by Christopher

Hopelessly bound
by the chains of love's grip
- greatest gift,
fate's cruelest curse.

Wherefore do I weep
at knowing the joy,
the warmth,
at feeling the peace,
the fire.

Wherefore do I weep
unable to complete ,
to be,
unknown the kiss,
the flames.

Wherefore do I weep
at loving not living
seeing not touching
breathing not sharing
holding not loving?

because I, The Fool,
am no more?

Seek Not My Heart
by Kit McCallum

Oh gentle winds 'neath moonlit skies,
Do not you hear my heartfelt cries?

Below the branches, here about,
Do not you sense my fear and doubt?
Side glistening rivers, sparkling streams,
Do not you hear my woeful screams?

Upon the meadows, touched with dew,
Do not you see my hearts a'skew?
Beneath the thousand twinkling stars,
Do not you feel my jagged scars?

Seek not my mournful heart kind breeze,
For you'll not find it 'mongst these trees.

It's scattered 'cross the moonlit skies,
Accompanied by heartfelt sighs.
It's drifting o're the gentle rain,
A symbol of my silent pain.

It's buried 'neath the meadow fair,
Conjoined with all the sorrow there.
It's lost among the stars this night,
Too far to ease my quiet fright.

No gentle winds, seek not my heart,
For simply ... it has torn apart.

Slow Tears
by Martini

I look up
as a tear rolls slowly
down my cheek
I think about better days
and wonder if I'll feel that way again
you look at me
with those eyes I know so well
always serious, so deep and insightful
as though you're always in control
But not today
not now
Now you look so scared
like for once you don't have the answer
I gaze at you
looking deep into those hazel eyes
Hoping to understand
why you've said those things you did
I wonder for a moment
if this is all a dream
if I shall wake in the morning
and be relieved
you look at me
with a confusion I have never seen
slowly pull me towards you
and wipe the tears from my cheek

Corrupted Love
by Angelgirl020

A warm sensation fills my body
My heart races with every touch
The softness of your voice soothes
My soul
As I lay there hoping the moment
Will never end
Calling out for you
Praying that you'll never let me go
The sensation so strong
I can no longer feel my body
Slowly I fade in and out of reality
In an instant the warm sensation
Fades away
My heart empty
My soul torn apart
Lying there; wondering where I went
Calling out for you, only to find
there is no answer
My mind invaded with thoughts
So cruel and unrefined
The sensation of fear of what's to come
Slowly the reality over powering
The lust and fantasy
Leaving me empty
Confused on how to think or feel
The loneliness I feel
So wretched and compelled
Betrayal to myself
Revealing the terrors of my love

Terra Incognizant
by Prometheus

You would think by now, I would know my way around,
I shouldn't miss you so badly, I should be on familiar ground.
How many more lonely years, must meander by,
until I learn the lesson, it does no good to cry.
What manner of iron will, must some people possess,
to be always looking forward, to never accept regress.
Perhaps if I was willing, to let someone take me by the hand,
they could show me a happy place, in this unfamiliar land.
Perhaps I'm only homesick, for all the joys that once were mine,
I must accept that they and you, belong to another place and time.
But I know that deep within my heart, there's a place where only you reside,
and when the pain of loneliness comes, it knows that is where I hide.
So if sometimes it seems to you, I'm clinging to the past,
it's mostly because I can't yet accept, that our love didn't last.
No matter how hard I try, I've yet to get over you,
for the part of me that's still alive, believes you love me too.
Maybe there will come a day, when that part will finally die,
and feeling strong with a heart reborn, a new love I will finally try.
And what a splendid day that will be, when I awaken to discover,
I'm happily learning a great new land, with a great new friend and lover.

Twisting And Turning
by bessy41

Mixing and matching,
Twisting and turning,
Hoping and praying,
Dreaming and considering,
Never knowing yet always knowing,
Wanting to, yet not wanting to,
Mixing my heart,
Matching my soul to yours,
Twisting fate with the flick of the wrist,
Turning my life over,
Hoping that it would end,
Praying that it never would stop,
Thinking it was over,
Wishing that it wasn't,
Dreaming of its coming,
Considering letting it steal within
Never knowing if it's true,
Always knowing that it's there.
Wanting to live in the light,
Not wanting the light to come,
The love of another
The dreams of someone close,
Remembering what you used to feel,
Can it come back if you pray so?

