Irish Ridge Flowers 1998©

As seen through the eyes of an IRISH RIDGE descendant,
John Wm. Greene

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Growing up as an IRISH RIDGE descendant, one develops a certain love for the change of seasons and it's effect on nature. The simple things become important and even expected; things like that time of year when the birds start to flock and scurry around in those irratic patterns, like time is running short so they must stock up on the bountiful seed crop or the declining bug population. Like the caterpillars starting to find that perfect place for it�s cocoon but not wanting to leave the sunny places or those first trees to change color and lose their leaves to a Fall rain and wind. One wonders, why do certain trees always change color first every year, not just different kinds of trees but several hickory trees in a grouping... every year the same one is first to change?

The wonder of it all, the steadiness, the circle of it all. You can count on that hickory tree that was first to change to a brilliant yellow in the Fall, that come Spring it will also be the one to get it�s new green leaves first. The Native Americans who called IRISH RIDGE home surely watched that hickory tree grouping and had a far superior answer than one can find in a text book. They also watched the geese on their migration South or North depending on the season, but I wonder what explanation or significance they placed on this regular event.

That is what this IRISH RIDGE descendant thinks about when taking pictures like those found below. A time to go back, a time to just savor the moment, trying to save the feeling, the sounds, the smells of Wisconsin...with a few pictures. A monumental task that at the time was just "taking a photo".

I hope you have enjoyed "Summer 98"

If you liked these images, there are 3 more here and some of my thoughts about Images.

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