A baby is a real person, just like you and me.  And just like we continue to develop physically, emotionally, and mentally, so do babies.
4 Weeks--has a heartbeat
5 weeks--forms arms and legs
             -face develops
6 weeks--begins to move
             -brain becomes active
             -forms joints
             -eyelids begin to form
7 weeks--can turn head side to side
             -first bends head back
             -many begin to suck their thumbs
8 weeks--can move rapidly
             -joints look like an adults
             -nerves begin to form (
can feel pain)
             -begins stretching
9 weeks--eyes close
             -is now labled a fetus
10 weeks--gender is determined
               -bones harden
               -hair and fingernails form
               -moves eyes and tongue
11 weeks--taste buds form
               -has formed both skin layers
               -begins practicing breathing
               -makes complex facial expressions
               -digestive system begins to function
12 weeks--grows extremely rapidly
               -grows fat
And it's only been three months...
For more information on the second and third trimesters click here.
(7 weeks)
For amazing video footage of the first nine months, go on the inUTERO tour (right).
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