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{ Abintra Photo }


All images and content © Taylor Williams 2009

Antikythera Photography

the photographer

I've had an interest in photography as a hobby almost all my life. My dad is a starving professional
{ Abintra Photo } and gave me my first camera when I was fifteen. It was a little point-and-shoot that I still use from time to time.
This September, I was presented with the amazing oppurtunity to travel to Belize- this is something my family would have never been able to afford, so I was very fortunate. My dad, having an old Nikon d50 which he had kept as a back-up camera, decided to give it to me in August in preperation for the trip- which was also a huge deal. Since then I have studied photography on my own extensively. I focus most of my study on Composition theory and technique.
This website will serve as an archive and tool for me to document my progression as a photographer. I still have alot to learn.

Taylor Williams

Age: Eighteen
Location: The Grim and Frostbitten Fjords of Cascadia
(Ashland, Oregon)
Hobbies: Photography, Web/Graphic Design, Going to Metal shows, Playing the Banjo, Silkscreening.
Favorite Ice cream flavor: Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream.
Political Affiliation: NONE!

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