She Walks
by Jeffrey Carter

She walks along this lonely street
no one to dry her tears
massage her tired feet
or calm ever present fears

Seeing life through tainted heart
making everything gray
Alone, her life, anew to start
Always searching for a way

But life goes on no matter what
That fact she cannot quell
Memories ne'er to be forgot
Within her heart they dwell

So she keeps walking this lonely street
Keeps searching to find her way
Every night she lies down to sleep
And prays tomorrow's a better day

My Love Left On A Saturday

by Michael Perez

My belt loosens slowly.
Reminders of you stay fresh
in murky ponds of suffocating tadpoles.
Wake me in the morning,
when the sun shines again.
It's frightening when all I know
falls apart.
And all I know is you.
Hunger squeezes me tighter.
My soul sags with exhaustion.
Ashtrays fill with sleepless nights.
Weeping intensifies my anxiety.
Can tomorrow come without you...
here today?
The cheap chandelier falls on my face.
The rose filled lamp explodes in my hands.
Pain is unrecognizable.
All I knew was you.
My love.

For Sean

by jenawin

I caught a
glimpse of myself
as I opened my
car door

a face
I don't really
stared back at me

it looked eighty

bitter eyes
sharp lines in my

a girl raped of her
I suppose

you know it's been
millions of years
since I've talked to you

I feel like you


let me feel the snow again
before I had to
sever you
from my side

let me hold your hand
the simplest things that
haunt me

let me pretend that
I don't really know the

or better yet

let me
the girl
under my skin
took away

I Was Reminded

by Alicia S

As we lay there quiet
I was reminded of all the reasons why I lust you
Your smile,
and the way it teased at me seductively
Your laugh,
and the way it tempted me
Your eyes,
and the way they seem to hypnotize me

As we sat there silent
I was reminded of all the reasons why I love you
Your smile,
and the way it brings such life into me
Your laugh,
and the way it makes everything okay
Your eyes,
and the way them seems to read my thoughts

As we stand here now
I am reminded of all the reasons why I hate you
Your smile,
and the way it confuses me
Your laugh,
and the way it seems to mock me
Your eyes,
and the way they can look into mine and not feel a thing

by jenawin

ocean waves
wash my soul
cleanse me of your smile

and the memory of
ten fingers
entwined forever
in a hopeless wish

by Sarah Healy

Thinking. Can't stop thinking.
Think of you. This. That. That Life. That day.
That dream was mine.
A utopian dream.

Your aura; struck me like lightning to a tree.
Pointy, like a star, you shone.
So bright, yet not shining as a star would,
But as apparent as white chalk on a blackboard.
You would not show off like a star.
Yet you did burn so hot, so fiercely, so explosively -
you were a star in my eyes.

But like all stars, you died.
That gas was gone.
No pull between us.
The atmosphere was dry
and I began to choke.
I was taken from my star - like a child being taken from its poor,
drunken mother - I did not know what was happening.
Dazed. Confused. Without true reality, I there sat.

The end of my world had only just begun, with yours beginning.

Our Love

by jenawin

our love is a
promises in vain

of past
of present
of future

in my palms

At Night

by Miss P.

At night
At night I lay and think of you hoping my wishes and dreams come true
At night I wonder can this be the end is this all that's left
At night I wish we could go to the way things were
At night I lay and cry about the things that happened and how it all ended
At night I lay and think of us, I mean you and I
At night I realize there's no more us
At night I dream of us together again
At night I wish for us to be together again
But in the morning I realize it was all
At Night

You Are Like The Diamond

by LoveBug

You are like the diamond
You glimmer and glow
And shine so brightly
Some, like me, draw close
To feel your warmth, your heat
Only to find none

You are like the diamond
You are bright and strong
But you have no warmth, or love
It's a terrible game
To play with people's hearts
Like mine

You are like the diamond
You will last longer than most
But you will have no love
No warmth to back up that bright light
So what kind of life will it be?
Besides long?

Will you regret it someday?
Regret being so much like the diamond
Regret being so cold
And look for me
A find me gone?
Can I ever leave?

No, I can never leave you
I am drawn to this cold light
This false sense of warmth you give
I keep wishing and hoping
That someday, you will give warmth
But, this will never be

Diamonds last forever

To My Valentine
by Saxoness

Once upon
A time
There was
Truth to the
Myth of what
And I
Had found
In a blank paged
Fairy tale.

Snow White
Doesn't sleep
In a casket made of
Slippers will break
If you wear them.

Walk across this
Written word
With fingers
And me
No more.

He loves
He loves me!

My Valentine
Will you
Be mine
No longer . . .

Promises Made

by Christopher

Yesterday's goals, dim memories.
Dark saddened eyes, blurring with tears.
Painful scars borne; Love's history.
Futures crumble when doubt appears.

