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           Victim  Souls  Newsletter
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Num. 6                                                     Mar. 4, 2022
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                       Charity + Immolation
                 Through Mary and with Mary
The Roman Catholic Apostolic Church will Triumph
                     Under the Cross of Christ
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A Mystic For Our Times

• Wisdom renews all things ,and through nations conveys herself into holy souls. She makes the friends of God and prophets. -- Wisdom 7, 27

JULIAN lived as a recluse in the anchoress-house attached to the old church of St. Julian, in Norwich, England, and had even in her lifetime a reputation for great sanctity. She survived to an advanced age, having two maids to wait upon her when she was old, but the actual date of her death is unknown, as is also her parentage.

The book that she eventually produced, Revelations of Divine Love, remains perhaps the most beautiful and certainly the tenderest exposition of divine love that has ever been written in the English language. At the beginning of her book she states that she had desired three gifts from God-that He would grant her a greater realization of Christ's sufferings, that He would send her a severe illness which would bring her to death's door and detach her from earthly things, and that He would give her the three wounds of "very contrition," of "kind compassion," and of "wilful longing towards God."

When she was 30 years old she actually did contract a malady so serious that her life was despaired of. On the fourth day she received the last sacraments, and on the seventh she seemed to be sinking. All she had strength to do was to keep her eyes fixed on the crucifix. Then, quite suddenly, all her pains left her, and between four and nine o'clock in the morning of May 8, 1373, she had a succession of 15 distinct visions or shewings, concluded by a 16th, during the night after the following day. These visions for the most part presented different aspects of our Lord's passion, which, while producing in her the compunction she had desired, brought her wonderful peace and joy. Their full significance did not unfold itself until long afterwards. Elsewhere she speaks of being inwardly instructed for the space of 20 years. At the time when the visions came she was, according to her own account, "a simple creature that could no letters," in other words, illiterate, but in the years that elapsed before she wrote her book she must have acquired a considerable knowledge of the Christian mystics, for she sometimes uses their terminology.

Perhaps the most famous of her visions is the thirteenth revelation or shewing: "After this the Lord brought to my mind the longing that I had to him before. And I saw that nothing prevented me but sin. And so I beheld, generally, in us all, and methought: If sin had not been, we should all have been clean and like to our Lord, as he made us.

"But Jesus, who in this Vision informed me of all that me neeedeth, answered by this word and said: 'It behooved that there should be sin; but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."

"In this naked word sin, our Lord brought to my mind, generally, all that is not good, and the shameful despite and the utter naughtng that he bore for us in this life, and his dying; and all the pains and passions of all his creatures, ghostly and bodily; (for we be all partly naughted, and we shall be naughted following our Master, Jesus, till we be full purged, that is to say, till we be fully naughted of our deadly flesh and of all our inward affections which be not very good;) and the beholding of this, with all pains that ever were or ever shall be,-and with all these I understand the Passion of Christ for most pain, and overpassing. And this pain, it is something, as to my sight, for a time; for it purgeth, and maketh us to know ourselves and to ask mercy. For the Passion of our Lord is comfort to us against all this, and so is his blessed will. And for the tender love that our good Lord hath to all that shall be saved, he comforteth readily and sweetly, meaning thus: "It is sooth (truth) that sin is cause of all this pain; but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."

"And in these words I saw a marvellous high privity hid in God, which privity he shall openly make known to us in heaven: in which knowing we shall verily see the cause why he suffered sin to come. In which sight we shall endlessly joy in our Lord God."

Several years after she received the 16 revelations, Our Lord gave her additional understanding about the thirteenth shewing: "One time our good Lord said: 'All thing shall be well,' and another time he said: 'Thou shalt see thyself that all manner of thing shall be well,' and in these two sayings the soul took sundry understandings.

"One was that he willeth we know that not only he taketh heed to noble things and to great, but also to little and to small, to low and to simple, to one and to other. And so meaneth he in that he saith: 'All manner of thing shall be well.' For he willeth we know that the least thing shall not be forgotten.

