Horror Stories from the Shoebox

(Written by Jennifer Sinclair, her colleague Satan’s Little Helper, and a hardworking staff of 47 and a half dust-bunnies)

"Hello, my name is Jen, and I live in a shoebox."

So begin the Horror Stories from the Shoebox. This delightful *koff* collection of articles is really just living proof (it really is alive, I swear it multiplies and takes over our study time) that college students are the lowest thinking life forms on the planet- and the most easily amused. There are currently five of us on the staff, unless you count multiple personalities and the voices in our heads. You are reading the demented ramblings of the half dustbunny right now, so I hope you're enjoying yourselves. If not, you better just skip to the articles and come back when you're completely confused as to where we're coming from.

We are students at William Patterson University who decided that our delightful English major (that would be Jen, who actually came up with most of the idea for this. We just mooch recognition and provide inspiration. Like article five...) needed our insanity to help her when she chose to write a weekly column for the Beacon, our school paper. Well, technically, Satan's Little Helper joined in first, since they're roomates, but, hey, details. By the way, a little note on the Beacon. It does tend to be a little, how shall we say, liberal minded. So that crack made about hating controversy (I don't remember where, but it's in there somewhere) is actually very funny. Trust me. You just had to be there.

So, we were bored. And, we realized how incredibly make-fun-able this college is (hah, bad english, Jen. But this is my site, so I can do that. Hahaha ). Hence, this column was born. Enjoy, ye sad souls.

Dormroom? The introduction. Discover the origen of the term 'shoebox.'
ERSEvil Roomate/Suitemate Syndrome. Surely you understand. Surely.
Drunken Sheep and Shiny Red Boxes Ah, the joys of three A.M....
30 Easy Steps to Class Registration or The scary scary phone people

Now we welcome you to...(drumroll)...the new year!

Intelligent Humans and Other (Oxy)morons
Advice for Freshmen
Hypothetical Hijinks or Popcorn Pandemonium
Ten Commandments of College
Distribution Day How It gets from here to there.
Nauseous Nutrition or When Pasta Attacks
Cars, Dinner, and Other Evil Things I hate my life.

Next semester! Wow, it's been almost two years of sheer bliss (gag gag).
Registration, take 2

Send us comments. We love them. Ideas are good too. But flames will be directed through magnifying glasses and reflected off powerful mirrors back 'atcha. Have fun!


© 2001- Jen [email protected]
The Half Dustbunny [email protected]

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