Irish Ridge Flowers 1998©

Still more flowers 1998 Summer©
John Wm. Greene

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Fall, time of ending or renewal?

Fall has always been my favorite time of year. This to me has been the logical choice for many reasons that seem important to me. Walking or bicycling along a country road such as IRISH RIDGE, one cannot help but see and feel the richness of colors of these hills and valleys. The maple and oak trees in muted colors that soon will turn to blazing orange and rich burgundy, separated by the golden grain and almost brown corn stalks. The sound of squirrels chattering nearby, geese in their familiar V pattern overhead and honking like that sound is what is propelling them south.

Too many rabbits this year so the fox and hawk will have an easy winter. The deer are almost fat from an easy winter last year and a lush green table set for them by mother nature, they will do well unless the winter turns out to be as the old time forecasters are signaling. The caterpillars have lots of fuzzy, the woodchucks are a fat, furry tan color and all those other methods almost lost to the impersonal satellite methods. Better weather predictions now? I wonder.

There are other reasons for my preferring the Fall. Summer chores are almost finished, the rush of vacations in now a memory of photos tucked away until some relative pays a visit. Not as much chance of that happening anymore, TV and busy schedules now with the kids back in school. This is to say nothing of powerful computers that allow us to chat daily anywhere in the world. In some ways that is better, just type a line to a cousin, click send and disappears for a few seconds and sometimes is answered a few seconds after that. Some advancements are nice. Maybe it is an exchange... faster, more often, communication replacing that letter that didn�t get written and mailed. The downside is visits are shorter now, relatives rarely visit for a couple weeks or a month... fitting in the home schedule, helping prepare the meals and sharing the daily chores [as an Aunt wrote in her diary, "Cousin Clara and I did the work", meaning baking bread, pies etc.]. Now it is more likely to sound like, "which restaurant do you prefer?" Better? You be the judge.

Let�s see if you are still reading this: Another thought about Fall and it�s hot sun and the cool nights, being a normal [writers prerogative] teenager in the late 40s and early 50s was a whole wonderful world of many colors. Mind you now I never liked the "poodle skirts" with their long length after being intrigued by those Summer "short shorts", but the time of the sweaters with those pointed bras filling them out, well to a 50s teenager, IT IS FALL, LIFE IS GOOD!

All images from these "Irish Ridge Flowers 98" were made with a 35mm SLR camera with an 80 to 300 mm zoom lens. They were taken with a wide aperature [f4 to f5.6] at an appropriate shutter speed for the available light. They are all my images and the rambling thoughts you read while waiting for the pictures, yes guilty there too!

Feel free to use in any tasteful, NON-Commercial manner.

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