
Reunion of the Green[e]s   1999
This is a partial update of the Green[e] Family Reunion in Boscobel, WI
There will be more photos posted as time permits!
Tompkins and Elizabeth Green
Homesteaders on Irish Ridge, Crawford County, WI in 1854.

The reunion was in Boscobel, WI
With special attention given to the home places, cemeteries, school locations
and the like, that we might revisit and renew with our cousins and ancestors!

WOW! It was Great!
You came and saw cousins you may never have met and renewed many others!

Tompkins and Elizabeth McGrath Green had 10 children, 2 died in young childhood. Two did not have issue. The remaining 6 were all represented at the reunion. I would say this is phenominal considering there have been no reunions in almost 100 years!

This picture with names of the 1800s reunion!
1999 Composite photo of family

This was the first 'all inclusive' Reunion of the descendants of Tompkins and Elizabeth in nearly 100 years. It was planned by descendants of sons: Henry Green, William Green, George Greene and Lintner Greene with input from others. Whether there will be another 'all inclusive' reunion, or not,  in our generation, will depend on interest level in perhaps 5 years. There were 150 that made the trip from all over the US. Others that planned to attend and did not had duties that called at the last minute and prevented them from being there.

Reunion Weekend, July 30 through August 1, 1999

After a year and a half of planning, mailing, making reservations at the Kronshage Park and Blaine Gym, the very hot weekend was a reality. This reunion was going to happen even if there were only a dozen of us there. The set date, weekend of July 31, 1999 is here. This reunion grew and took on a life of it’s own, as though Tompkins and Elizabeth were directing it themselves.

At noon, on Friday, July 30, 1999 at the Unique in Boscobel, we met to make last minute co-ordinations. An old fashioned hamburger and malt shop lunch and we are ready to check out the park for tables etc. All seems in order and the Morans are bringing extra chairs and grills.

1:30 and it is check in time and start greeting early arrivals at the motel lobby. All who come are sharing enthusiastic conversation and hugs. Soon it is time for the Cottonwood cocktail hour. There were about 40 of us there exchanging family photos, historical documents, as well as catching up on the years. The call for dinner time finds all moving to a reserved section, thanks to Barbara Greene Terhune planning, and we were served a hot delicious meal. A highlight was a birthday cake for Audrey Bos for her coming 80th birthday.

Saturday morning starts at the park by 9:00 to set up the tables, signs, lemonade, iced tea, coffee, ice the sodas and set up the registration table area. It was my job to register but was actually done splendidly by my wife, Carol, and cousin Gladys Schubert. Each person receives a number [for the doorprizes] and a color coded nametag. We don’t need the fans or extra awnings because the weather is beautiful with a gentle breeze. Now cousins are arriving and getting acquainted, promptly pitch in and do the last minute things. As more cousins arrive snacks are put out and shared by all. Each family is doing their own picnic. Later we gather for pictures at the grandstand. Trying all 150 on the stand, smaller groups are necessary in the interest of safety. Back to the shelter area and the many doorprizes are called out. A very emotional moment was a special presentation of a knife in a presentation case, hand made for the occasion by James Bartz of MS to John Tompkins Green of WI, they share the same birthday but had not met until this day.

It was especially exciting that Camille Marshall, age 93, and the remaining 2 grandchildren of Tompkins and Elizabeth, Ruth Greene Weideman and Norma Greene Hover, as well as John and Ardella Sutton, were able to attend this reunion. They are lovely people and we thank them and everyone for sharing this time with us.

Later in the afternoon some groups head for a tour of the Irish Ridge homesteads as well as cemeteries of close families. Later the Cottonwood will be the locality of many as well as the downtown area of Boscobel.

Sunday finds a large group at Vales for a long awaited, but plentiful and delicious when it did finally come, breakfast. The waiting time was more sharing of photos and conversation as well as picture taking.

A renewal of cousins from 15 states, coast to coast, from TX to MT, from MS to PA, some drove, some by air, but all came to greet some cousins not seen in over 50 years. Some of us had never met but we are of kindered spirits are all got along beautifully. Our common ancestors, Tompkins and Elizabeth McGrath Green, must have looked down at this weekend of grandchildren with great pride. Take time to reflect on them today, feel their blood coursing through your veins, you are Tompkins and Elizabeth; remember the closeness you experienced at the reunion with cousins. It was the largest gathering of Green[e] descendants that Boscobel has ever seen, let’s keep in touch and let’s renew again in a few years. Thank you all for coming and a special thanks to the many who helped us in so many ways including the donation of door prizes, to make this reunion a success! In addition to the above mentioned, I have enjoyed helping Skip [Paul Greene], Audrey Bos, and especially Harley Green whose dream was to someday have an all inclusive Green[e] reunion [which we lovingly renamed Harley’s Inspiration.]

There were many more names and thanks to be listed, Like the Ruka family, Chitwoods, Weisners, Gloria Green family, the list goes on and on. A wonderful list of cousins and every family there will be sent a newsletter in September with everyone attending listed as well as the group pictures. However, the above article is a FULL 3 column article for the newsletter and there was not room for one more word. So please do not think anyone was forgotten or overlooked. It was a matter of space. Thanks again from the reunion committee for being at the 1999 Green[e] Reunion!

Composite photo of family
It was great seeing you there and thank you for attending.

A Reunion "Thank You!"

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