Read Flavour of the Month
Harry/Ron Fanfics


For shocolate and rosina_alcona, who are the only ones who could possibly get me to write this. It turns out I wasn't as wimpy as I thought I was...




When the door closed behind them, it became painfully obvious that the mood had been lost.

Harry set his takeaway container down on the table in the center of the room, avoiding looking at Ron, so he wouldn't have to watch Ron avoiding looking at him.

A long silence stretched out, underlined with the hum of traffic on the Muggle side of the building, and the clink of glasses from the pub below.

"I still don't see why we had to come here."

"We couldn't go back to the Burrow, could we? Half your family is home. Either we'd have to Floo in and spend an hour telling them about our day and another hour doing chores, and then think up some excuse why we had to be alone and undisturbed in your bedroom for the next hour after that ... or we'd Apparate straight to your room and the crack would bring your mum running."

Ron nodded miserably, still looking away. "I don't like being here, though. The way that Tom fellow looked at us, like he knew why we were here -"

"He probably did know why we're here, Ron," interrupted Harry. The two boys' eyes were brought into contact by this exchange, but only for a bare moment before they both found new places to focus, both blushing furiously.

"Creepy," muttered Ron, examining the door frame with great interest.

Harry exhaled quietly. He wished he could regain the excitement he'd felt mere moments earlier, as he and Ron had got up to leave Fortescue's. On their request, Florean had charmed each of their treats with a stasis spell, so Ron's banana would remain frozen, and Harry's sundae would keep its perfect balance of cold, creamy ice-cream and hot, syrupy butterscotch, and the boys could continue their enjoyment of their sweets long after they left the shop. The spell would last until someone started eating the treat again.

The knowing twinkle in the proprietor's eye, however, had diminished both boys' appetites considerably. The snickers and glances from the table of second-years hadn't been any help, either; they must have seen some of what had started to happen at the back table. By the time the two boys had walked the short distance to The Leaky Cauldron, neither could quite say he felt the same way he had in that shadowy corner of Fortescue's.

Neither boy, of course, was about to admit this to the other.

Harry glanced at the frozen banana still dangling from the half-clenched fingers of his best mate. He tried to recreate the image in his mind of Ron's thick, supple lips pursed around the frozen treat, in hopes of regaining his mood.

A car door slammed in the street outside. Ron jumped, ruining Harry's attempts at conquering their awkwardness through creative visualisation.

Clearly, a more direct approach would be necessary.

"Um, Ron?"

"Yeah?" Ron looked as pale and set as he had just before sacrificing himself on that giant chessboard so long ago.

Maybe this isn't a good idea.

Still looking at Harry as though he feared the other boy might sprout horns, Ron distractedly took a small nibble of his banana.

The moment he saw the cold chocolate touch Ron's moistened mouth, Harry felt the jolt in his groin that had brought them to this room in the first place. Before the image could leave him again, Harry strode across the room towards his friend.

Seeing Harry advance on him, Ron took on the precise expression of a deer caught in the headlamps of an oncoming lorry.

Harry halted in his tracks. This would never do.


"Y-yes, Harry?"

Harry had never heard Ron sound this nervous when there weren't horse-sized spiders in evidence.

"Ron, look. We could ... I mean, if you don't want, we don't have to ... if you wanted to go back to the Burrow and forget this -"

Ron interrupted by shaking his head emphatically. "No. I mean, unless you wanted to ... "

Harry took in his friend's entire appearance. Ron's muscular shoulders were squared, his strong jaw was set grimly. His shining eyes were still very wide.

"Are you sure?"

Ron nodded, swallowing visibly.

Harry took one more slow step toward his best mate, bringing him within a short arm's reach.

"Take another bite of that, will you, Ron?"

Eyes wary, but never leaving Harry's, Ron raised the banana to his own mouth, and sucked it in between his lips. Watching the other boy's mouth work, Harry's eyes dropped half-closed from want. He nodded and smiled.

"Gods, yes, Ron," he gasped.

Ron looked at him with a bit of a start, but a glimmer of a smile, as well. He looked at Harry as if asking for guidance.

"Can I have a bite, then?" Harry asked gently.

Ron's lips stretched into a wider smile then, as he removed the banana from his own mouth and held it forward for Harry.