"Another understanding is this, that there be deeds evil done in our sight and so great harms taken, that it seemeth to us that it were impossible that ever it should come to good end. And upon this we look, sorrowing and mourning therefor, so that we cannot resign us unto the blissful beholding of God as we should do. And the cause of this is that the use of our reason is now so blind, so low, and so simple, that we cannot know that high marvelous Wisdom, the Might and the Goodness of the blissful Trinity. And thus meaneth he when he saith: 'Thou shalt see thyself that all manner of thing shall be well.' As if he said: 'Take now heed faithfully and trustingly, and at the last end thou shalt verily see it in fulness of joy.'

If people repent of their sins, there will be happiness. If they do not repent, and continue in grave sin, there will be misery and unhappiness, in time and in eternity. There may be a few conversions here and there, but in general, people are not repenting and are continuing in their sins. This obstinacy is the reason why so many sinister prophecies will be fulfilled, including the prophecy made by Mary at Fatima in 1917, that various nations will be annihilated, and the grave prophecies she made at La Salette, France, in 1846. That is why we are living in times in which we may see "deeds evil done in our sight and so great harms taken, that it seems it were impossible that ever it should come to good end." The events of September 11 have made many people reflect, and come to the conclusion that we are indeed living in grave times.

It should be made clear that God does not want to punish: he would rather show his mercy and kindness. But there are certain basic conditions for him to do so: people have to be willing to repent of their sins and observe his commandments. The punishments of the flood and Sodom and Gomorra happened, not because God wanted to punish men, but because the people of those times provoked the punishments by their horrible obstinacy and sins. We are living in similar times: if people are so obstinate, stubborn, and unwilling to keep even the basic commandments, what else can they expect but the inevitable effect of Divine Justice?  "God is not mocked." (Gal. 6, 7).

When the grave events begin to happen, and the sinister prophecies begin to be fulfilled, it will be our consolation to know that, even if the situation seems hopeless from a human point of view, "to them that love God, all things work together unto good." (Rom. 8, 28) "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and thou shalt see thyself, that all manner of thing shall be well." That is why Julian of Norwich and her revelations are such a consolation and encouragement for these times. If the reprobate see the fulfillment of the horrible prophecies, the elect will also see the fulfillment of the beautiful prophecies: "Take now heed faithfully and trustingly, and at the last end thou shalt verily see it in fulness of joy."

                            May it be for the glory of God
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• Is Victimhood Necessary For Salvation?  • The World Ends Every Day. 80,000 persons die every day. They need your help!

Revelations of Divine Love, by Julian of Norwich, is available in e-book format (free) at: http://www.ccel.org/j/julian ; ----

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Following His Footsteps

by Anselmo del Álamo

Chapter 6. The Interior Life, the Kingdom of God, Temple of the Holy Spirit

29. Those who in this way can enclose themselves in this little heaven of our soul, wherein dwells him who made heaven and earth, and who become used to not distracting the senses, let them believe that they are on an excellent path, and that they will indeed drink the water of the fountain, for they travel much in a short time. They are like one who travels in a ship, who with favorable weather, arrives at the end of his journey.    St. Teresa of Jesus

30. The shortest path of perfect love is to always remain in the presence of God, for this presence excludes all sins and does not allow time to think of other things, nor to complain nor to murmur. Sooner or later, the presence of God leads to perfection.    Fr. Pergmay

31. Wherever you may be, recollect yourself. You have no need of a hidden place. You yourself are this place. Even when you are in bed, your bed is a temple.      Disciple of St. Bernard

32. Faith tells us that our heart is a large sanctuary, by reason if its being a temple of God and the residence of the most holy Trinity. Visit this sanctuary frequently: see if you have lighted the lamps, that is, of faith, hope and charity. Often revive your faith when you study, when you work, when you eat, when you lie down and rise up, and lift up toward God loving affections.        St. Paul of the Cross

