Humor Section

Sephiroth might not think this section is pretty funny,
but we think it is! and hey, you never know,
Sephiroth might even find it remotely humorous.. :P
This section has little funny stories if Sephiroth was living in our time,
and humor fan arts. Again,
I got these on WinMX, so... if you happen
to see your work on here, SORRY!
I didn't steal it from your site
and you should be flattered that I like it enough
to put it up! ^_^
Oh and a note to all viewers,
please, if you want to submit something
just drop me an e-mail, OK? ^_^

The humorous contents are meant to be funny and not intended to offend anyone, so
I'm not responsible for any offenses
(especially to those who have no sense of humor or lack of appreciation for humor)
that one might get.

Sephiroth and the Teen Concert

Masamune Commercial

Sephiroth Hair Gel

Get Glad

Chia Pet!!

Powerpuff Sephiroth

How Final Fantasy VII People Eat Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!

Sephiroth Parodies

Movie and TV Parodies!

You Decide Cloud's Fate!


Humorous Fan Art

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