Abortion-n-the termination of a pregnancy resulting in the death of the embryo or fetus...
Pro-Choice-adj-Defending the rights of the woman
Pro-Life-adj-Defending the rights of the unborn child
Gestation-n-Time since the child was conceived
Is it really a child?
Yes, Every unborn child has their own pulse, brainwaves, blood type etc.  The heart begins to beat at four weeks gestation.  At eight weeks the nerves begin to form and the baby can feel pain.  At ten weeks the baby's gender is determined.  At eleven weeks the baby practices breathing.  (For more on stages of development click here)
And the problem is...?
Abortion is murder, pure and simple.  The baby is alive and has done nothing wrong, he/she clearly does not deserve to die.  Contrary to what an abortion clinic will tell you, it is not just a ball of tissue, in fact "it" is not really an "it" all, but a human being.
But it's the only way...
There are alternatives to abortion.  There's rasing the child, and there is adoption.  If the mother's friends and family are not supportive there are people around the country who are ready and willing to help. (Click the pictures to the right or below for help.)
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