No brightly lit hope envisioned,
When following after harsh words.
Hurt soul splits in twain, partitioned.
Swooned by appeal - when numbness lured.

Apologies made, never bought.
Price paid turned out far too costly.
Though never known what would be wrought -
Must walk into the night softly.

One wish, only to be released.
Granted - now receive this token.
Words written in rhyme, love's deceased.
When promises made . . . were broken

What Do They Know

by Tima Chavis

I face the world with a smile, no one knows what is hid inside.
They see only happiness, they cant see the tears I've cried.
When I am alone I hurt, because here I do it well.
In front of all the watchful eyes my heaven turns to hell.
The judge and jury awaits me, everyone has a say.
In a life that hangs suspended for yet another day.
Who are they to judge if what I have done is right or wrong?
In the end I gave him up, but inside still sing his song.
I don't know how to find the strength I thought I had.
If only I could play tough it wouldn't be so bad.
They say that life goes on and someday I'll smile again.
But, how do they know my pain without being where I've been?
I've traveled so far from home, and can't find my way back.
Somewhere along the way I must have jumped the track.
I saw him just today and his smile is still the same.
He looked at me so sweetly, but never spoke my name.
I wonder if he remembers me, It hasn't been that long.
He may have forgotten me, but I still sing his song

To Watch You Leaving

by Jocelyn Galvano-Pickett

To Watch You Leaving . . .

is to know such pain, it's jagged edges tearing into my soul. As a stake from the garden tears into the warm, dark earth.

To Watch You Leaving . . .

knowing all the while that never again will I fit myself, warm with sleep, against your solid back.

Nor hear your steady breathing. Or feel the beating of your heart.

To Watch You Leaving . . .

aware in every moment of every day that my dreams, my future; once tied with silken ribbons to yours, will never come to be.

And the mornings once so silent and hopeful, us gazing at the mountains and so gently awaiting forever - are now but small pieces of my past.

To Watch You Leaving . . .

your heart a tight fist of anger and your dry eyes betraying nothing of you. I cry for both of us, my love, because you will not.

To Watch You Leaving . . .

is to know that I've lost my place on this earth. My station. My heart's home. That I will wander, forever a nomad. Alone and afraid. And in my troubled dreams watch you leave, again and again.

For the balance of my days.

Heartstrings Are Played Upon

by Hope

It's becoming more evident
Much more obvious to me
I thought much more of you
Than you ever thought of me

Was this my biggest mistake
Letting myself think you cared
Was I just your marionette
With heartstrings open and bared

With me left here still thinking
What was false, what was true
So puzzling and so complex
I’m left to await another clue

On my heartstings you played
Each left with a loving memory
Yet I still have those questions
Do you ever think about me

I’m wondering why all the intrigue
Now why all of this mystery
Why am I left here hanging
Your the one that holds the key.

Making Love To A Friend

by Amber White

You were always so perfect to me,
so soft and gentle,
cherishing you instantly,
without a second glance,
I never distrusted those eyes,
that lied to me continuously,
I promised you I'd always try,
but slowly you were losing me.

I would always have given you anything,
just to keep your interest,
stopping my heart from remembering,
all the pain you caused,
I never pulled away from that kiss,
that held a painful hint of truth,
Maybe you'd be too hard to miss,
so I said I was still in love with you.

I wanted more than just the infatuation,
that you found in me.
You said love was only a distraction,
that you really didn't need,
so I cried myself to sleep,
knowing the times we shared must end.
You couldn't let emotion run deep,
you said you made love to me, as a friend.

But eventually, my love,
friendships fade, too,
and I can't make love and walk away,
pretending I don't love you.
Never once did I push you away,
but everything comes to end,
so all that's left to say,
is goodbye,

I loved loving you, my friend.

Crazy Holding On
by Mandy Turner

Once there was a man who had an orange shirt.
Once there was a girl who went out dancing in a skirt.
Once there was a park they found they fed the frantic ducks.
Once there was a couple, happy, who couldn't believe their luck.

Once they went out dancing, and a candled dinner date.
Once early in the morning she surrendered to her fate.
Once he said "I love you" and she had to love him too.
Once they had a future, happy when one and one made two.

Now they are both lonely, now they live alone.
Now he has a cold and empty (tidy) hollow home.
Now she has a fountain, tears where once there was a heart.
Now he has decided that they really have to part.

Now that he has nothing, he feels he is complete.
Now that she can't dance again, her heart weighs down her feet.
Now he thinks about her, all the memories locked away.
Now he tries so hard to forget the happy laughing days.