Harry placed his hands lightly on Ron's waist, continuing to hold Ron's eyes with his own, as he opened his mouth for the frozen treat. When the coolness hit his tongue, he let out a low, quiet moan, that elicited the faintest of echoes from Ron's throat. Harry sucked down the length of the banana, increasing suction as he moved back upward. By the time he'd reached the top, Ron's blue eyes had gone seven shades darker.

Harry moved his right hand up to Ron's face. Ron's expression was starting to relax.

"Ron, I'm going to kiss you now," stated Harry, leaving no room for argument or question. Ron nodded his acquiescence.

As Ron's eyes dropped closed, Harry pulled forward with his left hand, bringing their hips into contact first. Ron's eyes flew open and both boys gasped at the sensation of one bulging pair of trousers meeting the other. Harry rolled his pelvis gently, inhaling sharply at the fantastic tingling brought on by Ron's hardness pressing against his own. A guttural moan drew itself out from Ron's throat as the taller boy's eyes dropped back to half-mast.

"Alright, Ron?" asked Harry, although he didn't know how he could stop if the answer were negative.

He didn't have to worry. Ron nodded lustily, his breath panting out from between his wet, parted lips.

Harry rolled his hips again, moving forward to touch his chest to Ron's as well. His mouth was now bare millimeter's away from the other boy's. This was it.

"Ron?" he whispered, as if for permission.

"Harry," gasped the response in a voice thick with desire. There was no further need to question.

Harry threaded the fingers of his right hand into the locks at the back of Ron's neck. He pulled down gently, but firmly, bringing the soft lips finally into contact with his own. Ron drew in his breath suddenly, bucking his hips forward, causing Harry to cry out against his best friend's mouth.

Gods, this is incredible.

Ron's mouth was moving, and Harry relaxed to let himself follow the brushing, gripping, opening of the lips that teased and invited his own mouth to keep up. He ventured forward with his tongue, which was immediately met by the rough strength of Ron's, probing deep into Harry's mouth and out again, until nothing existed in Harry's world except the small space between his own teeth.

Harry's focus was wrenched a few feet to the south when Ron bucked his hips again, and Harry felt himself staggering backward toward the bed against the wall. If they didn't reach it, Ron would have to take him right there on the hearthrug, and Harry wouldn't protest in the slightest.

As Ron propelled him toward the bed, Harry's hip banged painfully against the table in the center of the room. Harry instinctively reached to catch it before it could tip, and caught hold of the edge of his takeaway container in the process. He held onto the dish, carrying it with him. Its contents might come in handy.

Harry crashed backward onto the firm mattress, reaching out to place the sundae on the bedside table. It was a miracle he got it there, with the things Ron was doing to his earlobe and neck as they scrambled together toward the top of the bed.

When Harry's head reached the pillow, he relaxed into it; Ron settled down on top of him, in turn, causing Harry to gasp at the renewed pressure of Ron's swollen groin against his.

Ron pulled back from his attentions to Harry's neck, and smiled down at the boy beneath him on the bed. From Harry's perspective, Ron looked like a lion god at sunset, all glorious beauty wreathed in golden fire. He beamed at the sight, and groaned with desire for his friend.

"You," said Ron, undoing Harry's top shirt button, and shifting downward in an excruciatingly tantalising motion. "Won't." Another button undone. "Be. Needing. This. Anymore."

Harry sat halfway up to allow Ron's free hand to push his open shirt away from his shoulders and down his arms. While Ron undressed Harry, the other hand was busy placing the frozen banana carefully into the prone boy's mouth again, where it was greedily sucked and licked. Harry attacked the banana with gusto, imagining how much he wanted to take Ron in his mouth and suck and lick until Ron cried out in ecstasy.

Harry tried to sit the rest of the way up so he could carry on with his intentions, but Ron pushed him firmly back. "You're not going anywhere," he stated simply, and removed Harry's kiss-smeared glasses to lay them on the table beside the sundae.

Obediantly, Harry lay back down. Ron sat straddling Harry's hips, causing their erections to press together with painful immediacy. Harry shifted involuntarily, and watched Ron's eyes flicker in response. He tried to keep himself calm, perceiving that Ron had a plan, but it was torture not to rock and buck against the hardness of the gorgeous man on top of him.

