Kent Johnson's Bicycling Web Site
July 20, 1998

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1998 - Bike-Aid 3,600 Miles Across The U.S.A.

The Greenwich Country Day School

1999 - The Great Divide Mountain Bike Expedition


July 20, 1998 - Minneapolis - Rest Day

TIME: 0 Hours
TRAVEL CONDITIONS: Hot and humid all day. Some rain around 3:00. 
I woke up at 8:55 and found out that we were supposed to be at the Habitat For Humanities warehouse in five minutes! No one was ready so we called them and told them that we would be a little late. I put on some clothes(finally they were regular clothes instead of biking ones) and ate some breakfast of Frosted Flakes. After this, I packed up some lunch and we headed out to our service project which we finally got to at 10:00. When we arrived, we put our bikes in a corner of the warehouse and a woman explained to us what Habitat does. I thought that we would be building houses but it turned out that we were only moving things around in the warehouse and repairing a roof that sheltered the wood. I began by moving T-shirts from one side of an isle to the other side. To do this, I had to squeeze a ladder into a slot about 6 inches wide and then climb up ten feet to reach the boxes. I then handed them down to Heather. Then to put them on the other side, I had to do the same thing. After this, I loaded 10 boxes of 5000 sheets of paper onto a shelf 10 feet high. This took a little while since I had to make sure that I kept my balance while climbing the ladder. When this was finally done, I went out for lunch and found that our mail was in the SAG. I opened up my package and found lots more food! I had rice crispy treats, cookies, dried peaches, dried bananas, dried pineapple, dried mango, and more coconut candy. Along with this, Heather's parents sent me some jelly beans! I had just run out of my previous supply from my last care package so it fit in perfectly. After we finished eating, I began to work again. This time I had to load 5 gallon paint cans into a paint room so that they could be easily found. Some had to be stacked three high which was difficult to do since they were fairly heavy. When these were done, I organized the existing paint. Finally when this was finished I got to take a break for a while. After this short rest, we found out that there was a lot of food that a previous bike ride had left behind. This other group didn't want the food so we were able to have it. Some of the things were Gatorade, Powerade, cookies, and Nature Valley bars. We loaded all of this into the SAG and then moved some doors around so that there was more room. When this task was done, we were finally finished for the day. We left around 4:00 and went back to the church. After calling a few bike shops, I found a place that had the Raleigh jersey that I had been looking for since I left San Diego. It was their last one and it was the right size! My parents tried to find one in San Diego but there were none that would fit me. Also they were $70. When I called the shop(Now Bikes and Fitness), they said that it would be $54. So I rode for five miles to get there and when I arrived, I picked out the Jersey and showed them the Bike-Aid flyer. They were really interested in the trip so I ended up getting the Jersey for only $30! After talking for a little while longer, I rode back to the church and ate some more food before typing some more on the computer. Around 7:00 I went out to dinner at Perkins with Matt and Dan. I had a cheeseburger with fries and a milkshake that contained 4 scoops of ice cream. Just as I finished, a man in a different room fell out of his booth and appeared to be choking. There weren't any doctors around but a little while later, he was able to get up and seemed okay although dazed. Five minutes later the paramedics finally arrived and we found out that the man had epilepsy and had just had a seizure! This was just a little disturbing. We left soon afterwards and went back to the church once again where I worked some more, ate some more, and finally went to bed around 1:10.



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