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Yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya

Glaanir bhavati Bhaarata

Abhyutthaanam adharmasya

Tad’aatmaanam srjaamy aham


Paritraanaaya saadhoonaam

Vinaashaaya ca dushkrtaam


Sambhavaami yuge yuge!


Avidya in the form of darkness

Is being preached by foolish religious leaders

Himsa in the form of darkness

Is still being led by terrorists

Adharma in the form of darkness

Had pervaded the world by Asuras

To illumine this darkness and to destroy Asuras

To sustain Dharma, an Avatar has to descend


Blinded in darkness

Fighting for Asat

Ahamkara ruling their life

Ajnana ruining their life

They are just living in darkness

Fooled by Kama, never there is Viveka

Driven by Artha, never there is Brahmavidya

If there’s no Dharma

Never there is Moksha


When darkness triumphs….


Whenever Dharma decays

Whenever Adharma is ascendant

I create Myself

For the protection of the good

For the destruction of Asuras

And to secure Dharma

I’m born From age to age



dehumanized horde


Still unchanged since beginning

The birth of the “Devil” without purpose

Only had created battlefields

Nothing makes sense in that damned religion

Fighting for land, lusting for women

Their minds still the home for barbaric thoughts

Worse than the dog they shun,

They kill for nothing


He slam the religion for mad dogs

At last, the incarnation of Shaitan

Molting heart and mating all day

He slam the religion for wild pigs


Praying everyday day towards the Great

Had not shown them any paradise

Only making them more hungrier

Than the stray dogs

They even kill their own peers

In a pretext of pro-action

They bleed for the sick

Without self control


Holding on to their holy books

Of sex, lies and violence

The life of their ideal man

An example of degenerated life

Implementing those laws

Had caused the society’s downfall

These condemned morticians

Still a barbaric horde





Armed with your scripture, you’re trying to ruin this world.

But, it’s not sufficient therefore you wander with weapons.

Then, you enforce fear in those minds of the helpless beings.

And once again, they’re nailed to the religion of the beasts.


Slaying mercilessly, those who won’t commit


Killing in the name of god, then you call it a holy war.

If bloodshed is so holy, then what’s so unholy?

Feasting on human lives, if that’s what your scriptures teach,

Why do you pray to that shit, tear them into pieces.

Your religion, the compound of all evil!


Your religion will be exterminated.


Wherever your religion exists, peace ceases to exist.

By spreading your religion, the result is only violence.

The only way to restore peace is to rip you piece by piece.

Your extinction is the only solution.

  Your religion, the compound of all evil





The day had become night by the blackened clouds.

The stench of innocent death filled the smoke filled air.

Thousands of pagans were set ablaze alive.

Still there are precious lives to be slaughtered for God.


In the trial injustice is done.

All pagans are guilty.

The innocent blamed as evil without any hesitation

God’s messengers locked in cell,

Raped and battered brutally.

Sanctioned by the holy one with a blackened heart.


In the name of God,

Taken to the stakes.

Gripped on to the nails,

Cursed and sworn!


Waiting for the crowd to gather.

Constructing the execution site.

Gathering the fuel for the burning

Preceded by solemn preaching.

Semiconscious victim’s body nailed on to the stakes.

Human stakes were set ablaze by the followers of Devil


They call Him merciful

They burn in the name of God

Mindless foolish beliefs to attain heaven

It’s a holy slaughter.

Holy slaughter in the name of god.





Aryavarta was the land of the noble.

Bharat! Where the Vedas were revealed.

Hindusthan! The home of Maharishis.

It was the land of Sattva!


But, what’s India now?

Never like before.

Filled with unreasonable violence.

Corrupted politicians ruining the great land

  What’s India now?

Never like before.

It’s completely ineffable.

Not knowing your true self, you can never be an Aryan


Letting stray dogs into Bharat  had spread many diseases.

A disease, which has no cure unless the stray dogs are slaughtered!


Aryavarta was the land of the noble.

Bharat! Where the Vedas were revealed.

Hindusthan! The home of Maharishis

It was the land of Sattva!


But, what’s India now

Never like before

Terrorized by the circumcised!

  They will just come and they will just kill.

How can you stand and watch?

Know yourself, do your Dharma!

You are the Kshatriya!

Bharat, our motherland!

Would you let anyone touch your mother?


Never let in those dogs again who spread diseases!

A disease, which has no cure, slaughter those dogs!


Jai Bharat!


