Masamune Commercial

Now YOU can feel like Sephiroth, with this official Masamune!
Do you find that your evil villain exterior is missing something?
Do you feel that you aren't striking fear into your enemies heart?
Than you need the Sephiroth Masamune!
Each Sword has been selected by Sephiroth himself to ensure great quality.
All swords are guaranteed to make you feel a little more evil, a little more villainy, a little more Sephirothy!
The Masamune is SO strong, it won't ever break! Even after being rolled over by an excessively heavy piece of machinery!
The Masamune won't take one chip, if it ever does, return it to us for a full refund, and a replacement!
if you act now we will send in a free Sephiroth action figure!!
If you call within the next minute, you will also receive this Sephiroth outfit!
YOU get the Masamune, the figure and the outfit all for just
To order call 1-800-Masamune
Must be 18 years or older to call
~By Dark Sephirothia

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