With a look of deep concentration, Ron tugged the hem of Harry's t-shirt out of his jeans. He pushed the fabric far enough up to expose a significant portion of Harry's washboard abdomen, then ran his fingers over the smooth skin. Harry gasped at the brushing touch over his bare stomach, and arched into Ron's pelvis. Ron placed a steadying hand on Harry's hip, stilling the motion.

Merlin, thought Harry, for someone who was so hesitant a minute ago, Ron does know how to take charge!

He was yanked out of his thoughts by the touch of icy coldness against his hot flesh. Ron was tracing slow, widening circles around Harry's navel with the frozen banana, leaving light streaks of chocolate across his skin. With his other hand, Ron was pushing Harry's t-shirt higher and higher, exposing nipples and delicately mounded pectoral muscles, until the fabric was all bunched uncomfortably against Harry's throat.

Harry flexed his abdominal muscles just enough to lift his shoulders off the bed, and pulled the t-shirt roughly off, tossing it far across the room in his haste. The motion pressed him against Ron's erection once again, but this time, Ron responded by digging his hips down against Harry's. Harry cried out, just for a split second, before his voice was muffled by the cold banana once again entering his mouth.

Harry sucked hungrily, staring directly into Ron's eyes all the while. He wanted his friend to know exactly how he was making him feel, and what he wanted to do in return. Ron swallowed visibly, and lifted his hips away.

Harry was about to protest, when he realised that Ron was only repositioning himself so he could begin licking the trails of chocolate away. He began at the tip of Harry's left shoulder, tracing the lines with the point of his chilled tongue. Each time his mouth began to grow warm from its contact with Harry's skin, Ron would pause to take another sucking bite from the frozen banana, so that the sensation against Harry's shoulders and chest and stomach was a maddening mixture of heat and cold and stickiness and sweet.

By the time the banana was down to its last bite, Ron had covered Harry's entire torso with his licking ministrations, but had for some reason avoided Harry's nipples completely. When Ron took the final mouthful of frozen sweet into his mouth, the reason became clear.

He leaned down toward Harry's left nipple, letting just the corner of the chocolate-covered treat protrude between his lips, as he ran the chilly delicacy lightly around and around the peaking pink nub. Even with his blurred vision, Harry could make out the twinkle in Ron's eye as he pulled back to gaze at Harry for a moment before switching to the other nipple. Once this, too, was as taut and chilled and excited as its twin, Ron swallowed the last of the banana and sucked the nipple firmly into his mouth.

Harry bucked his hips and arched his back, crying out with the pleasure of those lips - those lips - grazing and suckling his tender nipple. A brush of teeth against the sensitive skin brought another gasp, and he dug his fingers into the flesh of Ron's denim-garbed arse.

"Not ... ah! ... not fair," he managed.

Ron pulled back to look Harry in the eye.

"What's not fair, Harry?" he inquired indulgently.

Harry took the opportunity of the space between them to start working on the buttons of Ron's shirt. "You're wearing more clothes than I am," he panted with a winsome smile.

Ron grinned back at Harry, and braced his weight so that his friend could finish pushing his shirt back off his shoulders. He lifted one hand at a time to free his wrists, then took hold of the hem of his t-shirt.

"No - wait," said Harry, and Ron froze.


"You know I'm good with Reparo charms, right?"

"Yes ..."

"You trust me?"

"Harry? What are you going to do?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Well ... yes ..."

Harry grinned. "Good," he stated, and before Ron could protest, Harry grabbed the neck of Ron's t-shirt and ripped it from his body. Being old and worn, the fabric came away easily.

Ron's eyes flew wide, but Harry was laughing in his joy.

"What did you - ?"

"I've been wanting to do that all day," said Harry with his most fiendish grin. "Now come here."

Harry slung his arm around Ron's neck and brought the larger boy's entire weight down on him, eliciting loud groans from both as their sensitive groins met again. Harry moved his hands to Ron's waist, slipping his fingers into the belt-loops of Ron's jeans, and pulled the boy's hips even more tightly against his own, as he pressed up to meet him. Excited more than he had imagined possible by the warm firmness of Ron's bare chest against his own, Harry started rocking against the body on top of him, growing closer and closer to release.

Ron's mouth crushed down on Harry's, knocking his breath away. For a moment, the urgency below was forgotten as Harry relished in the cool, strong, chocolate-flavoured tongue that invaded his mouth. Harry gave himself up to Ron's direction, allowing himself to be kissed and guided by that fantastic, soft, strong, wet, hot, sweet mouth.

