Email me David T. Gray

Which is farther away, your hand or your foot?

As the oldest of seven kids, Houston, Texas was a horrible city to grow-up-in and after several years at Menlo College in California, then another eight years at the University of Texas. I got hooked on computers, I even published one of the first spreadsheet programs called Column Calculator. Spent much of the 1960's protesting the Viet-Nam War, and attending demonstrations. Even, attended the march from Selma, Alabama to Montgromery during the Civil Rights movement.

I found my daughter given-up for adoption during the turmoil thirty years ago. Little did we know then, that my brother Robert would have a "thought", my brother John would write the famous book and my brother Will after getting his doctorate at Stanford would write a geophysical mapping program that could see though mud - site licenses available for 10M.

With the coming of the web, I put up the World Wide Registry matching adoptees with their biological relations. The registry made the "Best of Net" list for 1996, however, by 1998 it had become too successful. After 26,000 registrations and thousands of successful reunions, the officious guardians of morality, the internet censors, tried to forced it off the net. In their honor, I wrote a newsgroup manager called Spamster and created a new entity called Co-Operative Adoption Reunion Registries then uploaded the big registry database to the net. The most recent World Wide Registry site is here.

Several years ago I acquired a special fondness for the I.R.S. After burning-up lots of online dollars searching. I wrote a computer program called Legal Searcher now called ~Net/Download Manager (shareware). The idea is to download stuff, logoff, and save. The program searches the harddisk for related ideas. "Where did I put that? A safe place. I'll never find it!" Start the harddisk search engine, references appear, click, page appears - even now, years later, this program is one of my favorites.

My award winning AutoSponder, an automatic email responder operated the World Wide Registry along with a free Real Estate Listing Service for the Central Texas Austin area.

As a reformed hippie, living in Austin, Texas, I, became a capitalist at age 30. While accumulating property I used a high risk model (dangerous), developed my own appraisal methodology, called the Weighted Asset Model. I made a million dollars and lost a million dollars. Now that I am older and wiser, and some theoretical confusions worked out, I incorporated the model into a computer a program called Reinvest. When I turned 50, I developed an appreciation of Yo-Yo's (never could do this as a kid). My wife now runs our leasing operation 477-LIVE.

My brother Robert and I developed healing device based upon acoustic technology and my wife found that it helped her leg cramps.

Moses got it wrong on the mountain, you-know, the "do-unto-others principle". My brother John would say "Do unto men one way and women another". John wrote a book called "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" which is prominantly displayed on our Mom's Web page. Our mother has a metaphysical book store near Rice University in Houston called the Aquarian Age Bookshelf. My sister/cousin studied to be a veterinarian and is breeding dogs.

My brother Robert has thoughts about the nature of "things" and helped design a Transformational Portal. Type in your burden and click it into the Transformational Portal, for transformation and healing by the inter-connectiveness of the Universe.

My friend Tony and I have developed a program to ferret out and dispose of unwanted junk-mail automatically. The program is called MailGuard and can be downloaded. Tony is an inhabitant of the future and lives in a world of his own creation called Cybertown.

In the electronic environment, as in the mind, the hand and the foot are equal distant. I'm growing an electronic tree. Add your URL.

davidtgray davidtgray
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