In Time

A child sat on Jesus' lap in the splendor of heaven. The child asked, "Is it time?"

Jesus parted the clouds, looked and said, "No, not yet child." The child asked "When will it be time?" Jesus replied, "When lessons are learned, hardships endured, and loneliness lived, then it will be time."

Time passed.

The child asked, "Is it time?" Jesus parted the clouds, looked and said, "No, not yet child." The child asked, "When will it be time?" Jesus replied, "When maturity is reached, self-worth affirmed and spirits strengthened, then it will be time."

Time passed.

The child asked, "Is it time?" Jesus parted the clouds, looked and said, "Their love is strong and their hearts are open. Yes, now it is time- Your parents are ready."


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Note: I did not write this and not claiming to. I was sent this by e-mail enjoyed it and wanted to share it with others. If I am brecking a copy right law please let me know and I will remore this right away. Thanks for your understanding.

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