The Richie Page
This page is dedicated to James
Richie Ryan was an orphan who never actually knew who his real parents were.
He was a street kid whom Duncan befriended after Richie broke into Duncan's
antique shop.
Duncan knew that Richie was bound to become immortal so he took him under is wing, and taught him the better way to live.
Richie died for the first time after being shot (along with Tessa) by a man
who was attempting to rob them.
Richie first had to face an immortal in battle against Annie Devlin, an old friend of Duncan's. Although he won the fight Richie couldn't bring himself to kill her.
Richie tried to live his dream of racing motorcycles, but after only a few races he was involved in an accident and died.
Duncan accidently killed Richie, thinking he was an evil immortal duncan was fighting who had the power to take the form of anyone.
Richie Ryan's Quote Corner
"Check it out, one night only....everything must go!"

"I'll be myself later, right now I wanna be someone who knows a lot about art."

"I suppose there are worse things one can be than a sex object."

"I never thought one of the good guys would lose."

"She already saw you die once, at least you're not going to have to kill yourself again to prove it."

"I've been practicing. Next time you pull a sword on me, it won't be so easy."

"This has got to be some kind of joke. Joe, help me out here. 5000 years of wisdom? him?"
For Information about Stan Kirsch please visit his
Official Website.
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