Aryavarta! The land of the noble again.

The land of eternal Sattva!




I choose not to dwell in obscurity

Unknown truths within the society

I will never bend to plans that bury me…


There is oppression within the nation

But those who unveil are quickly silenced

One day their crimes will stop

For they can never not keep us from the truth

“We will overpower you!!!”


Within folds behind the closed doors

They all congregate plan to eradicate

All resistance that shows persistence

Against oppression with objection


Begin the revolt

There is not much time

Systematic death of the over mind


Lies that ablate

Our common goal

Bring down the walls of the deceitful


I choose not to dwell in obscurity

Unknown truths within the society

I will never bend to plans that bury me

  “We will overpower you!”





It was a place where peace hovered

Mother Nature at her very best

Security in the minds of the innocent

Maybe, it never meant to last


The bullets went astray

Bomb blasts everywhere

Killing thousands of innocent


The bastards are back again to loot the culture away.

So that they can establish their destructive way of life.

  Placing their swords which have quenched the thirst of blood

On the necks of numerous followers of the Vedas

On their other hand, they hold the heads of the sacred people

Forcing them to adapt to their stupid lifestyle or else die

  But dying is much greater than following their way of life

And getting a birth of a scum in their next life

So, they choose to die in the hands of the cowards

Resulting in the boom of the terrorists.



It’ll never be the Pakis’!

They’ve to pay

For every Sadhus’ blood spilled on the land!


We’ve waited for so long to defend our great heritage

It won’t take us that long to crush them into pieces

Wage the war

It’s time for Dharmayuddha!





Man made religions preaching blatant lies to the masses

A crooked system that ‘ensure’ them a heaven

‘Where is heaven?’ if that question arises

You stare stupidly at the space

Knocking the doors of the helpless and the ignorant

Bribing them with the desire of happiness

In return you ask for their soul

To fight for your place in heaven

You think that eternal bliss is in heaven

You picture god is relaxing on his throne

You lust to massage his legs

Just think if you can, where’s your body?

Just waiting for your death to arrive so that

You will be ushered to the heaven by the angel

So, why do you still live then?

Just go and die, die, die…!


If you preach again, I’ll preach your death

Tearing your lies and burning them

You need not wait for judgment day

I’ll show you the hell in you….


God created the universe…

Who created god?

You fool! You know the answer?

I created god…


In Genesis, your book proved itself to be a lie

A book of historical events

Filled with stupid folk tales

And you call it a holy book

You proudly say that you are a born sinner

Blindly believing in what your book of lies says

Don’t you have a mind of your own?

You are just like the one in a herd

Your book says he’s eternal and formless

And it says he speaks to the people

So illogical and unverifiable

Indeed, it’s the best book of lies

I know that these can’t shake your mind

It’s not that you have a strong mind

The reason being you don’t have one

So, listen to this…


If you preach again, I’ll preach your death

Tearing your lies and burning them

You need not wait for judgment day

I’ll show you the hell in you….


God created the universe…

Who created god?

You fool! You know the answer?

I created god…





From a stone He arrived as the Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

With a body of a human and the head of the mighty lion.

Here He comes with the divine purpose to destroy Adharma.


Fearsome, almighty! His eyes glowing like the molten gold.

Razor sharp tongue rattling viciously between His deadly teeth.

He stands with his shiny mane dancing in the wind.


Standing still, overwhelmed!

Gripped by fear, Hiranya seems to be afraid?

With the ghada in hand, he charged towards Narasimha.

Not knowing the fate, which awaits him.


Narasimha battling effortlessly with the insolent Hiranyakashipu.

Twilight falls when they stand at the gates, eyes of Hiranya projects the fear of death.

Narasimha stared into the eyes of ignorance.

Lifting him with his bare hands, placing on his laps, Narasimha proceeds with his Dharma


Piercing with His tongue, blood spurts on His face!

Ripping with His claws, killing with no remorse!

Entrails round His neck, blood trickles down His chest!

In rage He roars, Dharma upheld again!


Jai Narasimha!


I am Narasimha incarnated to establish Dharma!

Killing all the leaders of organized religions, the backbone of society’s downfall!


Jnana, that’s my weapon, nothing else needed for my destination!

Holy hypocrites, they claim as the middleman of Him and me!

Who are they to show the path? Have they seen the path? Any verification?

Don’t be fooled by them. There’s no one between Him and me. I am He!


Jai Narasimha!




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