Made in Canada is the proud recipient of the 2000 Aurora Award for Fan Achievement: Other!

Associated with and Alibris - Books You Thought You'd Never Find

Carrie-Anne Moss
The Matrix Cover Red Planet
Carrie-Anne Moss was born in Vancouver B.C. in 1970. She has been involved in numerous TV series including F/X The Series, "Matrix" and Dark Justice. Her contributions to SF have been in the TV movie Doorways and as Trinity in the cyberpunk blockbuster The Matrix with fellow Canadian Keanu Reeves Carrie-Anne has since starred in the sci-fi thriller Red Planet and will be reprising her role as Trinity in The Matrix 2 and The Matrix 3.

Carrie-Anne Moss stars as Cmdr. Kate Bowman (click to enlarge)

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Carrie-Anne Moss

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Last updated February 04, 2001

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