Irish Ridge Flowers 2000©

Springtime visions©
John Wm. Greene

These images may NOT be used in any "COMMERCIAL" instance©.
There are 7 images that will take a few seconds to load
but all are small file size so please wait.

These images are intended for your enjoyment and may be sent as attachments to your personal email. Directions are at bottom of this page.

All were taken with a 35mm SLR camera with an 80 to 300 mm zoom lens. Available light at various times of the day. I hope you enjoy them.

Bleeding Hearts
Easter Cactus
Easter Cactus
Easter Cactus
Easter Cactus as a watercolor
Easter Cactus as an acrylic
Easter Cactus
First Carnation

To send as an attachment to your email:
Right click on image and choose "save image as"
Choose a directory that is easy to find, like 'desktop'
Click on 'save'
Later, when your email is ready to send and you want to attach an image,
choose 'attach file' from toolbar
Find and choose file on 'desktop' or wherever you saved it
Click 'OK' or 'open'
That's it, just click send email and it's on it's way to your friend.

Feel free to use in any tasteful, NON-Commercial manner.

Something different? Tree Mirror
Another Flower Page

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