Intelligent Humans and Other (Oxy)mororns

Society encourages segregation and sameness by saying we should only have relationships with members of our own race, yet is appalled if we have relationships with people of our own sex.

The Bible says �Thou shall not kill� and �love thy neighbor,� and yet this same book is the fuel for countless wars and hate crimes.

A person can accuse others of being �narrow-minded� simply for not agreeing with him/her.

A woman can call herself a feminist, yet turn her back on half her people for not being �Pro-life.�

As children, we are told to sit down and shut up, yet as adults, we are expected to stand up and speak our minds.

The less we have, the more we want. The more we have, the more we want. The more someone else has, the more we want.

When we are young, we wish to look older. When we are old, we wish to look younger. When we are middle aged, we buy a Harley.

In the summer we wish for winter. In the winter we wish for summer. In the spring we wish for allergy medicine.

Men we dislike are dogs. Women we dislike are female dogs. Dog is man�s best friend.

Political Hierarchy: Crackhouse, Bighouse, White House.

Clean environment protests often reach volume levels that can be considered noise pollution.

and some from famous people�
�They tell you you can�t sleep alone in a strange place, then they tell you you can�t sleep with somebody else.� �Billy Joel

�We kill the cows to make jackets out of them, then we kill each other for the jackets we made out of the cows.� �Denis Leary

List of Stupidity
I have seen more stupid things in the weeks that I have been back at Willy P than I have all summer. Stupidity at William Paterson?? What a surprise! For your enjoyment�(because it�s better for us all to laugh than for me to cry)�

1. When I hooked up my computer, I couldn�t plug in my keyboard because the prongs at the end of the plug were bent, so my computer display decided to tell me, �Keyboard error or no keyboard present, please PRESS F1 to continue.�
2. Once I got myself a new keyboard, I wanted to have my network and internet hooked up. When I called someone from Networking and Hardware, they left a message on my voicemail telling me to GO ONLINE and fill out the ONLINE request form to get my INTERNET hooked up.
3. I have discovered that the sign-in sheet and hours for the language lab one campus are posted in an office next to the lab. An office which closes hours BEFORE the language lab does.
4. Lastly, there was a message on the VOICEMAIL system telling me that the voicemail system was going to be malfunctioning and/or shut down for repair.

I think enough has been said here. To think, it�s still only the first month�


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