Dino Evolution
'Its Morphin Time!'----------'Dragonzord!'----------'Tigerzord!'----------'Zeo Ranger V, Red!'----------'Red Lightning Turbo Power!'
JDF Bio - Tommy Bio - Gallery - Multimedia

Tommy Oliver was the new kid in school, he quickly took a liking to Kimberly Hart and showed off his martial arts prowess. Rita Repulsa saw him as the perfect being to take on her green ranger powers. Rita went dowm to earth with a squad of puttys and captured Tommy, up in her moon palace she placed him under a spell and gave him the dragon coin that turned him into the evil Green Ranger.

As the Green Ranger Tommy had the powerful Dragon shield that could deflect energy attacks. He also had the Dragon Dagger that doubled as a flute. The Green Ranger used this to summon his mighty Dragonzord, a large mechanical beast with the power and might of the mystical Dragon. Tommy could control the Dragonzord either from the ground with the flute or from the cockpit inside the head of the zord.

Tommy was sent down to earth to fight the Power Rangers, one of which was Kimberly the pink ranger. He payed her no mind as he crushed her in battle along with the others.

Tommy was then sent to the Command Center, home of Ritas arch enemy Zordon and mentor to the Rangers. There he deactivated zordon and destroyed the controls inside the center.

Eventualy the Rangers where able to get Zordon back and fix the center. They learned that while the Green Ranger was there he was scanned, the scans revealed that it was Tommy, the Rangers couldnt believe it.

At the local hangout, Ernies juice bar, Kimberly tryed to confront Tommy who was working out. She met a cold stare and the promise that the Rangers would be destroyed.

In what was to be the last battle Tommy was given the sword of darkness to finally destroy the Power Rangers. But Jason the Red Ranger was able to destroy the sword thus lifting the spell from Tommy, who then decided he would join the team as the 6th ranger.

Rita then created a special candle that when burnt down would drain all of the Green Ranger powers. The other Rangers where unsuccesful in trying to stop her plan and Tommy lost his ranger powers. But to make sure that his powers where not transferred to Rita for her own evil plans Tommy passed his powercoin, Shield, Dagger, and the last remains of his power to Jason.

A dark day for the Rangers came when Rita captured all there parents, to get them back the Rangers had to give her there powercoins. Without the rangers the world was doomed, but Tommy had just returned and was willing to tap into the morphing grid one last time, He regained his powercoin and with alittle energy boost straight from Zordon the green ranger was able to free the parents and get back the rangers coins. But these new powers where only temporary and once again Tommy lost his powers, he then left town to sort out his life, the rangers feared he would never return. Kimberly wondered if there love would last.

When the evil Lord Zedd invaded the moon palace and took over the fight for earth he brought with him much more powerful monsters and puttys then Rita could ever create. This forced the Power Rangers to upgrade to the Thunderzords, but they where still out matched. Zordon decided the time had come to create a new more powerful Ranger.

Billy, the Blue Ranger stumbled apon a hidden room in the Command Center where Zordon had retreated to create this Ranger, he then informed the others of what he had seen. The others where confused as to why a new ranger was being added and why it couldnt be Tommy to join the team again.

The Rangers where then summoned to the Command Center where Zordon presented the new White Ranger. The White Ranger slowly removed his helmet, the rangers all let out smiles when the tiger face moved away and there was Tommy in the white ranger gear, "Hey guys, guess whos back".

Kimberly, speachless embraced her white knight, but then stood confused, wondering how it was possible if Tommys powers had been destroyed. Alpha5, zordons robotic companion explained that the Green Rangers powers where destroyed, not 'Tommys'. Zordon continued explaining that the new powers where created from good so they could not be taken away by evil.

As the White Ranger Tommy was much more powerful then the others, making him a nearly invincible opponent. So Tommy took the leadership position, Jason was his second in command.

Tommy's arsenal consisted of a shield on his upper body that could deflect almost all attacks. Also he had a wise companion Saba, Saba is his sabre that can speak to the white ranger helping him in battle. Saba also helps the white ranger pilot his zord, the Tigerzord, a giant mechanical tiger that could transform into 'Warrior Mode', a robotic looking mode to fight hand to hand with the large monsters threatning Angel Grove.

Jason, along with Trini the yellow ranger and Zack the black ranger are chosen to attend a peace conference and pass there powers onto three new Rangers, Rocky, Aisha, and Adam.

Ritas Brother, Rito Revolto joined with Rita and Zedd, he went down to earth and while fighting the Rangers was able to destroy the Thunderzords and the Rangers Powers.

The Power teens then had to take a long trek through the Desert of Despare to find the Temple of Power. Inside was a grand ninja master ninjor, he helped the teens look into there heart and gain ninja powers.

Tommy gained the white ninja powers of the falcon, and along with the powers a new powercoin.

With the call of 'I need ninja power now!' Tommy became outfitted with a ninja suit, when the battle escalates Tommy can then call out 'Its morphin Time!.... White Ranger Power!' and morph into his original white ranger gear, powered by his ninja coin.

The White Ninja Ranger has heightened strength, speed, and durability. Also has the powers of ground swimming, line of sight teleportation, phasing, multiplication, energy projection, hypnotic persuasion, and many other "ninja magic" powers.

Kimberly is chosen to move to florida and train for the pan global games as a gymnastics competitor. Kimberly chooses to go and pass her pink ninja ranger powers onto her friend Katherine.

Master Vile, Ritas father comes to the moon palace and using the Orb of Doom turns back time on earth, reverting the rangers to powerless children, To turn back time the Power Children must each go on a mission to find a shard of the Zeo Crystal, a crystal that the rangers themselves broke up and scattered to stop Vile from getting his hands on it.

