How Final Fantasy VII People Eat a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup!!!

I'd Like to dedicate this page to Hojo. Its kind of like inspired by him because I saw a fanart on his site that had Elena eating one. ^_^ Thanks Hojo.

Elena of the Turks:
*giggle* Well.... First Of all...... I've gotta see how Tseng eats it!
Then I'll eat it the way he eats it..... *sigh*
I want to mimic the way Tsengy-poo eats it cuz I love anything he does *giggle*

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

First I inject it with Jenova cells.
Then, I expose it to Mako energy
Then I give it to one of my precious specimens
Ha, ha, ha!

Narrator: ........There's no wrong way..... to errr..... prepare a Reeses!

First I slice it with my Masamune
then once again
and again
and again.......
Then I eat it!

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

Yuffie Kisaragi:
First I steal one!
Then I eat it before I get caught!

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

Tseng of the Turks:
Truthfully, I've got to get Elena to eat this.
She probably stresses over her figure, that's why she's never eaten them
Once I watch her eat it, then I'll just eat it like she does.
Why? Because its a crush thing i got for her.......

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

Reno of the Turks:
"I break it in half and eat one, and I.............. would give the other half to Tifa if I could work up the backbone to do so"

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

I carve it into a shape of a flower!
Then I eat it!

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

First I gotta open this %)*$) package! Stupid %)*$) thing it won't open! %)*$()*$ it!
THERE! Now i just move it around like an aircraft.......
Then I eat the )*$()*% thing!!

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

I like to make mine look like a pretty fluffy cloud in the sky! and then I have to go on Jenny Craig because I'm afraid of what one little Reeses will do to my weight!!!

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

I hear the cry of the Planet, its telling me to buy a Reeses! Now the Planet is telling me to unwrap it, and enjoy!

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

Cait Sith:
First I roll the dice. Then on my Reeses I carve the number that is shown on the dice, on my Reeses!

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

Um, is eating chocolate a sin? Because I really don't know, but I suppose its ok, so i won't have to atone for eating. Now to just carve an "L" for Lucrecia on it......

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

I'll eat mine and put lotsa sugar, honey and lard on mine! Just like my tea.....hey hey! I'm only joking about the lard!

Narrator: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

Heh, what a crew, you all make something big of this? *flicks hair back* I just eat the god forsaken thing......*flicks hair*

Narrator: ......

....... *eats*

Narrator: *sweatdrops* There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses!

Do I look like the type that consumes junky stuff into my fabulous figure? Ah, I think not. *waves a perfectly manicured hand* Go on, get out of here.

Narrator: .......

Gya ha ha! I'm not the type to be creative, I'm just hungry, Gya, ha, ha! So I just eat it! Gyaaa haa haa!
Rufus from behind the scenes: I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STOP THAT STUPID HORSE LAUGH!!!!!!!

Narrator: *sweatdrops some more* ........*halfheartly* There' way to a Reeses...

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