Harry/Ron Fanfics


Written for MagicOfIsis's birthday, 2006, after a long break from writing.




14 February
Dear Harry,

I swore I wouldn't be a sappy romantic git tonight, but I just got home from having a few pints with Seamus and Dean - who would rather have been alone, even I could see that - and I can't see straight from missing you. �I know I promised to be patient while you're on this mission, but can't a bloke hope for his boyfriend to get near a Floo on Valentine's Day, rather than leaving him to be third wheel to a randy Irishman and his reportedly very-well-hung lover? �The looks they were shooting each other when they thought I wasn't looking were topped only by the heart-to-heart chat Seamus shared with me while Dean was in the loo. �Harry, I miss you so much I don't know what to do. �Please be careful out there. �And don't worry about what a stupid git I am. �I'd write this letter all over again if I could think of something useful to say. �I'll see you when I see you. �I know that's the way it works. �I knew it when you left. �I'll have to miss you a little longer, is all.

All my love,


17 February
Dear Ron,

If it makes you feel any better, I think I felt even more wretched than you did on Valentine's night. �Tonks appeared with a secret message for me from the Order, which was bloody convenient for Remus, obviously. �I had to Imperturb my tent to avoid hearing them, even after the first half of the bottle of Firewhisky. �(I finished the second half in the tent, which was bloody stupid, as I learnt the next morning. �That was one bugger of a hangover, I don't mind telling you.) �I can't tell you much about my mission, still, except that we've had some success, and that it hasn't taken me within miles of a Floo in weeks. �You know I'd get in touch if I could. �I really, really wish I could. �I miss you madly. �Please hang on. �I'll see you as soon as I can.

All my love,


19 February
Dear Harry,

We're uncles! �Twice! �Fleur gave birth early this morning to two of the most beautiful baby girls you've ever seen. �(I don't care if I sound like one of Mum's romance stories. �You'll say the same when you see them.) �She's named them Genevieve and Felice. �There's no doubt they're Weasleys - wait until you see their hair! �Fred and George are so excited to have another set of twins in the family, they're already plotting to teach the girls all their best hexes as soon as they can talk. �Naturally, Bill has banned them from coming anywhere near his daughters until they're out of Hogwarts. �He forgot to say the same for Ginny, though, so I think there's still reason to worry. Everyone wishes you could have been there - me most of all, of course. �Mum made the cakes. �I hope they get to you alright. �I miss you. �Write again soon, yeah?

All my love,


21 February
Dear Ron,

Twins! �Merlin, I can't wait to see them. �This mission is dead boring most of the time, even if it is important, and now it's made me miss the birth of your nieces. �Our nieces. �I like that, Ron. �That we have nieces together. �I would have sent something for them back with Tonks, but she left a couple of days ago, and there aren't a lot of shops around here, anyway. �(Or Floos, as I've mentioned. �Or Portkeys, or Apparition points, or decent pubs, or � hmm, I suppose I'd best be careful not to say too much more.) �Remus says hello. �There really isn't much to write tonight, sorry. �It's been dead dull, like I said. �I still miss you. �I suppose that isn't news, either. �I'll say it again, anyway. �I miss you, Ron. �Madly, like always.

All my love,


24 February
Dear Harry,

Tonks came to see the babies a few days ago. �She said you were one hundred percent fine when she saw you - except for the hangover, of course - but wouldn't tell me anything else. �I might have slipped her Veritaserum if I'd had any, but Hermione was over for tea, so I probably wouldn't have had a chance. �Oh yeah, the crystal I'm sending is from Hermione. �It's supposed to help with something you're doing, but of course she wouldn't tell me anything, either. �Sometimes I think I'm the only one in the Order who doesn't know what you're up to! �I know, it's for my own safety, but what about me going spare with worrying about you? �How is that good for my well-being? �Be careful, mate. �I'd never make it without you. �I wish you could be home for my birthday, but I know there are no Floos near you. �I miss you, as always. �Always, always, always.

All my love,


27 February
Dear Ron,

Tell Hermione thanks for the crystal. �It was just in time. �I still can't tell you what I'm doing, and neither should Tonks, so NO VERITASERUM! �I wrote Hermione to ask her to keep a close eye on you, to be safe. �I can't write much tonight - it's been a long day, and I'm knackered. �I also burnt my hand a little. �Don't worry, Remus is good with Healing Charms, and it's almost better already, but for now it's pretty tiring to write. �I hope this arrives by your birthday. �Happy birthday, mate. �I wish I could do better, but you know how it is. �I miss you. �You know I do.

All my love,


1 March
Dear Harry,

I did get your letter today. �Thanks. �I hope your hand is better. �I hate to think about you being hurt, especially when there's nothing I can do. �I also read something in the Daily Prophet this morning, about a cell of Death Eaters in Andorra that were raided and arrested. �Apparently they'd been hiding in some really remote part of the Pyrenees, far away from anything, trying to find a way to bring back Voldemort. �Seems like these were really the last of the Death Eaters this time, and they were all caught, except for a couple who were killed in a brief battle with a couple of Order members. �I don't suppose you know anything about that?

"� Actually, I do," said a voice over Ron's shoulder, making him jump out of his seat.

Ron sputtered several times, already wrapping his arms around Harry before he could get his mind back enough to speak. �He didn't need to think to put his arms around Harry. �It happened automatically, like breathing.

He buried his nose in the overgrown mop on top of Harry's head and inhaled deeply, closing his eyes.

"You're safe," he murmured through his smile.

"Of course I'm safe. �Remus is a real crack dueler, saved my arse a few times, I don't mind telling - mrrph."

That was all Harry was able to tell him for several minutes, as Ron set to work making up for all the kisses he'd had to do without for so many weeks.

"But you - mmph - said you - mrrm - were nowhere near - mmnhm - a Floo - mmmmrrnhmm -"

"Mmnhhmm - I - mnnhrmm - wasn't until - mmm - an hour ago - mnnmmm - and I had - mmr - to debrief - nnhhmmn - before - mhm - they'd let me - mphm - come home - nnnngggghhhh -"

At which point Ron did something behind Harry's left earlobe with his tongue that made Harry lose the rest of that train of thought or, indeed, any coherence whatsoever.

When he felt Harry's knees melting, Ron chuckled richly into the ear on which he'd been lavishing his attention. �"Didn't you tell them it was my birthday?"

"Are you kidding?" responded Harry weakly, sliding his hands smoothly into the back of Ron's trousers. �The action seemed to bring him back to his senses, putting a wicked glint in his eye. �"We weren't supposed to raid that hideout for three more days!"<

Ron drew back for a moment, his kiss-swollen lips hanging slack in mild confusion.

"So what happened?"

The mischief in Harry's grin made every nerve ending in Ron's body whimper with desire.

"Are you joking? �No one could make me miss your birthday."


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