Irish Ridge Flowers 1998©

More flowers 1998 Summer©
John Wm. Greene

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Some thoughts while images are loading.

Seeing is more than an impression of an object through your eyes, there is also a subliminal image that is carried along with anything we have seen before. When you have walked through the woods on a hot humid day, with the sun streaming through the leaves and your feet crunching an accumulation of colors that are still falling from the trees, you can feel the fragrance of Fall as well as smell it. One can never look at falling leaves the same again, the memories of that walk in the woods will always intermingle with what your eyes see.

Try and take a picture of a waterfall and get what you felt at that moment. The sound of the water, the mist on your face, the play of light on the drops in motion... one can take the picture in a hundred different ways, slow shutter speed to make the water foam and all white, faster shutter speed to freeze each drop in time, or any combination that seems right at the time. That feeling of the moment will always be with you but somehow those pictures always come up short. Oh, one can get some beautiful images, but the best ones are the ones that stimulate our memories, that flashback to a childhood memory that was thought to be lost forever.

So if you see an image you enjoy, savor it, pause and think back in time to where that subliminal image originated. One cannot go back, but perhaps we can revisit in our memories and understand why that image is important, then again, there is nothing wrong with "just plain enjoying for it's own sake" and creating another subliminal anamnesis.

Thanks for shareing my thoughts and viewing "Summer 98"

Feel free to use in any tasteful, NON-Commercial manner.

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