World Wide Registry Bookstore
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A Handbook for Adoptees and Birthparents by Jayne Askin

The searcher's Bible, A Handbook for Adoptees and Birthparents has been re-released with updates. I used this guide when I was searching for my daughter - it was out of print at the time - I even tried to purchase the rights to the book in order publish an update after finding Wendy.

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The Search for Paul David by Pauline A. Evans.

Includes search tips and search resources. highlights strategies and obstacles in obtaining hospital, adoption, and birth records. Relates perspectives of other searchers, as well as their trials and triumphs in seeking lost kin. Shares experiences regarding the employment of a professional searcher, the use of an intermediary, the value of a support group, the reactions of family members, and the reactions of found adoptees. highlights author's reunion with twenty-three-year-old son. 

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Searching for a Piece of My Soul by Tammy L. King

Searching for a Piece of My Soul: How to Find a Missing Family Member or Loved One. The first book to guide people through both the physical and emotional process of finding a long-lost relative or loved one includes the author's own experience of searching for her father, as well as the experience of dozens of others who have also searched for family members. 

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