Tommys quest brought him to Americas past where he is confronted by a wise old Shaman who had three small pouchs.

The young Tommy had to choose the right one. By listening to his instincts he was able to choose the pouch that held his zeo sub crystal.

Before leaving the shaman also gave Tommy half an arrow head, the other half belonging to his long lost brother David.

After the kids, Rocky, Tommy, Adam, Tanya, and Kat had returned with there sub crystals they united them to form the Zeo Crystal, turning time back to normal changing the kids back to teenagers. But Goldar and Rito invaded the Command Center and stole it, on there way out leaving the center to explode.

Zordon and Alpha forced the teens to teleport out, they where left outside to watch the building go up in flames, the fate of there mentor and friend unknown.

While sifting through the rubble the teens uncover the zeo crystal, Goldar and Rito had been cought in the blast and dropped it. Apon picking it up the teens fall through the ground and uncover a hidden chamber below the command center which has now rebuilt itself, this chamber is the teens new base of operations, the Power Chamber.

They find that Alpha and Zordon are safe, they teleported down to the Power Chamber right after teleporting the teens outside before the blast.

The teens are then confronted with images of a new threat, The Machine Empire had driven Rita and Zedd away and wanted Earth! So the teens accessed the power of the zeo crystal, Tommy became the Red Zeo Power Ranger!

Kimberly, training in florida for the Pan Global Games had met someone else, the long distance relationship with Tommy had reached its breaking point. She broke up with Tommy through a letter sent to Ernies Juice bar. In an effort to cheer him up the rangers went on a sking trip where Tommy grew ever closer to the current pink ranger, Kat.

Tommy began to dream about the arrowhead he was given during his quest for the Zeo Crystal. Driving out to the desert to learn more about Sam Trueheart and the arrowhead, Tommy saw a man who looked a great deal like him. Before he can learn anymore, he was sent on a journey by Sam Trueheart to prove himself worthy of the knowledge.

At the end of the journey, he discovered that the man was actually his old brother David. Being an adopted child, Tommy never knew he had a brother. David explained that the arrowhead was a great responsibility and had great power. Combined it was capable of controlling an ancient spirit known as an Autocthon. King Mondo kidnapped David and Tommy was forced to retrieve him. The arrowhead was split in two again and David remained at the reservation while Tommy remained in school.

Through many hard fought battles the Zeo Rangers, with the help of Tommys old friend Jason now as the Gold Ranger, are able to drive back the evil forces, destroying several ranking officials in the empire.

When the Evil Space Pirate Divatox came to earth for conquest the Zeo Crystal was not powerful enough to stop her. So the Rangers and Zordon with the aid of Alpha5 in the Power Chamber created much more powerful, Turbo Charged powers.

The new Turbo powers where car themes, Tommy once again became red ranger and team leader, his sports car themed powers where called 'Red Lightning'.

The new power shift also saw a new ranger, Justin a 12 year old fan of the rangers joined as the new blue ranger, replacing Rocky who had injured his back before the shift in training for a karate tournament.

Along with the powers came new, more powerful car zords that could combine into the Turbo Megazord. Tommy proved to be a wise and powerful leader.

The time then came for Zordon and Alpha to return home to Eltare, to replace the wise warlock in the giant glass cylinder was Dimitria and along with her she brought the newest base protocal droid, Alpha6.

Tommy and the team, throughout there many battles where able to graduate from highschool, hold down small jobs and interests, as well as greatly weaken Divatoxs forces.

But then, in her great wisdom, the rangers mentor Dimitria decided that it was time for the senior rangers to retire and pass on there new powers.

Tommy choose T.J. to take on the red turbo powers, for when Tommy had been captured by Divatoxs forces and his life threatened, T.J. stepped in and saved him.

In a grand ceremony Tommy passed on his powers to T.J., Tanya to Ashley, Kat to Cassie, Adam to Carlos, and Justin stayed on the team as the blue ranger.

It is later revealed that at this time Tommy went on to a new area of interest for him, Dino Technology, somthing that would eventually become a nightmare.

Many more battles where fought between good and evil, In the grandest to closely follow the Turbo era Zordon the former mentor to the Power Rangers sacrificed himself to stop the evil that was destroying the universe, his death brought apon the destruction of Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Divatox, and the current evil Astronema and Dark Spectre as well as there evil armies.

With each three hundred and sixty fith turn of the sun a new more powerful evil was born, and a new ranger team was asembled to take them down. This happens repeatedly for many years, earth always in danger, and super heros always there to save it.

In 2002 the evil Org had been reborn after thousends of years, and the Wild Force Power Rangers, Cole, Alyssa, Max, Taylor, Danny, and Merrick where formed to destroy them.

But while they where fighting down on earth, up in space former red ranger Andros was working with former red ranger Tommy to track the remains of the Machine Empire.

Five Machine Generals has somehow survived after Zordon had destroyed the Empire and where ploting to take over earth in the name of the fallen King Mondo. To do this they where after Lord Zedds old personal zord Serpentara. After learning that Zedd had left it buried on Earths moon they set about digging it up.

At this point the former rangers decided it was time to call in some help, under the leadership of Tommy ten red rangers where united, Jason the original Mighty Morphin Ranger, Aurico the Red Alien Ranger, himself Tommy the Red Zeo Ranger, T.J. the Red Turbo Ranger, Andros the Red Space Ranger, Leo the Red Galaxy Ranger, Carter the Red Lightspeed Ranger, Wes and Eric the Time Force Red and Quantum Rangers, and current Red Ranger Cole.

They came together at the NASADA space port and headed for the moon in the Astro Megaship Mark II. Together they battled and won against evil, destroying the generals and serpentara. Tommy lead the group bravely and at the end of the day suavely walked away to continue his life as a scientist studying Dino Tech.

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