Ron closed his lips into a firm kiss. Harry opened his eyes to see Ron staring at him very intently.

"I ... I want to do this for you, Harry," he said, before starting to trail kisses down Harry's chin, onto his neck and, if his shifting weight was any indication, on south from there.

Oh, gods, was he going to -? OH!

"Ron ... you don't have to, you know," protested Harry weakly, as the last of the blood left his brain.

"I want to," answered Ron softly against Harry's stomach. His voice made his intentions clear, even though his apparent nerves did not allow him to meet Harry's eyes again.

Harry lay his head back, starting at the cracked ceiling of the rented room. When they had left the Burrow that morning, it hadn't even occurred to him that they would end up here, doing this. Alright, if he had to tell the truth, today hadn't been the first time he had noticed how attractive his best mate was, but of course he'd always admired Ron, so he hadn't really thought about it.

Or maybe he hadn't let himself think about it, because he hadn't wanted to ruin the friendship they already shared, which was more important to Harry than just about anything. Ron was the best friend anyone could hope for. He was true, and loyal, and -

Sweet Merlin!

Perhaps nerves had allowed Harry's mind to wander for a moment while Ron had unfastened his belt and his trousers, and pushed his shorts away from his hips, but nothing could have prepared Harry for just how it would feel when Ron's soft, wet, strong, oh Merlin yes hot, sweet mouth first closed on his exposed cock.

Harry looked down at the autumn-sunset aura of Ron's hair, filling the center of Harry's fuzzy vision with a dazzle of glowing embers that spilled across the white expanse of Harry's own skin. He couldn't believe this amazing sensation, this amazing - oh gods, yes! - was happening with the same boy whom he had once dragged, dripping, from the bottom of the Lake.

Ron's lips tightened around Harry's cock, and the mouth started to create suction around Harry's nearly-painfully intense erection. As the shining head started to move up and down, all further thought dissolved into oh and oh gods, yes! and more and don't stop and Please! and no, no, more, Yes! and Oh, OH, RON, MERLIN YES RON PLEASE MORE NO DON'T STOP KEEP OH GODS OH RON YES OHH!!!!

Harry dug his fingers deeply into the firm muscles of Ron's shoulder, bucking his hips up wildly as he came, shouting unintelligible syllables and his lover's name.

Ron sucked, gently, one more time, as he swallowed everything Harry had given him. He ran his tongue lightly up the wilting member, then planted a soft kiss to the patch of clear skin just to one side of the patch of dark curls, then another against the bone of Harry's hip.

Harry smiled and stretched a bit sleepily, completely spent from the exertion of ecstasy. His head swimming, Harry let out a bark of a laugh at his giddiness from the sensations Ron had just given him.

Harry encircled Ron's shoulders with his arms as Ron moved up to stretch out next to him, while using the last bit of strength in his legs to kick his trousers and shorts the rest of the way off his body. The sensitive touch-receptors in his bare skin immediately alerted him to two important facts: Ron was still wearing his jeans; and Ron was still impossibly hard. Harry felt his own spent cock twitch at the realisation.

"Mmm, you're amazing," murmured Harry, kissing Ron's mouth softly when it came within reach.

Ron smiled. "You're not so bad yourself."

Harry grinned widely. He's been hoping Ron would say something like this, and not only because he enjoyed the compliment.

"You haven't seen anything yet," he assured his lover, rolling both of them over until he ended up on top.

"Harry, you don't have to ..."

"Shut up, Ron," said Harry simply. He propped himself up on one elbow, while he reached for the forgotten sundae, still held in perfect Stasis by Fortescue's takeaway charm. As an afterthought, he grabbed his glasses, as well. They were still smeared from the earlier kissing, but he wanted to watch Ron's face for what he meant to do next.

Ron's eyes widened in anticipation, hunger, and a bit of nervousness, as Harry lifted the dripping spoon to his own lips. Harry relished the taste of butterscotch and cream, which sent shocks of sweetness through his mouth. He relished the look in Ron's eyes as he tightened his mouth around the spoon, sucking every last drip of syrup from its shiny surface.

Harry sat back, straddling Ron as Ron had straddled him earlier, only a bit higher up the ribcage to avoid rubbing his bare skin against the rough denim of Ron's jeans. He dipped the spoon into the sundae once more, and extended the spoon forward for his lover to taste. On its journey to Ron's waiting mouth, the spoonful of ice-cream dribbled a trail of syrup and cream up the middle of the prone boy's torso. Harry shoved the utensil between Ron's lips before he could protest about the mess.

