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HP100/200LX Palmtop Related Links

Hewlett-Packard The Hewlett-Packard Home Page
Hewlett-Packard: Handheld Products A Hewlett-Packard site related to Palmtops
Gilles' Home Page You will see the PAL Library there. Gilles Kohl coordinates the PAL project, a library to develop applications to HP100/200LX. PalDRAW uses it.
HP Palmtop Internet Resources page Some interest HP Palmtop links.
Rob's HP200LX Page  A very extensive site with a lot of information and Links with Palmtops related information.
Albert Nurick's HP Palmtop tech notes  Technical information. Nice notes. HP Palmtop links. 
Yahoo PDA's hardware page.  The Yahoo list of HP Palmtops Hardware sites
Yahoo PDA's software page  The Yahoo list of Palmtops Software sites
The PDA page. An easy way to find the best prices for PDA's and accessories
Mobile Worker Magazine A nice place to get news about mobile 
Mobile Planet An OnLine Software Shop
Mobile Soft An extensive site to get software and information about handheld devices
The HP Palmtop Mailing List Home Base A Nice place to get connection to a mailing list Palmtop related 
The S.U.P.E.R. site The best Shareware/Freeware palmtop repository.

Windows CE Links archive Software for Windows CE handheld devices
WindowsCE-Talk A Distribution List oriented to WindowsCE OS
World Wide Windows CE Software for Windows CE handheld devices
The Windows CE Software Page Software for Windows CE handheld devices
Windows CE Microsoft Windows CE OS Main Page WindowsCE is your one-stop shop for independent news and information about handheld PCs using the Windows CE OS.
Windows CE Mailing List Windows CE software list

Shareware Links

NorthStar Solutions Homepage A company which manages Shareware registrations for both customers and Authors. In fact, all the Shareware listed in this pages are managed by NorthStar
Simtel A very large repository of Windows and DOS shareware.
Download site Lot of shareware files.


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