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PalDRAW Software


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May 2004

Visit our new Software Website

We have now a new and extended software website. Visit us at www.arocholl.com.ar

May 2004

PalDRAW is now Freeware !!!

Thanks to all registered users did PalDRAW a successful shareware product.

I think it is now time to donate it as a freeware product for the community.

If you want to activate unlimited features of your PalDRAW download, please send an email to [email protected] indicating the following info:

  • Your name
  • Your Country and City of residence
  • How long have you been using PalDRAW


Note: Your email will be not used for spam, DB listing or anything else. Guaranteed. I hate spam. You will not receive from me other information than the FREE activation code, however I want to know how many people and from where uses the product now it is freeware.

Note for developers: If you want to extend or modify current PalDRAW, I can make you available the source code. In that case, include in your email:

  • Changes you plan to do to PalDRAW
  • Guarantee those changes will be offered as freeware as well.
November 2000

PalDRAW page is indented. New information added to the site related to PC Software.

New design of the web page does the PalDRAW information web pages as internal use of the rest of the web site.

April 1998

PalDRAW information available on-line

Added screen-shots demonstrating the capabilities of PalDRAW.

PalDRAW 1.03 now available

PalDRAW 1.03 is now available in the download page. It solves some reported bugs.

PalDRAW www site now moved to other server

We have moved the WWW site from CompuServe to Geocities, so our site address is now:


Update your bookmark or favorites, references or site information to contain the new address. The previous one (in CompuServe) will be disabled soon.

March 1998

PalDRAW now runs on Desktop PC's

Go to the download area to get the Desktop PC Compatibility Kit for PalDRAW. This will allow you to work with PalDRAW in any desktop PC, in DOS mode.


We have added a section with the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about PalDRAW.

New links

Several interesting links have been added in the links page.

August 1997

DRW PalDRAW file format Specification

The DRW file format 1.0 is now documented and available to developers and advanced users.

Microsoft Windows CE

Information about Windows CE is now updated and improved.


Hosted by www.Geocities.ws

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