Harry had plans for cleaning up the mess.

He leaned close to his lover's face, replacing the spoon with his own lips so he could taste the creamy sweetness inside Ron's mouth. Ron kissed him hungrily, letting the ice-cream melt between their battling tongues. Harry sucked Ron's tongue gently into his mouth, relishing the taste of butterscotch that coated it, and the press of Ron's arching torso against his returning erection.

It was torture for Harry to lift himself off Ron's hot flesh, and the groan he heard told him Ron felt the same way. But he needed to shift his position in order to deal with the rivulet of melting sundae he had allowed to dribble across Ron's abdomen, chest and neck.

Harry started from the top, kissing and licking at Ron's chin and down his throat, drawing out gasps and moans that spurred him to suck and bite as he followed the trail.

The ice-cream continued to melt against the heat of Ron's flushed skin, and the butterscotch syrup and fluffy bits of cream teased and tantalised Harry's taste buds. Really, after this, dessert would never be the same.

Harry kept up his pursuit until he had consumed every drop he'd spilled, then lifted his head to examine his handiwork.

Ron's head was thrown back against the pillow, eyes closed in ecstasy, lips wet and parted. Harry could have come again only from looking at him, and he had to resist the urge to grind his reborn hardness against Ron's muscular thigh.

Harry dipped a finger back into the sundae, picking up syrup and cream, and delivered the sweet to Ron's open mouth. Ron's eyelids barely flickered as he sucked Harry's finger in, curling his tongue around its length and teasing the sensitive place between Harry's fingers with its tip. Now aware of exactly what that mouth was able to do for him, Harry groaned and pressed his face into the juncture between Ron's neck and shoulder.

Before he could forget himself, Harry took another, tinier amount of sundae on his finger, and coated Ron's nipple with it. Ron's breathing grew louder, raspier, motivating Harry to attack directly. He licked the syrup and cream away, pursing his lips around the tiny, firm peak and sucking, then running his teeth gently where his tongue had begun. As Ron's gasps grew in moans, Harry repeated the action with more of the sundae on the other nipple.

No matter how badly he wanted to keep moving downward, Harry just couldn't keep away from Ron's mouth. He took another bite of sundae himself, then plunged forward for a deep, long kiss, without swallowing, so the syrup spread across their tongues and lips again, making Harry want to keep sucking and teasing at Ron's mouth until he collapsed from the exertion.

But there were other, more important, matters that required his attention.

Harry spooned up another small quantity of the sundae, then let it fall into Ron's navel. He lowered his head, burying his nose in the musky aroma of his friend's skin, and probed the indentation with his tongue. Ron wriggled and bucked his hips in response. He was getting very close, Harry could see. It was time to repay the favour.

Harry made fast work of Ron's belt and flies, pushing the jeans away from his hips and taking the time to pull them all the way off, along with Ron's socks. Not able to resist the urge, Harry tore away Ron's shorts as easily as he had done with the t-shirt earlier. Ron's eyes flew upon as the fabric was rent, but his wide smile made it clear that he would voice no objection.

Harry sat back for a moment to admire Ron in all his glory. Ron's body was amazing; Harry had known this from stealing glances in the showers, watching the muscles develop and harden in Ron's arms, chest, and thighs. What Harry hadn't been able to know for sure was how magnificent Ron's cock would be. It was noticeably bigger than Harry's own, and so beautifully smooth and blushing reddish-purple in its swollen state. It curved just slightly back towards Ron's abdomen, already weeping slightly at the tip.

Before he could continue, Harry had to let himself feel Ron's bare skin against his own. He stretched himself out on top of the prone boy, dipping his head for another soft, firm, searching kiss. Involuntarily, the two boys started to move against each other, slipping slightly from the coating of sweat and saliva that lay between them.

Harry noticed just in time that Ron's breathing was become ragged, and stopped his motion. Ron moaned in protest.

"Harry, no, don't stop..."

"Shh, Ron." Harry pulled away quickly, settling his chest between Ron's thighs, his elbows outside of Ron's hips. He scooped up a bit more cream and syrup, and used it to coat the shaft of Ron's penis, all the way up the vein.

