Online search engine - May 1999

I wrote an online search engine for maintaining the public component of the registry on the net.

Run-off-the-net - Feburary 1998

We were shut-out of the net amidst accusations that we were giving-it-away free and hogging too much bandwith (guilty on both counts).

So, here's the deal. If you make the newsgroup posting, it's ok. If I do-it for you, it's considered to be unwanted stuff (spam) - you figure it out.

Great Site Award - July 1997

You have received the Great Site Award. This award is presented each day to a different adoption-related site that demonstrates quality of content and/or design. Thank you for the fabulous service that you and your site are providing to the online adoption community. Your creativity and long hours are making a difference.

Internet World Magazine - Best of the Net 1996

[Quoted from People Power, by Linda J. Engelman; January 1997 issue of Internet World Magazine, page 45. Part of a series entitled "Best and Worst of the Net 1996"]

"BEST People Locators Online From out of the quagmire of the Internet this year have come lots of new and improved methods for finding lost family and friends, including:

Archives of adoptees and birth families who are using the Internet to find each other. Two of the best are BirthQuest and World Wide Registry at birth.html

The World Wide Registry Received Honorable Mention in:

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