Is she thinking of him still? Does she cry still, now and then?
Is she ever going to win back the man she loves again?
Is he glad it's over? Can he get on with his life?
Is he really so very certain she would have made a useless wife?

Given all the laughter, fun and sunny times they had.
Given all the heartache, lies and times he made her mad.
Given all the tears now, the loneliness and pain.
Given all the risks, would she do it all again?

Can he really say that he won't want her back one day?
Can he really like his life now better in this way?
Can he forget her face, the mess, the giggles and the love?
Can he find someone else to love him more than she could love?

If she really loved him, he said she'd let him go.
If he understood her feelings then he would know that it's not so.
If he were less stubborn, if she could care much less.
If they had never spoken there wouldn't be this sorry mess.

But time has taken prisoners, their lives are now entwined.
But even if they never meet again, the past is not left behind.
But can she start all over? Just forget him and move on?
But even if she can, will he be glad with what he's won?

Is that really what he wants, to never see her smiling face again?
Will it make him happy, will he live on without pain?
Will he be thinking of her, is he too proud to cry?
Will it wrench his heart in two if he sees her kiss another guy?

And can she forgive his faults, and accept him as he is.
She wants to have him back and say there's nothing to forgive.
He's told her that she's crazy, that he may never want her back.
She's told him that she loves him and though its a risk, she'll live with that.

She wants him to live with patience, to give him time to heal.
The past is not yet over and it's left a scar so real.
We don't choose who we can love, and love doesn't really die.
You can find it in your heart again, I love you, so please try.


by Stymie63

Locked in my cage, I stare at the emptiness;
this very emptiness possesses my soul -
we are one.

The months pass, as do the years,
yet as time progresses, it loses all relevance.
I sit here trapped in a recurring nightmare, never to awaken.
I feed on my own self-pity -
I never hunger. I merely exist,
captive in this asylum, biding my time;
my sole gratification, inebriated isolation.

The door to my cage is ajar, as is often the case,
yet it's pointless to leave;
each journey leads me back
to this God-forsaken realm of suffering and despair.

Long ago, I was free;
I remember faces, smiling faces.
A different me, in a different time -
it was a time of fulfillment, of togetherness, of love.
Then one day the fantasy ended, and I was here . . .
but enough about the past; I must face my reality.

Distant voices race through my head,
as I stave off insanity.
But this time, the voice is real.
Unsure of its origin, I feel my soul is not as cold; my burden lighter.
Though I smile, I soon shiver in frustration.
Tears stream down my cheeks,
as I cannot deny that the other voice is my own,
as my rationality succumbs to my imagination.

by Moondust

Purity once had a name,
And beauty once had a face.
Life once had a meaning,
And once I was safe.
Once there was freedom,
And once I could laugh.
Happiness once was alive,
And once I had another half.
Once I shared her love,
Once I was by her side,
Once I felt I fitted,
So quickly that died.
Her grace so great,
Her beauty so vast,
All I ever wanted,
Was for it to last.
Fate maybe had another plan,
Or maybe she had another love,
But it all fell apart,
The hand too big for the glove.
Now it's all died away,
Happiness, joy, love; all memories.
Now I walk alone in this dark, dark world,
With no light to guide my way.

by Red

I'm captured in the valley of feeling blue
I hope she will take my hand
and bring me back
to the heaven of mutual love

It is the only thing this angel can do

Open feelings
Growing love

Will that be enough?

by Adrienne Alexandrea

why do you pretend like
I don't matter to you
when you're all that
matters to me?

Falling In And Out Of Love
by Rose

When I say I love you I do
But this with you will not do
I need someone I can lean on
Someone I can count on too

Yes you are there sometimes
For that I am grateful to you
But I need someone there full time
And that you can not do

You told me once you loved me
That I could believe in you
I was there when you needed someone
Where were you when I needed someone, too?

The time has come for me to let go
Never to expect you to care again
People may come and people may go
But my love will never end


by Maze54

It's gone
What's gone? My mind?
Soul? No, I'm fine
Not really
Deep inside, something is missing
The love and tender kissing
She walked out herself
Now all I do is talk to myself
in the mirror, with my reflection
My heart is dead
Soon it will make a resurrection
Once the wounds heal
And I'm loved for real
A type of love I can feel
But nobody loves me
Nobody cares
Nobody loves me
That nobody is me
I can't love myself because no one does
I'm all alone and no longer what I once was
But the only thing that keeps me alive
Is knowing that the next day, it might all change
For the best
And that "nobody" becomes somebody

Natural Disaster

by Kevin Blacker

Darkened clouds, wind and rain.
Left alone with all this pain.
It’s winter here without you.

