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 Updated Announcements



Dear Students enrolled in SW350
Please make use of the ILN forum to post your questions and comments on course materials and your course work to invite sharing among peers and the lecturer.
Try it out during the holidays and I will explain more of the operation of the Forum function.
  Wingtai CHAN (Monday, February 7, 2005 5:19:51 PM)


Dear All,
Pls. check the information of the casework process.
Enjoy and relax during the holidays!
Wish you all the very best!
  Wai Kit Mok (Monday, February 7, 2005 6:05:36 PM)


Dear Fieldwork Supervisors and Students,
Please note that the Fieldwork Hanbooks for BOTH Diploma and Degree Programmes have been revised and are posted on ILN.  Please use the "December 2004" version.  Some of the forms are extracted for your use and are available in the folder "Forms" under the two respective programmes.
Please always use the ILN version that is up-to-date.  Thank you for your attention.
Chung Pui Fong (Wednesday, December 15, 2004 10:30:52 AM)




Resources useful to Social Work Students:


World Wide Web Resources for Social Workers (WWWRSW) and Information for Practice (IP).

WWWRSW has been in operation since 1994 and continues to be located at: 

WWWRSW has been substantially upgraded and currently contains 85,290 links. Approximately 10,000 lower quality and outdated links have been removed and approximately 15,000 new, higher quality links have been added. The majority of these links are to full text electronic journals, and scientific, technical and policy reports. In addition, WWWRSW contains links to over 2650 scholarly journals and newsletters, of which, 300 are to sites that provide full text articles. A wide range of links to relevant government agencies, educational institutions and professional organizations are also included. WWWRSW is updated daily.  

To subscribe to IP, send a blank email message to the following address:  [email protected]

You can also access past issues of IP on the web at:     http://www.nyu.edu/socialwork/wwwrsw/ip/

These are free services. New York University's School of Social Work and the Division of Social Work and Behavioral Science, Mount Sinai School of Medicine jointly sponsor WWWRSW.  IP is sponsored by the Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research, the Society for Social Work and Research and WWWRSW.

Posted by: Chung Pui Fong at 2004-04-06 15:09:14


Latest Uploaded Files

Date Subjects  Latest Uploaded Files Description
7-2-2005 SW Fieldwork 03BSWhandbookDec04.doc 3 ed. BSW Fieldwork Handbook (DEC 04)

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