Kent Johnson's Bicycling Web Site
June 20, 1999

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1998 - Bike-Aid 3,600 Miles Across The U.S.A.

1999 - The Great Divide Mountain Bike Expedition


June 20, 1999 - West Glacier - Big Fork


          I ended up getting up at 6:30 to a very cold morning. I ate breakfast and stood around a campfire to keep my hands warm. After breakfast, I took down my tent and folded the soaked rain fly. The poles were freezing cold from water left on them, so back I went to the fire. Finally, around 9:00 we were able to leave for a supposedly “easy” road ride. Everyone was very sore from the previous off road ride so we went slowly. The cars whizzed by us which felt odd since we had not had to compete with cars for the past few days. At one point, we stopped for some beef jerky but I decided not to buy any since it would dehydrate me. We rode on and I decided to get a chocolate shake at the next town. As it turned out, the next town was non-existent so we had to ride on to find an open restaurant. Two minutes after we passed through this non-existent town, Marnie got a flat in her BOB wheel. Five of us stopped, but Mike was too far ahead to hear us. Fortunately, we ended up stopping next to mint fields that smelled great and helped to make us more refreshed. (Picture10) After Marnie's flat was fixed, we rode on thinking that Mike was already at the campground. However, he also got a flat only 300 yards later! We waited for this to be fixed also and then rode into the outskirts of Bigfork, Montana, where I got a Reuben sandwich, fries, and a shake. This was my second lunch of the day! We finished eating and I noticed that my tire was a little low so I pumped it up, hoping it was a slow leak. Less than 1/4 mile later, I had to stop to replace the tube. First, I pulled it out, patched it, found a staple in the tube, and re-pumped the tire. As I pumped it up, the valve broke so I had to repeat the whole process over again. Next, I went to put the wheel back on and I noticed that the rear derailleur cable had been pulled into the pulleys. I had to cut the cable, pull out the broken pieces, and re-clamp the end. Finally, we were ready to go on. Four of us stopped at the IGA to buy food. We ended up each carrying four bags on our handlebars for two miles to the campground. The bike was very unstable with 10 pounds of food on the front! When we finally got in, we had a great campsite with a huge lake in the background. (Picture11) I set up my tent and we ate chicken and rice with salad and juice for dinner. It filled us all up and we went to bed around 11:00 after talking for a while.



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