Landslides always drag me down
Trapped for days, will I be found ?
I pray for skies of blue.

Flooded plains within my head
Tornadoes draw near, leave me for dead.
I feel alone without you.

Drought from tears I know not for
I’ve cried for days, I cry no more.
I’ve made mistakes, it’s true

Hurricane waves pound on my shore
I’m drowning on my bedroom floor.
Will we never be together?

This natural bridge from heart to heart
Collapsed in shreds, fallen apart
These seasons last forever.


by angel eyez

The dreams you dream
are merely images
of a darkened soul
inflicting pain on me.
Drown your acceptance
and believe in me.
The power of love
is all I need.
The warmth of your touch
the motion, the feel
entirely of your heartbeat.
Do you love?
Are you free?
Can you let go of
all those secluded worries?
I love your compassion
I can hear your heart beat for another,
to love you like I do.
Why won't you realize
my love is for you
I understand you want to leave
and I will release you.
But let it be known
it was only Love for you
I have ever shown

Never Before

by Brian Hudson

Gazing at the moon
My heart loves to the core.
For once I fell in love
like no other time before.

I met her from the hills,
just text, and window based
The butterflies set in,
with such beauty, she was graced.

With kindness and a voice
She patched up every sore
Was it meant to be,
as it's never been before?

Summer, it came with fire
For at that time we met
And as that wood door opened,
I knew where my heart was set.

Hand in hand we walked,
My faith to her I swore,
as we kissed that first sweet time
We melted on the floor.

As the leaves fell off the trees
Warmth shared through the winter,
of course we had our problems,
flicked off as though a splinter.

Lots of hurdles came,
With those came the pain.
But after all that we've endured
one fact remains the same.

Seasons spent together,
In fact, we lasted four,
the fact remains, I still love her
Forever, and ever more.

I pray that she'll come back
I Hope I'm in her mind,
So much I want to share,
Don't care if love is blind!

As she drifts away
there's nothing I want more
then to feel her love again,
As I've never felt before.

Shattered Pieces
by Cherenee

Inside my sleeve, I pull out my heart,
handing it to you, "careful it's fragile,
and easily falls apart."

Extending your arms, you take the heart in
your tender warm hands.
It falls into a million shattered pieces - on
the floor it lands.

You begin to bend down to pick it up, sorrow and
sadness in your eyes.

Apologies are not enough.

Looking at you with tears in my eyes,
I ask you not to pick up the pieces of a heart
that has fallen apart.

I am the one who needs to pick up the pieces of
my shattered heart - one by one, piece by piece.

I need to put it together again, some how. some way.

Each piece of my heart has a memory so true.
Each piece of my heart has part of you.

You are the one who is leaving to start a new lease on life.
I'll just be here on my knees picking up the pieces of a
heart that feels like it's being pierced with a knife.

All my tears won't keep you near
All my tears won't mend what's not here.

Again I look at you with a whisper in my voice,
The only way my heart will mend and finally be complete,
is if you and I can come together without being discreet.
You see, what we have here and today, helps me face the
world, with a love for you that gives a glow -
but now, my darling, you made a choice.

My heart is on this floor, shattered and broke.
With each piece I pick up -
I need to learn to let go.

What Did You Expect?

by Sandy Fioretti

You came into my life
As quickly as you left.
You grabbed a cutting knife
And sliced right through my breast.

You didn't mean to hurt
But what did you expect?

My heart now cut in two
It feels beyond repair.
Injury done by you
God, life just isn't fair.

You didn't mean to hurt
But what did you expect?

So here we are, just friends,
But I long to be more.
Desire with no end
Throbbing from my core.

You didn't mean to hurt
But what did you expect?

Words Spoken

by Nicole Kowalkowski

Things you've said to me,
I will never, ever forget.
Words like "love", "meant to be, "
just words, not heaven sent.

Feelings beyond, once felt,
now just dwindled away.
Reading them makes me melt,
not feeling is how we stay.

Moments that we shared,
were great, even passionate.
Nothing could be compared,
to a likeness that was so set.

Trust came easy for me,
but undoubtedly not for you.
Wishing, I could only to see,
What did I really do?

Always saying you wouldn't cheat,
never, ever would you do that.
With every guy my heart skips a beat,
it's usually always the reason, Pat.

Seemingly on opposite ends,
I suppose could be true.
The end as "just friends,"
What end is that to you?