Before Ron had finished gasping his reaction, Harry had followed the finger with his tongue, consuming all of the sweet he had spread there, before he finally reached the head. He used two fingers of his left hand to push back the foreskin, while he used his right to coat the exposed head in sundae toppings. Ron's moans let him know that he was doing alright, a fact of which he would not otherwise have been sure.

Harry felt unaccountably nervous. Ron had just done this for him, and obviously hadn't had any experience before, and it had been brilliant. But how did Harry know he would do it right, too?

The image of Ron's frozen banana rose to Harry's mind. He smiled. Of course. He knew exactly what to do.

Harry lowered his mouth, taking in the sweet-covered head of Ron's cock. A deep, low groan rewarded his efforts. He ran his tongue across the sensitive place where the vein met the head, then flattened out his tongue to capture all of the sundae he had spread on the lower face of the head. He firmed up his lips and sucked in, swallowing the syrup and cream in preparation for what he would soon be swallowing if he performed properly.

He forced himself to breathe deeply. He was surprised at how nervous he was. Everything had always been easy between him and Ron, and he always knew exactly what to do to make Ron happy; but now, when he wanted more than ever to please Ron, he was terribly unsure of himself.

Pushing his lips farther down the shaft, Harry ran his tongue up and down the erect cock in his mouth. He sucked and pulled his mouth back up toward the head, swirled his tongue around the tip, then plunged forward again. Ron's hips had progressed from twitching to bucking, and Harry had to hold them down with all of his weight, so he could keep control and avoid gagging himself.

Harry sucked harder and harder, pressing more and more firmly inward with his lips as he moved his head faster and faster up and down the length of Ron's incredible cock. Ron was starting to utter syllables of want and desire and ecstasy and OH -

With a groan that was more of a roar, Ron came gushing into Harry's mouth. Harry did his best to swallow the torrent of saltiness, although a bit escaped to dribble from his lips. He wiped at the corner of his mouth with the tips of his fingers, catching the drops he'd missed.

Ron's skin was so hot, Harry imagined it could burn him. He gazed into his friend's eyes, so alive with desire, even having been spent, that Harry felt himself aching for a second release.

He moved the dish of ice-cream back to the bedside table, taking one last bite to help him swallow the last of the semen that lingered in his throat. He took his glasses back off, laying them next to the empty dish.

Harry lay down on top of his naked lover, pressing his aching erection against Ron's hip. He kissed Ron gently, his open eyes looking deeply into the other boy's.

Slowly, Harry began to move. When Ron winced, he stopped and waited. Seconds later, Ron nodded that he could try again. Another gentle shift, the pace maddeningly unhurried for Harry's advanced state of arousal, and Harry felt Ron's flaccid penis begin to firm again.

Wow. Even his recovery time is incredible!

Harry kissed Ron deeply, needing to channel his energy away from his groin until Ron could catch up. Ron met him fiercely, roughly, biting and sucking and bruising with his passion. Before Harry knew what had happened, Ron was thrusting against him, their sweat-slicked bodies sliding over each other.

Harry felt Ron's magnificent cock rubbing against his own, pushing and arching into him and causing the most delicious friction against his tender skin. He bore down harder, putting his entire weight into pounding his aching - ah! - need for - ohh! - release against the - oh yes gods please! - sweat-slicked hardness - OHH!! - of his - OHH GODS RON YES RON OHHH!!!

Spent for a second time, Harry collapsed, panting, against Ron's chest. The strong, muscled arms immediately wrapped around him, bringing a comfort he hadn't even realised he needed. But that was how Ron always had been for him.


"Yeah, Ron?"

"I love you."

Harry raised his head in surprise. Ron met his gaze nervously, ready to look away if the reaction showed that he had spoken rashly.

But Harry wasn't really surprised, no, that wasn't right. He hadn't really thought about whether he loved Ron, only knew that he'd always cared for him, and then today, finally realised how much he wanted him, but love?

Well, yes, of course he did. It was simply a fact, the way Ron being part of his life had been simply a fact, ever since their first ride on the Hogwarts Express.

Harry smiled warmly at his lover and best friend. "Yeah, Ron. I love you, too."

Ron beamed back at him, so brightly it seemed to light up the darkening room.

"But, um, Harry?"

"Yeah, Ron?"

"What are we going to get Hermione for her birthday?"


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