Kent Johnson's Bicycling Web Site
June 19, 1999

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1998 - Bike-Aid 3,600 Miles Across The U.S.A.

1999 - The Great Divide Mountain Bike Expedition


June 19, 1999 - Polebridge - West Glacier


          Today I woke up at 6:30 and was surprised to find that it was so late. Breakfast had been scheduled for 6:00 so I ran out and grabbed oatmeal for my energy source for the day. After cleaning my plate, I set my tent in the sun to dry since it had become soaked from the dew. By 9:00, I was packed and ready to ride back into Glacier National Park and on to West Glacier KOA. After a short 2-mile ride to the beginning of the park, we encountered a steep, but short uphill that began to make my legs burn. After this, we rode along on some flat dirt roads that were covered with potholes. (Picture7) We even saw evidence of bears on the ground. Further into the day we came to a steep uphill that was probably over a mile long. Unfortunately, I slipped on the way up and had to push my bike for about a hundred yards until I could get to a flat enough place to begin riding again. At the top of that hill, I "bonked” (ran out of energy), and felt like I could never move again. Within about 5 minutes, I ate a PB&J and two powerbars along with lots of water. After a half hour break, we rode on, screaming down a descent. The BOBs bounced back and forth a foot or so making the ride a little weird. At the bottom of this climb, we came to a bridge which crossed a raging stream where we stopped to get some water. We used a PUR water filter, which works very quickly, is easy to pump, includes iodine, gets rid of the iodine taste with charcoal, and costs only $90. After filling up with cold water, we got out of this buggy place to climb yet another hill. Once again, I slipped and the gnats attacked. I hopped back on as soon as possible and rode on. The final off-road downhill of the day was 5 miles long and permitted me to get up to 27 miles an hour. It was a great downhill and was a great way to end the off-road part of the day. On the way down, I even lost my flag as my trailer bounced around as it hit the bumps! We rode out of the park and came to West Glacier where we stopped for some much needed food. (Picture8) I got a Root Beer Float and split a Reuben sandwich with Brian. After this, the last stretch took us to the KOA (Picture9) where we took showers, ate spaghetti, and best of all, slept. After tending to a few more bike repairs, I got to bed at 10:30.



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