The girl not for you,
is what I seem to be.
Not sorry is very true,
a wife you truly need.

Constantly people always change,
believe me, I understand this.
In four months seems so strange,
even you can't keep a promise.

Worried I would breakup with you,
this topic always seemed to come.
Tides change, now look who,
Words Spoken that are set and done.

I thought you were different;
thought you'd even understand.
Beautiful roses that were sent,
made now only to look like sand.

I remember reading a poem one day,
I think it's still in its fold.
Many words, too much to say,
we'll just leave "Things Untold."

The Door

by Raquel

And so I looked
towards the door,
my thoughts lingering
like your presence -
Shadows of indifference upon the threshold.
To exit would be
your finality,
the escape of all I
once held as true;
my depravity the doorknob.

The door has always been open,
but until now I have avoided
the Coldness, the continual draft
of your existence.
The other side beckons to me
with it's decadent hands of denial,
so eagerly awaiting this
staved immaculance.

To walk through that door,
to forget,
would be my last act of submission
carried out in your name.
So I walked
through that door, and I
left my shroud of naivete
on the hanger nearby
that is cluttered
with other such hypocrisy

And You're Gone
by Nitemare Feeder

No more dreams of warm hands and soft eyes,
No more hopes of gentle kisses in the night.
The realization of losing you is slow in sinking in.
I never wanted it to be my fault,
So why do I feel like it is?

I always wanted someone who could make me happy,
I yearned for someone to make me feel loved.
And I received all these useless questions,
Which the answers to we don't know.
All left to this pointless wonder.

I don't mean this to make you feel guilty,
It's just that I don't know what to say.
I never expected to ever lose you,
It hit me like a slap in the face.
I hope you know that I still love you.

Tasting The Raindrops

by Anonymous-17

Looking in your eyes
I feel myself falling in love with you
You said I love you
And I said it too

We went to our very own special spot
For no real reason at all
We sat and talked and looked at one another
And then the rain began to fall

We could have left just as quick as we came
But no, you wanted to stay in the rain
You asked me a question I’ll never forget
Have you ever tasted the raindrops?

I looked at you funny and you gave me a sigh
The cutest look, as I wondered, why?
Why, did you ask me to taste the rain?
Well, what did have to loose or gain?

I watched you with a careful eye
And did the same as you
You were looking up at the cloudy sky
But my eyes were stuck on you like glue

I lifted my head to look at the sky
And closed my eyes really tight
Just as I thought I’d caught a raindrop
You suddenly held me tight

I opened my eyes with slight alarm
As you kissed me soft and sweet
I remember that kiss like it was yesterday
I still feel those raindrops on my cheek

I tasted the raindrops like I never had before
It was worth every second of bliss
Every time I think of that moment
I think of my raindrop kiss

We sat close together on that one special rock
And we held each other tight
Then almost as suddenly as it came
The sun came out from beneath the rain

The most beautiful colors I’ve ever seen
Came out on the western sky
The sun was setting and the moment was perfect
More than any money could buy

As the sun slowly set and the sky lit up
You began carving our names in our special rock
I told you I would never forget this moment
In my heart this memory is locked

As our names were finished and permanently engraved
We watched the sun finish its day
We slowly got up to leave this place
Which was a year ago this May

I haven’t been to that spot in a year
Where did all the time go?
I will visit this place alone this time
And I will finally have to let go

This memory will be in my heart forever
But you will not remain in my mind
I don’t know if that love, will be seen again
For that love I cannot find

I will go to this spot as we promised we would
But you will not be there this time
Why is it that you can’t keep your promise?
I know that I’m keeping mine

Never again will I taste the raindrops
The way I did with you
And when I go to this spot again
I will say goodbye to you.

Touch Yourself And You Touch Me
by Judy Burnette

I understand the why
Yet I cannot grasp the how;
But if this is the way you must handle us
I will try to understand somehow.

There is one thing that I ask
As you walk away;
Please create a corner in your heart for me
So at least, there, I can always stay.

You will always be my love
That will never change;
Though we are going separate ways
That fact remains the same.

