I am moving these pages to Yahoo so please excuse the broken links and graphics.

This many people have been to my webpage since Oct. 10, 2001

To my

Inspirational Stories and Poems


I made these webpage because I kept getting such cute and sweet stories through email and didn't know what to do with them. I kept saving them and now they have just piled up. So here I am making yet another webpage. I hope you enjoy these and feel free to pass them on.

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Stories, poems and cute things about :


The Christmas Poem

The Night Before Christmas. A mothers Gift

coming soon

Why Jesus is better than Santa Claus

Twas the night before Christmas. Cyper Style

coming soon


You Know You're A Mom When . . .

Angel Mommy

A Mothers Dictionary

The Meanest Mom In The World

How Moms Were Made

Coming Soon

About Women

Definitions by Women

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon


From Children's Mouths

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Icecream is Good

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Loss of a child

In Time

Note - this poem helped me tons after my miscarriages

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Things to just make your life seem better

Instructions For Life

What I Have Learned . . .

If I had my life to live over

What God Won't Ask


Coming Soon

God and Religion

Children's Statements About the Bible

The Religious Lady On The Plane

Coming Soon

I Asked God . . .

The Three Trees

Coming Soon

Funny Info

Ten Reasons Adam Was the Luckiest Man

Men Are Like . . .

Coming Soon

Diary Of A Successful New Bride or Cook

Coming Soon

Coming Soon



Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Post your own favorite stories, poems and others here on the Insperational Stories and poems message board.

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This page is pretty much still in the works folks so please understand this takes time. I am a mom, wife and plus I am homeschooling my five year old, tending a one and half year old plus expecting my third child a son very SOON. I will try to add things as much as I can.

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