Tribute To Amanda
Everybody who is familiar with the show Highlander or Highlander:The Raven
is quite familiar with it's thieving immortal character; Amanda.
Amanda is a 1000 year old immortal, and became that way after
"dying" during the Great Plague. She has survived so many years
by developing her skills as a thief, and a sexy con-artist. Not to mention
a quick sword-arm.

Her first mentor was Rebecca, and Amanda was the mentor or 10 year old Kenny.
manda met Duncan MacLeod 250 years prior and tried to take his head, but
she was so fascinated by his charm and not to mention handsome good looks that
she spared his head and she and Mac have been on and off lovers ever since.

Episodes in Highlander:the series with Amanda:
The Lady and the Tiger, The Return of Amanda, Legacy, The Cross of St. Antoine, Finale 1 & 2, Double Eagle, Reunion, The Colonel, Methuselah's gift, The Immortal Cimoli, Dramatic Licence, The Stone of Scone, Forgive us our Trespasses, To Be, Not to Be.
Amanda is also the star of Highlander:The Raven
Elizabeth Gracen
Elizabeth Gracen
(The woman behind Amanda)
Elizabeth Gracen was born April 3, 1960 in Booneville, Arkansas.
She is also known for winning Miss Arkansas and Miss America in 1982.

The Counterfeit Queen (The Queen of Swords)
Highlander:The Raven (Amanda)
L'immortelle (Amanda)
Highlander:The Series (Amanda)
The Expert (Liz Piere)
Discretion Assured (Miranda)
Lower Level (Hillary)
Sidney Sheldon's The Sands of Time-TV
The Death of the Incredible Hulk-TV (Jasmin)
Marked for Death (Melissa)
83 hours Til Dawn-TV (Maria)
Sundown-The Vampire in Retreat
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Amanda Quotes
"A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!"

"Why can't you believe me MacLeod?"

"I swear on my mother's grave."
"You don't have a mother."

"I never kiss on the first date."

"You really expect me to steal don't you?"
"I expect sharks to bite too, don't take it personally."

"Gotta hand it to you MacLeod, you've got a memory like an elephant!"

"Look, I appreciate your help."
"And I'd appreciate being a thousand miles away from you.."
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