This is a header.


Properly represented as "0x612F69" or "612F69". ASCII representation of "A/I", an acronym of the full nickname "Adereth/Icosahedron". Yes HanC, you can panic now.

So, what's here?

Miscellaneous junk, mostly. This is supposed to be mah dumping grounds for WISW(r)P and compatible stuff.

Pages, useful:
Amia (Runa) and Sa, two occasionally recurring lasses who kick around in Furtilita, abducting people.
The Hill, an adventure which isn't anywhere near likely to be finished. Thus the lack of page.
� IRDU: Intensive Racial Development Unit. Basically, a study of Denizok and its contents.

Documents, nifty:
"The Maeiusiophile's Introduction to Denizok", which I hope to digest into a more readable fashion some time.
"Dia's Insanity", the history of Fj�rn and Sarah ('Lunya')

Pages, useless:
Harrison Ford pointing at things. I kid you not.

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