Faerie Tale Monster Project - Information

“There was a time when monsters were plenty and humans were few...”

The Faerie Tale Monster Project is a game demo with a fairy tale monster theme.
It was designed by a group of students at Qantm - Brisbane - Australia.
The central character is Blix, a monster transformed into a human as punishment.
The game demo contains 3D Models, including an FMV intro sequence.
Game-play consists of Adventure and Problem Solving from a third person perspective.

Our primary objectives were: to learn the process of making a game with
incorporated 3D models and animation, and to showcase our talents for
presentation to the industry in the form of a working Demo game. To these ends
we aimed to nail down our concept as soon as possible to work towards a striking
visual outcome. We focused on our individual strengths as well as providing
scope for expanding our talents into new areas. Interactivity, modelling,
textures and animation are major focuses.

The team consists of 6 animators and 1 programmer.

You can see more information on the game at our programmer, Ben's website.

More Information and Documentation will be available shortly

Thanks and Be Well

Kath Fitzgerald
Project Manager


           Project Team          Concepts          Information           

Kath [email protected]

Steve [email protected]

Craig [email protected]

Hayden [email protected]

Matt [email protected]

Joe [email protected]

Ben [email protected]

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