I know we must let each other go
Circumstances force us to set each other free;
But today, I give back to you . . . your words -
Touch Yourself and You Touch Me.


by Judley

Still falling . . .
floating free
motionless spinning
within her gravity

My black hole heart
devours both moon and stars
I absorb her light
and am left empty

Darkness approaching
Eclipse beginning
The solstice of my sadness
Rotates on its axis

Thinking Of You
by Mr Smith

I think of you all through the night,
to keep me warm and hold me tight.
And with these thoughts I think of how
we made sweet love and had a child.
But now you're gone, I'm all alone,
you have our child and a happy home.
You've found someone to treat you right.
He's always there on those lonely nights.
So alone I sit and think of you,
the child we had and the love I once knew

We Were Meant To Be

by Justice

Somewhere in time
We fell in love
Our feelings were so strong
Stars sparkled up above

Somewhere in time
Nothing else mattered
We were together
Until our hopes and our dreams were shattered

Somewhere in time
Great memories are there
Our love was once great
Nothing could compare

Somewhere in time
Our love stands still
A love that we lost
Somehow, against our will

Somewhere in time
We'll meet again
Somewhere in time
Our love will never end

The Maui Sunset
by John P. Fox

Each day I took the time
to watch a Maui sunset,
For the Maui sun told me:
Your today is put to rest,
there's another tomorrow to test.

As it soothed my soul with its
golden ray of shine,
it told me my feelings of love
I'll have to go and find,
letting go of love that was never real,
was part of my past to forever heal.

When I looked across the endless
Pacific Ocean,
waiting for a Maui sunset to motion;
With only a state of mind with
a single emotion;
My ill fated heart found its lotion.

Although my dream for you
never came true,
watching a Maui sunset
lifted my feelings of being blue

Broken Heart

by Crystal Holtz

I will never forget the days we once had
The days when you were everything to me
My mind used to tell me we'd be together forever
But now I realize that was all a big dream
The feelings I have for you will never go
I wish I could take back that one regretful day
The day when I willingly let you slide from my arms
Never did I think of the astonishing pain of regrets
That I would once have to live through
The sight of you in someone else's arms
Makes my heart shatter into a million pieces
I sometimes wonder if you still think of me
Or if to you, I'm just a face in the crowd
I wish so very much that one day we can have it all back
But for now, I'll sit here silently
Remembering all the memories we once shared
Everyday my love grows much stronger
Hoping that one day you will feel the same
And put back the pieces of my broken heart.

I Learn To Be Strong
by Felicia

Words of wisdom
come to my ears,
Telling me what I know in my heart,
But never wanted to hear.

With the truth finally said
and out in the open for me to plainly see,
I wonder why I can love so deeply
but never had that love returned back to me.

I confessed the feelings
that I held inside for so long,
But with his soft- hearted rejection,
I realize I have to be strong.

With tears that want to flow
from my eyes,
I feel that my heart,
along with my composure, slowly dies.

While this dramatic side is showing through
with my ability to question and reason,
I think I may have found
something in me that I can believe in.

Love hurts . . .

That's what they all say,

But I will love again
when all this pain and sorrow goes away.

So I sit and think of all the things
this situation has cost,
And I realize that nothing
very important has been lost.

Instead, a learning experience
has come from all this.
I've learned that hardly anything
is more important than my happiness.

Let's Make A Deal

by Diane Blue

You forgive me for liking you too much,
And I'll forgive you for not liking me enough.

You forgive me for missing you so,
And I'll forgive you for being so cold.

You forgive me for the loud racing of my heart,
And I'll forgive you for not hearing it.

You forgive me for playing your games,
And I'll forgive you for toying with my emotions.

You forgive me for finding you so attractive,
And I'll forgive you for not noticing.

You forgive me for raising you up so high,
And I'll forgive you for bringing me down so low.

You forgive me for wanting to be with you,
And I'll forgive you for avoiding me.

You forgive me for being so pathetic,
And I'll forgive you for taking advantage of it.

You forgive me for not being able to let go,
And I'll forgive you for never having latched on.

You forgive me for having hopes and dreams,
And I'll forgive you for crushing them.

Forgiveness brings inner peace.
Do we have a deal?

Now That It's Gone

by Christine Hogan

I never would have thought that
there'd be a you and me.
It wasn't plausible.
It wasn't possible.

But out of the star-crossed sky
fell an opportunity.
It was great.
It was special.
It was magic.

It made my life
such a blissful state of euphoria.
My eyes sparkled.
My soul danced.
My heart rejoiced.

And now that it's gone
I wish there was something in its place.
I want a new dream.
I want a new heart.
I want a new chance.

But mostly,
I'm receiving only loss.
I remember the happy times and think there'll be no more.
I remember little thoughts of you and sigh 'cause you're gone.
I remember my contented heart and sigh because now it's broken.

And now that you're gone,
I can't help but miss you.
For every where you used to smile an empty memory looms
of your soulful eyes
your shy smile
and your beautiful face.

