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The program generates an oscilloscope image from a sound input.  Flames, colors, and images extend from the oscilloscope wave to create an awesome visual display synchronized in real time with the music.  The music can come from a CD, radio, microphone, or any source that can be connected to a 3.5mm audio jack (like Walkman headphones use), even a sound board or amp.  The program is called Cthugha.  It runs well on a Pentium or Pentium II computer.  It can be displayed on a computer monitor or projected as large as you want on almost any surface.  We can provide everything you need to set it up and keep it running at your concert, club, or wherever.  The software is free and can be found at www.torps.comTIM can customize the software to suit your needs.  Contact us if you are interested in setting it up at your business.

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