.

I could wait for a lifetime, if only I knew,
If one day our love, was to be me and you.
So tell me now darling, how do we find out,
If you and I are, what loves all about.



Alone as I lie here, I dream of the night,
That I hold you till dawn, in my arms so tight.
Hugging and kissing, and feeling as one,
Loving each other, till a new days begun.

Feeling our hearts, reaching out to each other,
Giving ourselves, to love one another.
The passion displayed, I hope lasts forever,
For both you and I, as we lie here together.

Your voice I can hear, in my pillow so sweet,
As it whispers, I love you, I still feel the heat.
The love that we share, I'll never forget,
But you really haven't, seen anything yet.

The love that I have inside me runs deep,
As I lie here awake, and as I fall asleep.
Some way I have, to make you understand,
It's you I desire, your loves in demand.


One day you'll weaken and open your heart,
We'll be standing together, not too far apart.
I'll look in your eyes and you back at mine,
And see our reflections, looking so fine.

Don't fear that your heart, will be hurt by me,
I may be all you've hoped for, one day you'll see.
I'd care for and keep warm, your heart in my hand,
It's safe there forever, if that's what's been planned.

We don't know the future, and what it reveals,
Fate sometimes sets us, back on or heels.
We were put here for reasons, fates secrets kept well,
And only the past, does fates story tell.

One day in the future, and what it reveals,
And be happy fate brought us, together this way.
You just never know, if we were, meant to be,
And all of our dreams shared, include you and me.

It would be such an honor, to hold your heart near,
I'd wear it so proudly, knowing I had you here.
And mine you would wear, every minute every day,
Nothing would ever, make our love go astray.

If this be it true and you pass up the chance,.
Turn from my eyes, not give it a chance.
Where else would you turn, what fate lies ahead,
Could it be your last chance, for true love to be said.


I still dream the nights, of one day when,
Our hearts will be sharing as one.
I'm longing to share, our love once again,
That feeling was second to none.

I've said many times, the way that I feel,
It just seems that I cannot express.
My love has, never been more real,
And your life I want to caress.

You know that I'll take, sweet care of your love,
I'll never give reason to doubt.
Living as a pair, like the way of the dove,
Displaying what devotion's about.

I'd rather be with you, part of your world,
Than to be here, without you in mine.
Give me a chance, for this love to unfurl,
And you'll see I can make your life shine.

All of my life, I have wanted to feel,
The way, that I feel about you.
No longer do, I want to conceal,
All the things I say, and want to do.


You want to be happy, I heard you say,
I may be the man, to make you that way
You must tell me just, what does it take.
Don't hide away and make that mistake.

Happy is something, we both want to share,
It's not where we've been, It's sure not there.
Maybe our dreams, are sitting right here,
To see if that's true, you have nothing to fear.

To hold back the chance, that this may be true,
Could be the worse thing, we might ever do.
How many chances, to find love do you get,
One that's forever and you'd not regret.

So don't push away, too hard your desire,
I may be the one to keep you on fire.
All that I ask is, that you give us a chance,
To see if there's something we want to romance.

Lucky is the woman, who captures my heart,
For from that love, know that I'll never part.
I've so much to give, to my lover to be,
And I just keep praying, that it is you and me.


I'm sitting here wondering, when the next time will be,
That I'll once again feel you, lying here next to me.
It's been oh so long now, since I've held you so tight,
And woke in the morning, after holding you all night.

My dreams of the future, start each morning this way,
And end in the evening, in my arms where you stay.
Giving all my love to you, it's endlessly flowing,
As each day passes by, love's continually growing.

To make you feel whole, and complete is my goal,
Devote all my love to you, and be sharing our souls,
You'll not find another, who'll love you like I do,
No matter what hurdles, our lives must go through.

Sometimes life brings darkness, on why we are here,
Is it all worth it when, hard times fall so near.
Just know there's a light, and at the end you will see,
I'll still be there, beside you, where love's supposed to be.


Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.



In the beginning God created the dream,
Later both God and man created the world.

Eons later the dream has become the illusion
And the mind-created world the reality.

This confusion between illusion and reality

Has remained the dagger between what is given to us

And what we could make of it.

We do not prepare for our dreams,
But are lead into an inward journey -

To a destination where we would like to go,

But did not intend to go.

Mind tries to convert all external reality to a dream.
The struggle between the two is the fabric of human existence.

It is the dreams which give us pain.

But if we shut off the dream,

The existence turns dry as dust,

And there is music no more.

A dream holds us strongly by its hand,
But reason commands coldly.

While intellect works by slow sequential steps,

A dream dances its way to the destination.

Works of reason are the jewels of human mind,
But the creations of dreams are both the works of   logic and beauty.

Organized thought for too long may smother the birth of a new vision,

A dream has more power than a thousand reasons.

Life is a continuous inner dream
Smothered by reality.

We dream, we are awakened, we go back to the dream.

Maybe, it is all a dream,
The external reality but our own fabrication.



It was almost like a dream.
I was in your arms, holding on to a memory that I would have forever.
You took my hand and led me outside,
then you kissed my lips.
I tried to back away, because I knew that this would only last for a little while,
but you said, "it's ok."
And I believed you.
Well, now your gone, and my dream is a nighmare.
Now I have to pick up the pieces.
You have now officially broke my heart.
And I even saw it coming.


I roll over...moaning softly,reaching out and finding empty space .
Then I remember,your not here so I picture your beautifull face .
I slide back into dreamland where you enter into my mind .
Then I run my fingers through your hair wondering how I could be so blind .
I gently kiss your lips of silk ,as you moan in soft delight .
I can smell your body spray when I pull you close , holding you tight !
I never want to wake up, I just want to enjoy the show.
For if I was to wake up I'm afraid that you would go ,
Just like all the other times I've had you in my hand ,
I woke up just to find out you were in my dream land !
Maybe someday my dream will be reality ,
Then we both will live in tranquility !


Living in a dream world,dreaming the hours away .
Missing you Sunshine more than words can say .
Just a prisoner in a dream world , where the skies are always gray .
Knowing it's the penalty a caring person like me, must pay .
Locked up in this dream world where you posses the key !
I would be your slave forever if you'd only set me free !
Take me out of this dream world because it's with you I want to be !
I'm begging you my Love make my dream a reality !
Just Dreaming!

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