Lost Lover's Beach

by Nicholas Alexander

Though I gaze at distant waters
Moon shining up above
Walking along the shoreline
Envisioning your touch upon my hand
Missing you, as you're not here
Grasp white sand
It blows with the breeze
Starts sparkling along the coastline
Lighting up the ocean bright
Longing for your sweet smell
Can find no substitute
Wishing your arms around me
Hoping for one sweet kiss
Look around both sides of me
Sigh, maybe somewhere else

by Todd-Michael St. Pierre

Oh death may say of dreams in youth -

"You never knew her private truth."

So much we weren't prepared for,

Hearts should be nurtured and cared for.

I stepped into this dance with you,

I chose to take this chance with you!

Facing risk, I knew the dangers . . .

For when the dancing ends,

Though many remain friends,

Some become


The Sound

by Phoebe Moon

Evening falls onto this lonely city,
As the night- time shadows creep.
You and I are far apart,
This emptiness keeps me from my sleep.

Where has the time taken you?
Yesterday seems so wasted.
Calling out words of pain,
To think it could have lasted.

Did I ruin what we had?
Words seems so distorted.
Try to clean them with some care,
The memories are now all sorted.

The sound, so bittersweet
haunting with its repetitive glue
Holding on, never ceasing
The sound is of you

Silence falls on this tiny city,
A soulful calmness fills the air.
Mental paintings are all that's left,
I could not meet you there.

Pessimistic voices call,
But it was both of us who spoke.
The pain traveled both ways,
My spirit that had once soared is broke.

The sound, so bittersweet
haunting with its repetitive glue
Holding on, never ceasing
The sound is of you

Chills fall on this windy city,
All alone, it is dark.
My eyes ache from non-stop tears,
You had left your mark.

Absence has killed the path,
Where do I go from here?
Do I listen to the sound,
Or die with your fear?

Just a Dream

Could you just be a dream,
Is what I feel just an illusion?
Are you really this way,
Or is it just me?

I don't really want to know,
I don't think I could handle the truth,
Unless it was what I wanted to hear...
Unless the answer is yes!

I keep thinking of touching you,
Brushing my hand across your cheek,
Having you share my love,
You loving my touch.

I picture holding you,
You holding me,
Both of us smiling,
But I can't believe it.

You tell me you don't want this,
Your words bite into me,
But your actions and reactions,
Say something else.

So, Love, which is it,
Can you say what you fell?
Do I choose to believe your words,
Or can I believe your actions?

I'll be here for a while,
I will say for now,
But listen to my words,
Before you no longer have them.

She Won't Get Close

She wouldn't let herslef get close,
To this 'Nice Guy'
I wanted more than what I had,
A little love wasn't going to cut it.

She wouldn't say goodbye,
I didn't want her to,
But she wouldn't say I want you,
Boy did I want her to.

I never pushed,
She never pulled,
Why wouldn't she come closer?
Why wouldn't she let go?

She wants me as much as I want her,
Why won't she let go?
Why does she hurt me so?
Why doesn't she let go?

She doesn't know it,
I won't let her know,
Her friendship crushes me,
I'll never let go...

Niether will she....

Crazy Love
author: Tonya

Your driving me crazy, why are you doing this to me?
I unlocked my heart and gave you the key.
You know you have me, perhaps that is why.
I'm always depressed because of you, I always cry.
You lately act like you dont care,
you rarely call and when I call you, your never there.
I asked you recently if you still wanted me and immedietely you replied, yes.
I should have asked myself if I still wanted you to put me through this stress.
I could have another man but I only want you.
Shoudlnt that be a sign, shouldnt that be a clue?
I keep hoping that you'll change and I keep waiting around.
I dont think you care, but I cant give up what I have just found.
I want these feelings I have for you to be something you feel for me.
I want you to call me a hundred times a day just to hear my voice.
And I want you to do it willingly, because it is your choice.
I want to be with you every second of every day.
But it feels as if I'm losing you, I feel your drifting away.
Let me have all! of you or nothing at all,
I cant handle this give and take relationship, I'm about to fall.
I would do anything for you, I'd even give you my life.
I even wear that fake wedding ring you got me pretending Im your wife.
People always ask me why I put with it and continue to try.
If they had someone like you they would instantly know why.
Your so very special, you have so much potential.
I could help you reach your goals that to you are most essential.
I would be there when you fell, I would help you stand.
You'd always be welcome to lean on me for your my number one man.
If you could only try, that is all I ask.
Because I've never before wanted so badly a relationship to last...

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