33. Would you like to possess an anticipated paradise upon earth and a secure company to quickly attain to perfection? Live in interior recollection, and walk in the holy presence of God.        St. Leonard of Port Maurice

34. It is true that love produces the remembrance of the loved object; but it is also true that this remembrance frequently contributes to increase the love. A soul that is faithful in remembering God often, will soon become inflamed with love, and in the measure that it increases in love of God, its remembrance will become so continuous, that it will not even know how to forget it.       D'Argentan

35. To believe that a being, who is called love, dwells among us at every instant of the day and of the night, and who asks us to live in society with him: behold, I confess to you what has made of my life an anticipated heaven.            Sister Elizabeth of the Holy Trinity

A Future Saint in New Orleans?

By Rosalie A. Turton

I HAVE always admired, and yes even loved this woman whom so few people know. And she is so spectacular! Her faith, her devotion, her virtues, and her influence on our country ought one day to make her one of our greatest saints. But for her prayers and influence with God and Our Lady, our great country might not know the freedoms that we experience today.

Frankly, what I find most bewildering is that she is not already canonized! She was the patron of Eucharistic Adoration, all-night vigils, and an intense confidence in Our Lady's speedy and powerful intercession. Her life demonstrated these characteristics, and she was a great example to us. She was a woman after my own heart!

The name of this remarkable woman is Agathe Françoise Gensoul, and as an Ursuline in religion, Mother St. Michel Gensoul. Her patron was St. Michael. No wonder she was so fearless and courageous!

Troubles in the Convent in New Orleans

The Ursuline Convent of New Orleans was founded under the auspices of Louis XV, King of France, by a band of French Ursulines, who, on February 22, 1727, set sail on the Gironde from Lorient, a port of Brittany, and reached the Crescent City, New Orleans, on the morning of August 7 of the same year.

Almost immediately after their arrival, the nuns began to teach the children of the colonists, to instruct the Indians and the Blacks, and to nurse the sick in the hospital placed under their care. The Ursuline Sisters established what is now the oldest convent in the United States and the first Catholic school in New Orleans.

As the years passed, more Ursuline Sisters came from France to replace those who died. When, in 1763, Louisiana became a Spanish possession, the Ursuline Community had to recruit its members from Spain. -- Read More Here -- After page opens on screen, scroll down some distance to see this article.

A Treasury of Atonement
A collection of quotations from approved sources

7.  Anselmo  del  Alamo

Following His Footsteps.

Chapter 8. Crosses

BY MEANS of the cross, we have been rescued. Divine balance! Christ paid the debt, putting on one plate of the balance the weight of his blood. What a weight and what a price! Do not fear: the difference of the specific weight is infinite. At the present time, Jesus shares his victory by means of the pieces of his Holy Cross, that he grants to us. There has to be some contact, in order to inject spiritual vitamins and to regenerate our infected blood. – This contact   is   named:   sorrow.   Sorrow   must   lavish   its   "splinters,"   its   precious relics, to chosen souls. Do not complain, if you receive more than you hoped for, because you are not even worthy of desiring what is given to you. Believe in love, receive the impact of Jesus, who in this way wants to communicate himself to you, until he can present you to the heavenly Father, as a genuine image   of   himself,   like   the   holy  shroud   of   the   sepulchre,   like   the   veil   of Veronica.

