Healing: Putting It All Together

Preventing and Combatting Opportunistic Infections
Preventing and Combatting Wasting
Promoting Intestinal Health Stimulating Appetite

AEGIS's Nutrition Information


Aegis's Information on Vitamins and Anti-oxidants

More on Nutrition:

AIDS, which uses the body's proteins to manufacture itself; which overwhelms the immune system, causing the body to mount a huge and usually not effective response early on; and which infects the thymus possibly damaging the factor that produces red blood cells, can cause vitamin deficiencies and starvation!

Nutrient Chart I Put Together
(not complete)


L-glutamine, an amino acid found in muscle tissue, may help muscle development (it's used by body builders; however, I am not sure of its relationship with heart health)
Growth (New Immune Cells)
L-Glutamine is an amino acid supplement; see also HIV Resources, Inc./HIV Guidelines (from the New York State Department of Health Marinol (the active ingredient in marijuana) is used to stimulate the appetite L-carnitine Human growth hormone stimulates the healthy growth of immune cells! According to HIV Resources, Inc./HIV Guidelines (from the New York State Department of Health), this hormone has some side effects! According to an earlier study published by IAPAC, the growth hormone works best with L-Glutamine.
Enzymes aid in digestion, especially the digestion of lactose Other Hormonal Supplements?
Acidophillus and Lactobacillus aid in digestion
Carob may help treat diarrhea; also Anti-colon-allergics and Thalidomide
Fiber is also essential to intestinal health!
More on Good Nutrition: Essential for Restoring the Immune System: Foods and Supplements
B Vitamins Red Blood Cell Growth Stimulators--May combat anemia? Green Supplements, Algaes Whey Supplements: Dairy and Soy Alpha lipoic acid;
N-acetyl-L-cysteine, "a precursor of glutathione" (may not work as well alone)
Co-enzyme Q-10 is used to boost immune cellular energy; it may help with mitochondrial cellular energy, important to the muscles.
Reconstituting the Immune System (Note: other things that harm the immune system include lack of darkness at night!)
Thymic Reconstitution (Thymic Humoral Factor (THF), Thymosin-alpha 1, or thymopentin (TP5)--low side effects compared with Interferon)
Or what about Melatonin?
Interleukin 2--a report by Project Inform; also, information on immune-based drugs such as proleukin 2, an Interleukin drug may be found at this Aidsmeds link! Alpha Interferon Remune: Reawakening anti-HIV T-cells Dr. R. Moss (2002) reported to Reuter's Health/Medscape that patients with higher CD 4 cell counts had the best response to Remune therapy. Tat
Synthetic Calf Thymus (risk of "mad cow disease") Natural; Has Side Effects Synthetic; Has Side Effects Chinese Compound Q and Prostratin
Combatting HIV with The Cellular Arm of the Immune System; the Immune System Proteins and Antibodies; and Prescription Anti-retrovirals
Anti-retrovirals to Combat the Viral Life Cycle and When to Start?
As HIV Fuses With the CD4 As HIV passes the CD4 Membrane and Switches On and Off CD4-cell Proteins As HIV Converts Its RNA to DNA As HIV Makes Proteins in the Nucleus As HIV Cleaves New Proteins With Enzymes--after budding from the cell ?
Fusion Inhibitors Is TAT a Key?
Reuter's Health/Medscape Reports on New Research into Combatting Tat and Rev
Non-nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors Nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors Protease Inhibitors
(powerful! and many of these might cause beneficial mutations in HIV!)--but may have side effects!
AZT, Abacavir cross the blood-brain barrier! also the placenta! Read more about HIV in the brain! Nelfinavir (usually well-tolerated)
3TC A new protease inhibitor, amprenavir (may not lead to elevated fat and sugar levels in the blood as much--and is fairly effective according to a July, 2001 article in Drug and Therapy Perspectives 17[13]: 1-5! I'm looking for more data on it.) .)
Another such protease inhibitor is atazanavir, now available through expanded access!
Recommended Regimen for HIV: 2 nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors and 1 protease inhibitor; or 2 protease inhibitors
Non-traditional/Alternative Healing

Healing Requires:

both (1), destroying microbes that cause disease--with a combination of drugs and the body's immune system (which perhaps can be stimulated to destroy cells that are spreading the infection); and (2), rejuvenating the immune system--with nutritional support and perhaps thymic reconstitution!

Both wasting and anemia are common in AIDS patients, and have been associated with an increased incidence of death!

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