1. Tribulations are not a punishment to condemn us, but rather a medicine to heal us.      --- St. Augustine

2.  Afflictions,   desolation,   abandonment   and   other   persecutions   that   you suffer from the demon or from creatures, are a magnificent "broom" that casts out of our soul the dust and mud of imperfections, and prepares us to fly quickly to holy perfection and union with God.      --- St. Paul of the Cross

3. The cross is the way of life, the way of glory, and the way of the kingdom.--- St. Bernard

4. The battles of the demon, the anguish of creatures and the desolation of the spirit, are loving trials that the heavenly Spouse performs for the soul, to make us holy.        --- St. Paul of the Cross

5. Life is a prolonged death.        St. Gregory

6. Merit and perfection consist in carrying the cross that God wants, and not the one that we want.         St. Paul of the Cross

7. To suffer and to keep silent: this is the short path, to be holy and perfect. -- St. Paul of the Cross

8. Illness is a magnificent school of mercy for those who attend the sick, and of loving resignation for those who endure it: for while some are at the foot of the Cross like the Virgin and St. John, the others are on the cross, like our Divine Master, whose passion they reproduce, in so far they can copy it in themselves.        – St. Francis de Sales

9. Pains, sorrows and indisposition make us more beloved of God, than all the other voluntary penances, because in them there is nothing of ourselves. -- St. Paul of the Cross

10. Upon this earth, God pays his servants with the same coin with which he paid the Saint of saints: Jesus Christ.       St. Paul of the Cross

11. The more you progress in the service of God, the more you increase in suffering. Thus was the life of Jesus Christ, and thus is the life of his authentic servants. Embrace, therefore, the holy Cross with all your heart.   St. Paul of the Cross

12.   Many   are   the   souls   who   receive   me   well   when   I   visit   them   with consolation. Many receive me with pleasure in Communion. But there are few souls who receive me well when I visit them with my Cross. The soul that is stretched out upon the cross, and abandons herself upon it, this soul glorifies   me:   this   soul   consoles   me.   It   is  the   soul   that   is   nearest   to   me.  Our Lord to Sister Josefa Menendez

13. When we are united to the wood of the holy Cross, we will not suffer shipwreck, but we will arrive safely to the port of salvation. --- St. Paul of the Cross

14. One of the most precious gifts that God grants to holy souls is sickness, because in that there are occasions of practicing many virtues. --- St. Paul of the Cross

15. In sickness, when the body is more mortified and cast down, the spirit is more apt to fly to God.      --- St. Paul of the Cross

16. To take up one’s cross is to support and receive patiently all the things that are suffered because of Me. -     -- St. Augustine

17.   The   religious   life   is   a   cross,   and   he   who   wants   to   live   in   it   with perfection should be crucified.        St. Paul of the Cross

18. Believe me, even if all hearts were united into one, in this life, they could not enjoy the smallest reward that they will enjoy in the eternal and blessed fatherland of heaven, in recompense for the smallest cross that for my love they will have carried in this life.   --- Our Lord to Blessed Henry Suso

A Treasury of Atonement is available on line.
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The Work of Atonement is the highest consecration that one can make, to surrender oneself to Jesus in doing His Divine Will.
Requirements to Become a Victim-Soul
• Daily Mass
• Monthly Confession
• Morning Offering
• Daily Rosary
• Own personal devotions
• Should wear Miraculous Medal, as well as a Brown Scapular. --

Benefits of Victimhood
• Victim-Souls never see Purgatory, they will see Heaven
• Special Graces from the Blessed Mother and Her Son
• Receive greater merits for prayers and Holy Masses
• You become the apple of the Father's eye, because you desire to imitate His Son
• Victim-Souls united with victimhood are holding back the great chastisement
• The purpose of victimhood is to release suffering souls from Purgatory, and to save sinners from the horror of eternal condemnation.

Greater Love

LORD my God, you have asked everything of your little servant: take and receive everything, then.

(See "Victimhood of Little Souls" in the list of free atonement booklets, for complete consecration.)

Download free booklets here: Atonement Booklets

God needs our suffering, to be used by virtue of the Communion of Saints, to assist other souls in their redemption.
God sends the heaviest crosses to those He calls His own,
And the bitterest drops of the chalice are reserved for His friends alone.
But the blood red drops are precious, and the crosses are all gain,
For Joy is bought with Sacrifice, and the price of love is Pain.

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  John Stansberry